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Subject 6. Deviation and social control

Subject 1. Sociology as science | Subject 2. The main directions in the history of development of sociology | Subject 3. Society as social system | Subject 4. Social structure and stratification | Subject 8. Culture sociology | Subject 10. Technique and technology of concrete sociological researches |

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Occupation purpose: formation of sociological ideas of social behavior and its regulatory mechanisms; to carry out the substantial analysis of the concepts "norm" and "value"; studying of mechanisms of social control; definition of deviant behavior; acquaintance to the main sociological concepts of deviant behavior; increasing knowledge of various forms of deviant behavior.

Basic concepts: social behavior, social norm, norms – expectations, norms – rules, values, the sanction, social control, conformism, deviant behavior, delinkventny behavior, an anomy, a stigma, deviant career.



1. Social norm and social control.

2. Theories of deviant behavior.

3. Main forms of deviation.


Questions for reflection, self-examination and repetition:

1. What is the social control? What elements it includes and what functions in society carries out?

2. What classification of social sanctions?

3. What means concept of self-checking and what its value of life of society?

4. How norms and values correspond between themselves?

5. What main functions of social norms?

6. In what an essence of the integrating function of social norms?

7. The system of social control designed by P. Berger consists of what circles?

8. What main types of external control?

9. In what essence of supervision as kinds of external control?

10. How control and management correspond between themselves?


Tasks and exercises:

1. List types of social norms and types of punishment known to you which can follow for their violation.

2. The English philosopher and the historian A. Toynbee wrote: "Value, is similar to time, is relative". How you think, what the English thinker meant? Comment on the provided statement.

3. Think, whether can act as means of social control: homeworks, the medical certificate, the passport, the ticket, library, an academic degree, a session of parliament, phone, a notebook, hours, the computer, the TV, scales, an odezhkda, price tags on goods, advertizing, the traffic light, a window

4. Analyse behavior of the people surrounding you in life and note those acts which you consider deviant.

5. According to polls of the American sociologists, 99% of representatives of middle class confessed that ever broke the law. According to the Russian sociologists, practically all domestic businessmen violate the existing legislation.

Offer a sociological explanation for the given social facts.

6. Crime, R. Merton noted, represents "normal reaction of normal people to abnormal conditions".

Comment on the provided statement. Whether you agree with similar treatment of crime? Compare the answers to answers of the companions on group.

7. What type of social adaptation is characterized by the following statements: "I am happy that I have", "Others are in much worst situation, than I", "The above you will fly up, the more painfully to fall", "It isn't worth leaning out too".

8. When holding football matches the low blow – traumatizing the leading player of the competing team is sometimes used.

Whether this type of behavior belongs to the deviant? Find for it the corresponding explanation.

9. Researchers emphasize that toughening of negative sanctions doesn't lead to unambiguous increase of efficiency of social control to what the statistics of offenses testifies. Experience shows that strengthening of punishments very in an insignificant measure leads to decrease in number of crimes. This phenomenon received the name of "crisis of punishments". Try to offer the developed explanation of this phenomenon. Use basic provisions of the theory of stigmatization and the concept of "a deviance spiral" for its analysis.

10. Some sociologists use concept of deviant career which is understood as transition from one stage of deviation to another and formation of continuous deviation on the basis of a specific type of "socialization".

Try to define the main stages of similar "career". Apply it to the description of drug addiction, alcoholism, criminal crimes.

11. Analyzing dynamics of suicides, E. Durkheim allocated three types of suicide: egoistical, anomichesky and altruistic. Specify, what reasons caused each of the specified types. Give the suicides known to you characterizing the listed types.



1) the norms defining borders of admissible behavior;

2) the behavior form which is morally estimated by group;

3) social ideals, and also the most general concepts about the purposes and means of social activity;

4) wishes, instructions, the expectations and requirements defining a framework of social action;

5) historically developed and socially approved forms of behavior or the relation to something;

6) reaction of group to behavior of the social subject;

7) set of separate acts, social interactions, and also reactions of social subjects (communities, groups, persons) on activity of social system and other people;

8) purposeful influence of society on the behavior of the individual pursuing the aim of maintenance of a social order and stability;

9) the steady way of behavior which isn't meeting negative reaction of group;

10) the behavior deviating norm;

11) definition of the person as deviant;

12) according to R. Merton, the mismatch between the purposes, intentions and interests which are defined by this culture, on the one hand, and socially approved ways of achievement of these is more whole, with another;

13) the behavior connected with violation of norms – rules;

14) the norms outlining a framework of socially approved behavior.



1. Гидденс Э. Социология. М., 1999.

2. Кравченко А.И. Социология: Учебник для вузов. М., 2008.

1. Смелзер Н. Социология. М., 1994.

3. Социология: Учеб. для вузов / Под ред. В.Н. Лавриненко. 2-е изд., перераб., доп., М., 2000.

4. Фролов С.С. Основы социологии: Учебное пособие. М., 2004.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 25 | Нарушение авторских прав

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