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  1. Рум құқығының негізгі белгілері.
  2. Ызметтерді бірнеше белгілері бойынша жіктеуге болады.

Теоретическая грамматика



"traditional grammar" began with the work of.... A) Dionysius Thrax.

... is a semantic or topical unity of the spoken or written text. A) Coherence

... is a succession of spoken or written sentences. A) Cohesion

... means identification by pointing. A) Deixis

... are subdivided into personal, possessive, demonstrative, definite, negative, reflexive, interrogative and reciprocal. A) Pronouns

... was initiated by Prof. G.Pocheptsov in 1971. A) Constructional analysis of syntactic units

.… involve no changes in the structure of the parts of the sentence. Internal syntactic processes

.…are those that cause new relations within a syntactic unit and lead to appearance of a new part of the sentence. External syntactic processes

_______ can have a function of nouns. A) Infinitives

________ can have a function of adjectives. A) Infinitives

_________ can have a function of nouns. A) Gerunds

_______can have a function of adverbs. A) Infinitives

“Grammaire générale de Port-Royal” was published in … A) 1660

“May” followed by the non-perfect common infinitive expresses: A) permission, prohibition, request

“Must” followed by the non-perfect common infinitive may express A) obligation, prohibition, invitations

… are otherwise, however, nevertheless, yet, still, therefore A) Connective adverbs

… are words which denote the number of some objects. A) Numerals

… is generally used to denote some circumstances or characteristic features of an event, its time, place, manner. A) The adverb

… is generally used to denote some circumstances or characteristic features of an event, its time, place, manner. A) The adverb

… is used to denote a quality or feature of an object. A) The adjective

… is used to denote a quality or feature of an object. A) The adjective

… may be subdivided into the following groups: time or frequency, place or direction, manner, measure or degree, interrogative, connective adverbs A) Adverbs

… may be subdivided into the following groups: time or frequency, place or direction, manner, measure or degree, interrogative, connective adverbs A) Adverbs

… are taken to denote the group as consisting of a certain number of individual human beings (or animal). A) Nouns of multitude

… are taken to denote the group as consisting of a certain number of individual human beings (or animal). A) Nouns of multitude

… are the functions of the definite article. A) The identifying function, the definitizing function and the individualizing function

… are the functions of the indefinite article A) The classifying function, the indefinitizing function, the introductory function and the quantifying function

… are various additional statements inserted in the sentence. A) Insertions

… are words and phrases which have no syntactical ties with the sentence, and express the speaker’s attitude towards he says. A) Parenthesis

… denote either number or place in a sentence. A) Numerals

… denote either number or place in a sentence. A) Numerals

… denotes the relations between the given object and other objects, phenomena or events. A) The preposition

… express connections between things and phenomena. A) Conjunctions

… express connections between things and phenomena. A) Conjunctions

… express feelings. They are not names of feelings but the immediate expression of them. A) Interjections

… express feelings. They are not names of feelings but the immediate expression of them. A) Interjections

… express the speaker’s evaluations of the relations between an action and reality. A) Modal verbs

… express the speaker’s evaluations of the relations between an action and reality. A) Modal verbs

… form degrees of comparison. A) Adjectives

… form degrees of comparison. A) Adjectives

… have degrees of comparison. A) Adverbs

… have the category of case. A) Nouns

… have the category of case. A) Nouns

… have the category of case. A) Nouns

… have the category of number. A) Nouns

… have the category of number. A) Nouns

… have the category of number. A) Nouns

… is a part of speech. It denotes the action or property of the thing expressed by the subject. A) Predicate

… is a part of speech. It denotes the action or property of the thing expressed by the subject. A) predicate

… is a part of the sentence. It denotes the things whose action or characteristic is expressed by the predicate. A) Subject

… is a part of the sentence. It denotes the things whose action or characteristic is expressed by the predicate. A) Subject

… is a type of word different from all other types in that it alone has the grammatical category of tense. A) The Verb

