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Modern engineering

Task 2. Put all possible questions to the text. | Task 2.1.Analyse and translate the following sentences. | Task 2. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the meaning of the articles where necessary. | Task 2.Find Infinitive, Gerund in the text and explain them. | Task 2. Correct the mistakes in the sentences. |

Читайте также:
  1. A job in Engineering
  2. A Traditional House or a Modern Apartment
  3. A. Read the text and explain carefully whether you still share the common myths about the modern male.
  4. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
  6. American Modernizm: Ezra Pound, T.S.Eliot, Wallace Stevens, William Carlos Williams. Harlem Renaissance.
  7. American Novel. The problem of the Lost Generation. The Era of Modernism in American prose.




Bukhara Technological Institute
of Food and Light Industry

Languages ” department



For independent work

Of the III course students

Ushbu qo‘llanma “Tillar” kafedrasi yig‘ilishida muhokama qilindi va qo‘llanma sifatida institut uslubiy kengashi muhokamasiga tavsiya etildi.


Bayonnoma № __ «___» oktabr 2005 yil.


Ushbu mustaqil ishlar to’plami Buxoro Oziq-Ovqat va Yengil Sanoat Texnologiyasi instituti III kurs kunduzgi bo‘lim talabalari uchun mo`ljallangan. Mustaqil ishlar topshiriqdan iborat bo`lib, har bir topshiriq mutaxassislikka oid mashqlar, mustaqil tarjima uchun yangi so`zlar mashqlardan iborat


Taqrizchilar: Buxoro Oziq-Ovqat va Yengil Sanoat Texnologiyasi instituti “Tillar” kafedrasi ingliz tili katta o‘qituvchisi:

Qurbonova Sh.H.

Buxoro Tibbiyot Instituti Rus va O`zbek Tillari kafedrasi dotsenti, f.f.n.

Xikmatova M.N.



Ushbu qo‘llanma institut uslubiy kengashida muhokama qilinib, qo‘llanma sifatida chop etishga tavsiya qilindi.

Bayonnoma №_________________ 2005 yil.


Суз боши



Республикамиз мустакилликка эришгандан бери халк хужалигининг барча сохаларида янги узгаришлар руй берди.Янги техника ва технология янгича ёндошишни талаб этади. Шу борада таълим сохасида хам талабаларга чукур ва малакали билим бериш учун уларга мутахассисликларига оид янги адабиётлар авлодини яратиш зарурдир.Шундан келиб чиккан холда муаллифлар озик-овкат махсулотлари машина аппаратлари,уларни саклаш ва кайта ишлаш мавзуларига оид матнлар ва машклар тупламини яратдилар.Мазкур туплам Ш-курс бакалаврлари учун мулжалланган булиб уз ичига ____ матн,матнга оид машклар ва уз устида ишлаш учун тест топширикларидан иборат.

Уйлаймизки ушбу туплам мутахассисликка оид матнлардан иборат булганлиги учун рафакат бакалаврлар учун,балки шу соха мутахассислари учун хам кизикарли булади.


Variant 1

TASK 1. Read the text and translate it.


Engineering is a science which deals with design, construction and operation of structures, machines, engines and other devices used in industry and every day life. That there is no single meaning of this word makes it sometimes difficult to find the proper Russian equivalents at once. The most widely used ones are: engineering, architecture, machine building, technics.

The term ‘engineering’ is a modern one. However the art of building houses, palaces, temples, pyramids and other structures was known as far back as many thousand years ago. Now we call it ‘civil engineering’ It may be of interest for the students to learn that at the time of the Roman Empire there were already two branches of engineering: civil engineering and military engineering. The former included the building of houses, roads, bridges, etc., the latter the building of fortifications and military devices. It is still possible to find the remains of Roman structures not only in Italy but also in some other countries, the ones that were occupied by the Roman legions. Among those countries one may mention the territory of modern England which remained under Roman rule for about four centuries.

As time went on the art of civil engineering was enriched with few achievements of science.

It grew into a profession that required college training. Nowadays, civil engineering may be spoken of as an important branch of national economy. It deals not only with the building of houses, bridges, roads, tunnels, dams, water systems, etc., but also with the construction of railroads, underground railways, industrial structures, land, water and air transport, etc.

