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Task 2.Find Infinitive, Gerund in the text and explain them.

MODERN ENGINEERING | Task 2.Substitute the modal verbs given in brackets by proper equivalents. | Task 2. Put all possible questions to the text. | Task 2.1.Analyse and translate the following sentences. |

Читайте также:
  1. A) Explain their meanings;
  2. A. Read the text and explain carefully whether you still share the common myths about the modern male.
  3. Add a prefix from the table to the words below. Explain their meaning.
  4. And they also help you on selling the items you bought from them. They offer ship-drop, this means you sell the items,
  5. Aristotle said that man is by nature a political animal. Explain what he meant.
  6. Assume the marginal cost of production is greater than the average variable cost. Can you determine whether the average variable cost is increasing or decreasing? Explain.
  7. B) Explain the difference in duties between the Tower Controller, Approach Controller, Area Controller.

Task 3.Explain in details “Heavy industry”.




Task 1. Translate the passage

Galileo was the son of an Italian nobleman. Galileo a philosopher and musician. His home was in Pisa, near Florence. Though young Galileo wanted to be a painter, his father sent him to the University to study medicine — a field that was much respected and well paid. Here, at the University of Pisa, he seized on a chance to learn geometry. (This is a story that he overheard a lecture on. Euclid, was thrilled with it, and implored the lecturer to teach him). His father opposed this new interest—mathematicians were poorly paid— but Galileo's enthusiasm could not be stopped. He devoured the works of Euclid, then read Archimedes, and soon started with his own investigations of the properties of centres of gravity.



Task 2. Define Non –finite forms in each sentences.

1. morning, reading, interesting, evening

2.tree,to dig, often, to him


4. playing boy, play boy, plays boy.

Task 3.Explain in details “ Types of Energy”





1. Translate the passage.


When he was 25, Galileo was appointed by the Duke, one of the ruling family of Medici, to the post of lecturer of mathematics at a miserable salary. With great energy and zeal he set to work on the mechanics of moving bodies: reading the earlier books, sorting sense from nonsense, and putting statements and ideas to the test of experiment. He enjoyed annoying the Aristotelian philosophers around him by showing up the mistakes in their teaching. Galileo's realistic

discussions of falling bodies and accelerated motion upset traditional teaching and were not welcome; nor were his arguments exposing the fallacies of old doctrines. While he gathered enthusiastic followers he also made enemies. He was to move to the University of Padua in the neighboring republic of Venice. The time was ripe for Galileo's teaching. He taught with vigor and amazing skill, and he wrote on motion, mechanics, astronomy. In his new post at Padua his reputation grew. He stayed at Padua for twenty years, during which he gathered much knowledge and developed his defence of Copernic's astronomy. He lectured to large audiences, and princes and nobles came to study under him. When a bright new star suddenly appeared in the sky, he gave three lectures on it. Crowds came to hear him, his lectures became so popular that even the great hall was sometimes too small and he lectured in the open air. He taught honest science with compelling force.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 85 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Task 2. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the meaning of the articles where necessary.| Task 2. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

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