… is a type of word different from all other types in that it alone has the grammatical category of tense. A) The Verb

… is a type of word different from all other types in that it alone has the grammatical category of tense. A) The Verb

… is a type of word differing from other types in some grammatical point or points. A) Part of speech

… is a type of word differing from other types in some grammatical point or points. A) Part of speech

… is a universal phenomenon: it occurs in all natural languages. A) Indirectness

… is every combination of two or more words which is a grammatical unit but is not an analytical form of some word. A) Phrase

… is every combination of two or more words which is a grammatical unit but is not an analytical form of some word. A) Phrase

… is putting the predicate before the subject in the sentence. A) Inversion

… is the part of grammar, which treats of forms of phrases and sentences. Syntax

… is the part of grammar, which treats of the forms of words. Morphology

… is the smallest meaningful unit into which a word form may be divided. Morpheme

… morphemes have no lexical meaning or function. A) Inflection

… morphemes serve to build words. A) Derivation

… nouns are nouns taken to denote the group as a whole. A) Collective

… nouns are nouns taken to denote the group as a whole. A) Collective

… sentences are sentences which have no separate subject and predicate but one main part instead. A) One-member

… sentences express request, order or forbiddance to do something. A) Imperative

… types of word-form derivation are those implying the use of auxiliary words. A) Analytic

… types of word-form derivation are those implying the use of auxiliary words. A) Analytic

… types of word-form derivation are those limited to changes in the body of the word, without having recourse to auxiliary words. A) Synthetic

… types of word-form derivation are those limited to changes in the body of the word, without having recourse to auxiliary words. A) Synthetic

… words are those denoting things, actions and other extralinguistic phenomena. A) Notional

… words denote relations and connections between the notional words, and thus have no direct bearing on anything extralinguistic. A) Formal




A distributional approach to the problem of the number of parts of speech was developed by... A) Charles Fries

A phoneme is – А) a distinctive unit.

A sparing use of sound alternations to denote grammatical forms is one of the chief features characterizing an … language. Analytical

A subordinate clause which functions as an adjective in a sentence. A) Adjective clause.

A subordinate clause, which functions as a subject, object, or complement in a sentence. A)Noun clause

A subordinate clause, which functions as an adverb in a sentence. A) Adverb clause

A wide use of prepositions to denote relations between objects and to connect words in the sentence is one of the chief features characterizing an … language. Analytical

A word which comes before a noun and affects the meaning of the noun. A) Article.

According to the aim of utterance the sentences are divided into … Find the unnecessary one. A) declarative

According to the form of existence nouns may be.... A) animate and inanimate

According to the form of existence the noun can be: animate and inanimate

According to the structure the phrase may be… Simple or compound

According to the structure Verb-Phrases may be classified into: basic, expanded, extended

According to the structure word-groups can be divided into: simple, expanded, extended

According to the type of nomination nouns may be.... A) proper and common

According to the type of nomination the noun can be: proper and common

According to the type of syntagmatic relations word-groups can be divided into: coordinate, subordinate, predicative

According to their morphological composition adjectives can be subdivided into: A) simple, derived and compound

According to their morphological composition nouns can be divided into: A) simple, derives and compound

According to their morphological composition verbs can be divided into: A) simple, derivative, compound, phrasal

According to their quantitative structure nouns can be... A) countable and uncountable

According to their structure sentences can be divided into … Find the unnecessary one. A)unextended

Adjectives have two main syntactical functions: they may be used as …. attributes or predicatives

Adjectives have two main syntactical functions: they may be used as …. attributes or predicatives

Affixal morphemes are subdivided into … Prefixes and suffixes

All groups of words are arranged in: Levels

All I know is what I have seen in the press. The underlined part of the sentence is … clause. A)Predicative

All parts of speech are divided into 4 classes and 15 groups by… Ch. Fries

All parts of speech are divided into declinable and indeclinable by … H. Sweet

All parts of speech can be divided into … Notional and structural

An inflection morpheme can acquire a lexical meaning in some special cases. These are cases of … A) lexicalization

Animate nouns fall into.... A) human and non-human

Aristotle was the first... A) who described the syntactic structure of a sentence.