It is well known that with the invention of the steam engine and the growth of factories a number of civil engineers became interested in the practical application of the science of mechanics and thermodynamics to the design of machines. The result was that they separated themselves from civil engineering and called themselves “mechanical engineers” It was that trend that laid the foundation for a new branch of engineering, the one that was called mechanical engineering.


Exercise 1. Put “wh” questions to the text.


Exercise 2. Translate into your native language.

1. “Engineering” atamasi juda ko’p ma’nolarga ega. Eng keng tarqalgan ma’nolaridan biri ”texnika”dir. 2.Nexnikaning eng eski soxalaridan biri fuqarolik qurilishi hisoblanadi.U binolar,ko’priklar,yo’llar,suv havzalari,tunnel,temir yo’l qurilishi bilan bog’liqdir.3. Mashinasozlikning paydo bo’lishi bug’ mashinasini ixtiro etilishi bilan bog’liq bo’lgan.

2. 4. Muxandis-mexanik turli mashinalarni loyixalaydi va quradi.Ular dvigatellarni,turbinalarni,dastgoh va konveyyerlarni loyixalaydi va yasaydilar.5. Texnikaning yana bir muxim soxasi elektrotexnikadir.Uning rivojlanishi elektr soxasidagi yutuqlar bilan bog’liq.6. XX asr o’rtalarida mashinasozlikning yangi soxalari:yadroviy texnika va koinot(kosmik) texnika paydo bo’ldi.Bu ikki soxa fan va texnikaning barcha soxalarining yutuqlariga asoslanadi.


Exercise 3. Speak details about the Lathe



Task 1. Read and translate the text


At present mechanical engineering occupies a prominent position among modern production processes. It is mechanical engineering that deals with the design and construction of steam engines, turbines, air –conditioning and refrigeration devices. Conveyors, escalators and elevators are also designed by mechanical engineers. And again, it is the mechanical engineer that designs machine-tools for various operations and it is he who applies these machine-tools in various production processes.

One must know that aeronautics is also one of the branches of mechanical engineering, the one that deals with the mechanics of moving bodies in fluid or air.

Turning back to history, it is well to recollect that in the 19th century, with the development of the science of electricity, there appeared another branch of engineering-electrical engineering.

Now the latter is divided into two main branches: communications engineering and power engineering. The former deals with minute quantities of electricity which are used for all kinds of communications, the latter-with the means for producing power. Thus, the electrical engineer

Is the one that designs radio, television and telephone equipment. The power engineer designs generators, switches, transformers, etc.

In the middle of the 20th century there appeared other new branches of engineering. The former is based on atomic physics, the latter on all the achievements of modern science and engineering.

It is impossible, however, to speak of present day engineering without mentioning chemical engineering. This deals with the processes and equipment which make it possible to change the state, energy content, chemical or physical composition of various materials.

At present there are hundreds of subdivisions of engineering, but they all, at one time or another, branched off from civil, mechanical,electrical or chemical engineering.



Task 2.Give verbs corresponding to the following nouns.


Construction, communication, application, invention, production, fortification,composition, foundation, refrigeration.



Task 3. Speak in details about Metal cutting machines.








The education of an engineer extends over a wide range of knowledge: from pure science, and especially from what is known as engineering science to technology. The major portion of the field covered by the following branches: aeronautical, agricultural, chemical, civil, electrical, industrial, mechanical, metallurgical, and nuclear engineering.

A civil engineer may aim at highway engineering, structural engineering or some other branch and his education will be influenced to some extent by choice, he has made. Similarly, a mechanical engineer may aim at automotive, machine-tool, aeronautical or general production engineering; an electrical engineer may aim at heavy current work, such as power supply, or at light current work, such as telephone communications, or at work in the field of electronics.

Modern engineering demands a sound training in general sciences particularly in physics, mathematics and chemistry. It may be added that for certain industries a basic knowledge of biology is also essential. One can easily understand that the relative importance of the fundamental sciences depends on the corresponding branch of engineering. For example, an electrical engineer who wishes to specialize in communications or electronics needs an extensive knowledge of physics and mathematics, whereas for an agricultural engineer training in chemistry and biological sciences is more important.

