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The common-emitter (CE) connection (Fig. 4.4) is the most commonly used one because it gives the largest power amplification of all.
Fig. 4.4. Connection of a transistor in a common-emitter (CE) circuit
The current gain of such a stage, is the ratio between the peak (or rms) values of output and input alternating currents, that is, the a. c. components of collector and base currents:
=Iout m /Iin m = ICm /IBm. (4.9)
Because the collector current is tens to hundreds of times as great as the base current, has a value of several tens or hundreds.
The amplifying properties of a transistor with the common-emitter connection are stated in terms of one of transistor’s principal parameters-the beta current gain factor, β:
β =∆ IC /∆ IB with UCE held const.
As already noted, β may practically be as high as several hundreds. The stage current gain , however, is always smaller than β because bringing the load resistance RC into circuit reduces the collector current, IC.
The stage voltage gain, :
= Uout m / U in m = URKm / UBEm = UCEm / UBEm.
Therefore, ranges from tens to several hundreds.
It follows, therefore, that the stage power gain, , may range from several hundreds to tens of thousands:
= Pout / Pin = I out m Uin m /I in m Uin m=
An important quantity characterizing a transistor is its input resistance Rin. For a CE connection it is:
= Uin m / Iin m = UBEm / IBm
and ranges from hundreds of ohms to several kilohms.
A CE transistor amplifier stage inverts the phase of the signal voltage - the phase difference between the input and output voltages is 180°.
The common-base (CB) connection. Although this circuit configuration (Fig. 4.5) yields a substantially lower power gain and has a still lower input resistance than the CE connection, it is used sometimes all the same because it compares favourably with the CE connection with regard to frequency and temperature.
Fig. 4.6. Connection of a transistor in a common-base (CB) circuit
The current gain of a CB stage is always slightly less than unity, because the collector current is always only slightly smaller than the emitter current.
The voltage gain of a CB stage is defined as:
= UCBm / UEBm.
It is the same in value as in the CE connection, that is, it ranges from tens to hundreds.
Because the power gain is the product of current and voltage gains,
, and
is approximately equal to unity, it follows that
is about the same as
, that is, its value ranges from tens to hundreds.
The input resistance of a CB amplifier stage is:
= UEBm / IEm =
The CB circuit does not reverse the phase of the input voltage.
The common-collector (CC) connection. In this configuration (Fig. 4.6) the collector is a true common point for the input and output circuits because the EB and EC sources are
always shunted by high-value capacitors and it is legitimate to visualize them as virtual short-
circuits for alternating current. A distinction of this configuration is that all of the output
voltage is fed back to the input-it is said that a very large amount of negative feedback is used.
Fig. 4.6. Connection of a transistor in common-collector (CC) circuit
The input voltage is the sum of the alternating base-to-emitter voltage, UBE, and the output voltage:
The current gain of a CC circuit is about the same as that of the CE connection-it has a value of several tens or hundreds. To demonstrate,
= IEm /IBm = (ICm + IBm)/ IBm = ICm / IBm + 1=
+1 ≈ β+1.
In contrast, the voltage gain is very close to, but always less than, unity:
= Uout m / Uin m = Uout m /(UBEm + Uout m) < 1.
The value of UBEm is a few tenths of a volt, and that of Uout m is several volts so that UBEm «Uout m. In consequence, is approximately equal to unity.
The input resistance of a CC amplifier stage is hundreds of kilohms, and this is an important advantage of this circuit configuration. Thus,
= Uin m / Iin m = (UBEm + Uout m)/ IBm =
+(β+1)RE .
The output resistance of a CC stage is relatively small, usually tens kilohms or even hundreds of ohms.
Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 74 | Нарушение авторских прав
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