As the part of speech noun can be characterized by the following criteria … semantic, morphological, syntactical




Bodies are lighter in water that they are in air. The underlined nouns are … A) adverbial modifier

By … (one of the principles of the parts of speech classification) we mean the morphological characteristics of a type of word. A) Form

By … (one of the principles of the parts of speech classification) we mean the syntactical properties of a type of word. A) Function

By … (type of word-form derivation) we mean building a form of a word from an altogether different stem. A) Suppletive formations

By … we mean a method of expressing a syntactical relationship, which consist in making the subordinate word take a form similar to that of the word to which it is subordinate. A) Agreement

By … we understand the use of a certain form of the subordinate word required by its head word, but not coinciding with the form of the head word itself. A) Government

By Chomsky, when a child is born he…. A) is already aware of a certain language

By homogeneous parts of a sentence we mean parts of the … category. A) Same

By pragmatic processes we mean A) the processes used to bridge up the gap between the semantic representations of sentences and the interpretation of utterances in context




Can followed by the non-perfect common aspect infinitive expresses: A) physical and mental ability, possibility, permission, prohibition, request

Case expresses …. A) the relation of a word to another word in the word-group or sentence

Ch. Fries divided all parts of speech into… 4 classes and 15 groups

Choose the correct definition of a morpheme: It is the smallest meaningful unit of the word

Coherence.... A) is a semantic or topical unity of the spoken or written text

Coherence is usually achieved by means of … theme and rheme progression

Cohesion.... A) is a succession of spoken or written sentences

Cohesive ties within the text are also formed by.. endophoric relations

Communicative maxims make it possible to generate inferences, which are defined as А) conversational implicatures and conventional implicatures

Comparatively few grammatical inflections are one of the chief features characterizing an… language. Analytical

Constructional analysis of syntactic units was initiated by... in 1971. A) Prof. G.Pocheptsov

Constructional analysis of syntactic units was initiated by.... A) Prof. G.Pocheptsov

Constructional analysis of syntactic units was initiated by Prof. G.Pocheptsov in.... A) 1971

Cooperative Principle presupposes that conversation is governed by … basic rules, Maxims of Conversation. A) 4

Coordination is a syntactic bond which exists between… The units of syntactically equal rank

Criteria of the English words formation: A) semantic, morphological and syntactic.



Define an example of subject-predicate relations: weather change

Define the example of expanded structure of the Verb-phrase: to write and issue the novel, to cook soap and beefsteak

Define the list of qualitative adjectives: extravagant, reddish, hearty

Define the list of relative adjectives: surgical, mediaeval, tabular

Define the Possessive Genitive. My father’s farm.

Deixis.... A) means identification by pointing

Discourses are formed by … А) sequence of utterances




Endophoric relations are of two kinds – those that look back in the text for their interpretation are called…. those that look forward in the text are called … anaphoric relations, cataphoric relations,

English is… Mainly an analytical language

Explain to what classes of pronouns the following pronouns belong to: my, your, his/her/its, our, their. Possessive

Explain to what classes of pronouns the following pronouns belong to: myself, yourself, himself/herself/itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves. Reflexive

Explain to what classes of pronouns the following pronouns belong to: That, these, this, those, such, so Demonstrative

Explain to what classes of pronouns the following pronouns belong to: Which, what, why, who, where, which. Interrogative

Explain to what classes of pronouns the following pronouns belong to: Some, something, someone, one, any, anybody, anyone, anything, no, nobody, none Indefinite

Explain to what classes of pronouns the following pronouns belong to: Each other, one another Reciprocal

Explain to what classes of pronouns the following pronouns belong to: Neither, all, each, both, either, every, everything, everybody Universal

Find adjectives which form their degrees of comparison by means of irregularly: A) good, bad, little, many




Find compound adjectives: A) colour – blind, blue-eyed, fair-haired

Find English non-count nouns: A) advice, news, progress, research, knowledge

Find English plural invariable nouns: A) sweepings, clothes, greens, contents, odds

Find English singular invariable nouns: A) ink, money, hair, fruit, chess, cream

Find extra Maxim of Conversation A) The Maxim of Sequence

Find plural form of noun. Geese

find the compound noun A) book-case

Find the compound noun A) sandstone

Find the derived noun A) childhood

find the derived noun A) kingdom

Find the generalization the meaning of the whole class? The swallow is a bird.