View on engineering education in the latter half of the 20th century emphasize the need for a broadening of the curriculum. It is recognized, too, that, especially in management, ability to deal skillfully with problems of human relations in sometimes as important as technical knowledge.


Task 2. Define the sentences in Passive voice and analyze them


Task 3. Speak about the advantages of mass production.



Task 1. Read and translate the text.



The outstanding Russian mathematician, Sophia Kovalevskaya lived and worked in the second half of the 19th century. It was the period of Russia’s most remarkable advancement in science and culture.

Sophia was born in Moscow on January 15,1850 to a well-off family of an artillery general, Korvin-Krukovsky. Her father, a well educated person himself insisted that his children-two daughters and a son- should get a sound education. But as the family used to live in the village of Palibino almost all the year around, he had to invite teachers from St. Petersburg who were to instruct his children in arithmetic, grammar, geography, history, literature and foreign languages.

Though Sophia liked literature very much, she showed an unusual gift in mathematics, too. When she was only twelve she surprised her teacher by suggesting a new solution for the determination of the ratio of the diameter of the circle to its circumference.

In 1866 Sophia and her elder sister were taken to St. Petersburg where Sophia was allowed to go on with her studies. But as women were not permitted to attend public lectures she was obliged to read privately. Her teacher was Strannolyubsky, an ardent supporter of the cause of education in general and women education in particular. He suggested that she should apply for permission to attend lectures at the University, which she did. Although the permission was granted she was not allowed to take examination, to say nothing of taking degree.

The only possible way out for her was to go abroad. But in this case there was a condition which was to be observed: if a woman wanted to go abroad, she should be married. In 1868 she married Vladimir Kovalevsky and soon they left for Vienna where she began to study physics at the University. But she wouldn’t stop at that. Soon Sophia made up her mind to go to Heidelberg University. There she could study under such scholars as Helmholz and Bunzen, as her intention was to take examinations and get a degree.

Task 2. Turn the following phrases into the shorter version.

Model: a car which was stolen- a stolen car

1.a person who was well-educated

2.the girl who was taught

3. the permission which was granted

4. the equation which was solved

Task 3. Explain the word “Industry” in details.




Task 1. Read and translate the second part of the text.

In 1870 the Kovalevskys went to Berlin. During the four years spent in Berlin, Sophia succeded not only in covering the University course but also in writing three dissertations, for which the of Gottingen granted her a Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in absentia. They even excused her from oral examination in consideration of the scientific value of her dissertations,one of which,” On the Theory of Partial Differential Equations”, was considered one of her most remarkable works.

Some years later Kovalevskaya returned to St. Petersburg. Despite the efforts of Mendeleyev, Butlerov and Chebishev, Sophia Kovalevskaya, an outstanding scientist already, could not get any position at the University and was obliged to turn to journalism. But as she had made up her mind to take her Magister’s degree, she returned to Berlin to complete her work on the refraction of light in crystals.

It was only in 1883 that she was given an opportunity to report on the results of her research at a session held in Odessa, but again no post followed. That is why, when she was offered lectureship at Stockholm University, she willingly accepted the offer.

In 1888 she achieved the greatest of her successes, winning the highest prize offered by the Paris Academy of Sciences for t5he solution of a complicated problem: to perfect in one important point the theory of the movement of a solid body about an immovable point. The solution suggested by her made a valuable addition to the results submitted by Euler and Lagrange. The prize was doubled as a recognition of the unusual merits of her work.

In 1889 Sophia Kovalevskaya was awarded another prize, this time by the Swedish Academy of Sciences. Soon in spite of her being the only woman-lecturer in Sweden, she was elected professor of mathematics and held her post until her death.

Along with her scientific and pedagogical work she carried out a good deal of literary work, took part in editing the journal “ Acta mathematica”, and translated Chebyshev’s works into French. She was able to do it owing to the thorough knowledge of foreign languages. In consideration of her literary work she was elected member of the Literary Club in Stockholm, where she used to meet Ibsen and Grieg with whom she made friends.

Unfortunately, Sophia Kovalevskaya died at the age of 41 on February 10,1891, just as she had attained the height of her fame and had won recognition even in her own country where she was elected member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 130 | Нарушение авторских прав

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