Find the passive gerund: A) I hate being interrupted

Find the principles of the parts of speech classifications A) Meaning, form, function

Find the principles of the parts of speech classifications. A) Meaning, form, function

Find the sentence in which the verb “do” has its lexical meaning. A) I did it yesterday.

Find the sentence in which the verb “ have” has its lexical meaning. A) He has three children.

Find the simple noun A) dog

find the simple noun A) snow

find the suffix of abstract noun A) ship

find the suffix of abstract noun A) ness

Find the suffix of abstract noun ness

Find the suffix of abstract noun ship

Find the suffix of concrete noun ant

find the suffix of concrete noun A) ant

From the point of view of their structure, sentences can be: Simple or composite

Functionalapproach in language analysis deals with.... A) the language ‘in action’

Functional approach to the problem of the number of parts of speech was developed by.... A) Henry Sweet




Gerunds are _______ nouns. A) Uncountable

Grammar may be.... A) practical and theoretical

Grammatical meaning is.... A) the meaning of the whole class or a subclass




Half, much, little, nearly, almost, quite, hardly, exceedingly, enough, too, rather are …. A) adverbs of measure or degree

Have you any laboratory experience? The underlined noun is … A) attribute

He walked back slowly into the room. The underlined noun is … A) adverbial modifier

Heat is a form of energy. The underlined noun is … A) predicative

Heat is the energy of the movement of molecules. The underlined noun is … A) subject

Henry Sweet divided all parts of speech into … Declinable and indeclinable

His father was a miner. The underlined noun is A) predicative

How do we call a group of related words containing subject and a finite verb? A) Clause.

How do we call Modal verbs? A) defective

How many articles are there in English? A) 2

How many cases have English nouns got? A) 2

How many degrees of comparison has the Adjective got? A) 2

How many degrees of comparison has the Adjective got? A) 2

How many types of syntactic relations exist? 3




In accordance with the morphological structure of the stems all nouns can be classified into: A) simple, derived, compound and composite.

In accordance with these criteria (semantic, morphological and syntactic) English words form the following classes: A) the noun, the adjective, the adverb, the pronoun, the numeral, the preposition, the conjunction, the verb.

In accordance with these criteria (semantic, morphological and syntactic) English words form the following classes: A) the noun, the adjective, the adverb, the pronoun, the numeral, the preposition, the conjunction, the verb.

In accordance with these criteria English words form the following classes: the noun, the adjective, the adverb, the pronoun, the numeral, the preposition, the conjunction, the verb. A) semantic, morphological and syntactic

In modern linguistics, by this approach parts of speech are discriminated according to three criteria: semantic, formal and functional. A) complex

In the radio telephone sound waves are converted into radio waves. The underlined nouns are … A) attribute

In the second sentence the definite article is used as a generalizer

In the structure of language there are four main structural levels: A) phonological, morphological, syntactical and supersyntatical.

In the West, the school of thought that came to be known as.... A) "traditional grammar"

Indo-European languages are classified into two structural types – A) synthetic and analytic.

It is strange that we should meet her. The underlined part of the sentence is … clause. A)Subject

It seems that he was late for the train. The underlined part of the sentence is … clause. A)Predicative

It was doubtful whether the payment is strictly legal. The underlined part of the sentence is … clause. A) Subject

It was obvious that something important had happened. The underlined part of the sentence is … clause. A) Subject




Lexical meaning is.... A) the individual meaning of the word

Linguistic units (or in other words – signs) can go into three types of relations: A) referential, syntactic and pragmatic.




Major parts of the grammatical structure of language are: morphology and syntax

Many________ are abstract concepts. A) Uncountable nouns

Meaning of the … is property of an action or of a property. A) Adverb

Meaning of the … is property of an action or of a property. A) adverb

Modal verbs in English: A) Can, may, must, should, ought to, shall, will, would, need, dare, to be, to have

Morphological categories and their realization are studied by: Morphology

Morphology deals with.... A) the internal structure of words and peculiarities of their grammatical categories

Moscow Linguistic Circle founded in …. A) 1915




Name four approaches to the problem of the number of parts of speech: A) classical (logical-inflectional), functional, distributional and complex.

Names of sciences (mathematics), names of diseases, games, names of objects consisting of several parts (jeans) covered by … plural tantum

Note the definition of the term “Coherence” semantic or topical unity of the spoken or written text.

Note the hierarchy of the language levels from the highest to the lowest. supersyntactical, syntactical, morphological, phonological

Note the hierarchy of the language levels from the lowest to the highest. phonological, morphological, syntactical, supersyntactical

Noun as a part of speech has a categorial meaning of Substance

Noun-phrases with post-posed may be classified according to the way of connection into: prepositionless and prepositional

Nouns referring to natural phenomena are usually_______. A) Uncountable

Now, then, after, before, yesterday, tomorrow, often, always, seldom, ever, never, already, still are …. A) adverbs of time or frequency




Objective category of quantity finds its representation … A) in the grammatical category of number.

On any occasion the action performed by producing an utterance will consist of three related acts (a three-fold distinction): locutionary, illocutionary, perlocutionary

One of the chief features characterizing an analytical language is…. A) a wide use of prepositions which denote relations between objects and to connect words in the sentence

One of the chief features characterizing an analytical language is…. A) a wide use of prepositions which denote relations between objects and to connect words in the sentence.

One-member sentence is a sentence … Which contains only one principal member

Outside, inside, up, down, here, there, forward, backward, north, south are …. adverbs of place or direction




Paradigmatic relations can be of three types: A) semantic, formal and functional.

Participle I of both regular and irregular verbs is composed by adding: A) the suffix – ing to the stem of the verb

Performatives may be: explicit and implicit

Person deixis refers to... grammatical markers of communicant roles in a speech event

Point out the principles of classification of parts of speech: Meaning, form, function

Pre-adjectivals occupy the position before adjectivals. They fall into two groups: limiters, determiners

Predicates can be divided into simple and compound according to their … A) structure

Predicates can be divided into verbal and nominal according to their … A) Morphological characteristics

Prominent use of word order to denote grammatical relations: a more or less fixed word order is one of the chief features characterizing an … language. Analytical

Proper names, abstract nouns, material nouns, collective nouns are covered by … singular tantum




Regular ________ end in “-s” or “-es” when they are plural. A) Countable nouns

Replacement means… The use of the words that have a generalized meaning

Representation means … A part of the syntactic unit represents the whole syntactic unit



Semantic, morphological and syntactic - criteria of the English …. A) words formation

Semi-complex sentence is a sentence with… Predicative constructions

Semi-compound sentence is a sentence with … Homogeneous predicates

Speech Act Theory was first introduced.... A) by John Austin

State the gerund as subject A) Growing roses, collecting postage stamps or old swords are hobbits

State the infinitive as predicative: A) His dearest wish was to have a son

State the infinitive as subject: A) To be good is to be in harmony with oneself

State the lexico-grammatical class of the following noun “cat” animate, non-human, countable, concrete

State the lexico-grammatical class of the following noun “company” inanimate, non-human, countable, concrete

State the lexico-grammatical class of the following noun “hair” inanimate, non-human, uncountable, concrete

State the lexico-grammatical class of the following noun “life” inanimate, non-human, countable, abstract.

State the lexico-grammatical class of the following noun “man” animate, human, countable, concrete

State the lexico-grammatical class of the following noun “taste” inanimate, non-human, countable, abstract

State the noun as subject: A) The ship got under way

State what part of speech the underlined word belongs to: The snow soon turned to rain. Adverb

State what part of speech the underlined word belongs to: He fell sick. Adjective

State what part of speech the underlined word belongs to: He soon fell asleep. Word of the category of state

State what part of speech the underlined word belongs to: Her dreams have come true. Auxiliary verb

State what part of speech the underlined word belongs to: The snow turned into slush. Noun

State what part of speech the underlined word belongs to: There used to be a cinema here before the war. Preposition

Supplative formation is characterised by … A complete change of the root

Syntactic form.... А) may be described as the distributional formula of the unit (pattern)

Syntactic function.... А) is the function of a unit on the basis of which it is included to a larger unit

Syntactic meaning.... А) is the way in which separate word meanings are combined to produce meaningful word-groups and sentences

Syntactic position.... А) is the position of an element

Syntactic processes may be: Internal and external

Syntactic relations.... А) are syntagmatic relations observed between syntactic units

Syntagmatic relations can be of three types: A) coordinate, subordinate and predicative.




Text can be defined as … a sequence of sentences connected logically and semantically which convey a complete message.

Textual basic integrative properties can be described with the help of the notions of.... A) coherence, cohesion and deixis

Textual basic integrative properties can be described with the help of the notions of: coherence, cohesion and deixis.

The … is studied on the phonological level of the languauge. A) phoneme

The … is a name of designation of the person or persons(or, occasionally, thing or things) to whom the speech or writing is addressed. A) Direct address

The … is a one-member sentence with an infinitive as its main part. A) Infinitive sentence

The … is a part of a sentence. It denotes the action or property of the thing expressed by the subject. A) Predicate

The … is a part of the sentence modifying a part of the sentence expressed by a noun, a substantival pronoun, a cardinal numeral and any substantivized word, and characterizing the thing named by these words as to its quality or property. A) Attribute

The … is a part of the sentence modifying a part of the sentence expressed by a verb, a verbal noun, an adjective or an adverb, and serving to characterize an action or a property as to its quality or intensity, or to indicate the way of action is done, the time, place, cause, purpose, or condition with which the action or the manifestation of the quality is connected. A)Adverbial modifier

The … is a part of the sentence, referring to a part of the sentence expressed by a verb, a noun, a substantival pronoun, an objective, a numeral, or an adverb, and denoting a thing to which the action passes on, which is the result of the action, in reference to which the action is committed to or a property is manifested, or denoting an action as object of another action. A) Object

The … is characterized by the morphological category of aspect. A) verb

The … is characterized by the morphological category of aspect. A) Verb

The … is characterized by the morphological category of mood. A) verb

The … is characterized by the morphological category of mood. A) Verb

The … is characterized by the morphological category of person. A) verb

The … is characterized by the morphological category of person. A) Verb

The … is characterized by the morphological category of tense. A) verb

The … is characterized by the morphological category of tense. A) Verb

The … is characterized by the morphological category of voice. A) verb

The … is characterized by the morphological category of voice. A) Verb

The … is regarded as a special kind of attribute. It is a word or a phrase referring to a part of sentence expressed by a noun, and giving some other designation to the preposition or thing named by that noun. A) Apposition

The 1st English pre-normative grammar “Bref grammar of English” was written by … W. Bullokar

The 1st English pre-normative grammar “Bref grammar of English” was written by W. Bullokar in … 1585

The absence of a morpheme indicating a certain meaning is … morpheme. A) Zero

The adjective expresses … A) property

The adjective expresses … A) property

The aim of practicalgrammaris the description of grammar rules that are necessary.... A) to understand and formulate sentences

The aim of theoretical grammar is.... A) to offer explanation for grammar rules

The article is: function word, which means it has no lexical meaning and is devoid of denotative function.

The auxiliary verbs in English: A) to do, to be, to have, shall, will, should, would

The category of Mood shows the relation between … The action expressed by the predicate verb and reality

The category of tense is a verbal category that reflects.... A) the objective category of time

The category of time-correlation shows … If the action is viewed as prior to other situations or irrespective of them

The category of voice is based on the opposition of… Passive and active voice

The classical parts of speech theory.... A) goes back to ancient times

The classifying function of the indefinite article …. A) is realized in the classifying utterances

The classifying function, the indefinitizing function, the introductory function and the quantifying function are the functions of …. A) the indefinite article

The compound sentences consists of two or more… Clauses of equal rank, which form one syntactical whole in the meaning and intonation

The definite article may not be used in the following function: The indefinitizing function

The distinction between language and speech was made by.... A) Ferdinand de Saussure

The English language is considered to be Analytical

The external syntactic processes are: Extension, ajoinment, enclosure

The form “readers” can be divided into … morphemes. A) 3

The form “ writers” can be divided into … morphemes. A) 3

The functional parts of speech are: A) the preposition, the conjunction, the particle

The generalizing function can be performed by the definite, the indefinite and the zero article

The generalizing function of articles is opposed to that of concretization

The genitive case is used with nouns: A) denoting persons and animals, time and distance

The grammatical meaning may be.... A) explicit and implicit

The grammatical relations observed in Noun-Phrases with pre-posed adjuncts may convey the following meanings: subject-predicate relations, object relations, adverbial relations

The grammatical structure of language comprises two major parts – A) morphology and syntax.

The History of English grammar can be divided into …periods 2

The identifying function, the definitizing function and the individualizing function are the functions of …. A) the definite article

The implicit grammatical meaning may be of two types – A) general and dependent.

The indefinitizing function of the indefinite article …. A) is realized when the referent of the noun is not a real thing, but it exists in the speaker’s imagination only

The infinitive can be used as an adverbial modifier of: A) Purpose, subsequent events, consequence, attendant circumstances, comparison, condition, exception, time, cause, motivation

The –ing form of a verb used as a noun. A) Gerund.

The internal syntactic processes are: Expansion, compression, complication, contamination, replacement, representation, ellipsis

The introductory function of the indefinite article …. A) is used before sharing some information about the object

The invariant function of all the articles is … Determination

The main categories of the utterance from the point of view of its informative structure are considered to be: The theme and the rheme

The main function of the adjective in the sentence is that of … A) attribute

The main function of the adverb in the sentence is that of … A) adverbial modifier \

The main function of the noun in the sentence is that of … A) subject

The main function of the verb in the sentence is that of … A) predicate

The main functions of the definite article: A) specifying and generic

The main functions of the indefinite article are: A) classifying, generic, numerical

The main two principles of classification of the phrase are according to… The head component and the structure

The meaning of … is obviously that of relations between things and phenomena. A) prepositions

The meaning of … is obviously that of relations between things and phenomena. A) Prepositions

The meaning of the … is that of a passing state a person or thing happens to be in. A) Stative

The meaning of the Noun is … A) thingness

The meaning of the Verb is …. A) state

The meaning of the Verb is … A) process

The meaning of the Verb is … A) process

The meaning of the… as a part of speech can be stated as follows: they point to the things and properties without naming them. A) pronoun

The meaning of the… as a part of speech can be stated as follows: they point to the things and properties without naming them. A) Pronoun

the morpheme – er- in “readers” expresses … A) the idea of agent performing the action

the morpheme – er- in “writers” expresses … A) the idea of agent performing the action

the morpheme – s in “readers” expresses … A) number

the morpheme – s in “writers” expresses A) number

the morpheme – writ- in “writers” expresses … A) the basis lexical meaning on the word

the morpheme -read- in “readers” expresses … A) the basis lexical meaning on the word

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Fragen zum Text| The morphological level has two level units: the `morpheme and the word.

mybiblioteka.su - 2015-2025 год. (0.092 сек.)