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Detention, Treatment and Questioning

Unit 1. What is law? | INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONS | Unit 5. Types of Legal Professions |

Читайте также:
  2. B. Excessive use of force, killings, disappearances, torture and ill-treatment
  3. Bullous dermatoses. Erytema exudativum multiforme. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment.
  4. Collagenoses. Lupus erythematosus. Sclerodermia. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention.
  5. Corrosion Treatment
  6. Dermatitis. Toxicodermia. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention.
  7. Dermatomycoses. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical features. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention.

An arrested person must be taken to a police station (if he or she is not already at one) as soon as practicable after arrest.

At the station, he or she will be seen by the custody officer who will consider the reasons for the arrest and whether there are sufficient grounds for the person to be detained. The Code of Practice under the 1984 Police and Criminal Evidence Act made it clear that juveniles should not be placed in the cells. Most police stations should have a detention room for those juveniles who need to be detained. The suspect has a right to speak to an independent solicitor free of charge and to have a relative or other named person told of his or her arrest. Where a person has been arrested in connection with a serious arrestable offence, but has not yet been charged, the police may delay the exercise of these rights for up to 36 hours in the interests of the investigation if certain strict criteria are met.

A suspect may refuse to answer police questions or to give evidence in court. Changes to this so-called 'right to silence' have been made by the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 to allow courts in England and Wales to draw inferences from a defendant's refusal to answer police questions or to give information during his or her trial. Reflecting this change in the law, a new form of police caution (which must precede any questions to a suspect for the purpose of obtaining evidence) is intended to ensure that people understand the possible consequences if they answer questions or stay silent.

Questions relating to an offence may not normally be put to a person after he or she has been charged with that offence or informed that he or she may be prosecuted for it.

The length of time a suspect is held in policecustody before charge is strictly regulated. For lesser offences this may not exceed 24 hours. A person suspected of committing a serious arrestable offence can be detained for up to 96 hours without charge but beyond 36 hours only if a warrant is obtained from a magistrates' court.

Useful Vocabulary:

to practice set out the powers and responsibilities - на практиці викладені повноваження та обов'язки

to record the grounds for taking this action - запис підстав для прийняття дії

to arrest people suspected of having committed an offence - заарештовувати людей, підозрюваних у вчиненні злочину

impracticable or inappropriate - нездійсненне або неналежне

juveniles should not be placed in the cells - неповнолітні не повинні бути поміщені в клітини

detention room - гауптвахта

to draw inferences - зробити висновки

a right to speak to an independent solicitor - право звернутися до незалежного адвокату

police caution - поліція попереджає

be detained for up to 96 hours without charge - бути затриманими на строк до 96 годин без пред'явлення звинувачення

Just for fun:

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), the FBI, and the CIA are all trying to prove that they are the best at apprehending criminals. The President decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest and each of them has to catch it.

The CIA goes in. They place animal informants throughout the forest. They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of extensive investigations they conclude that rabbits do not exist.

The FBI goes in. After two weeks with no leads they burn the forest, killing everything in it, including the rabbit, and they make no apologies.

The LAPD goes in. They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling:” Okay! Okay! I am a rabbit! I am a rabbit!”


Unit 10. Justice in Ukraine (From the Constitution of Ukraine, Chapter VIII, Articles 124,125,129)


1. What does the jurisdiction of the courts extend?

2. Which Part of the Constitution confirms the composition, arrangement and responsibilities of the prosecutor’s office?

3. What is the highest judicial body in the system of courts of general jurisdiction?

Read the text and check your answers:

Justice in Ukraine is administered exclusively by the courts. The delegation of the functions of the courts and also the appropriation of these functions by other bodies or officials shall not be permitted. The jurisdiction of the courts extends to all legal relations that arise in the state. Judicial proceedings are performed by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and courts of general jurisdiction. In Ukraine the composition, arrangement and responsibilities of the prosecutor’s office are confirmed in the 7-th Part of the Constitution. The people directly participate in the administration of justice through people's assessors and jurors. Judicial decisions are adopted by the courts in the name of Ukraine and are mandatory for execution throughout the entire territory of Ukraine. In Ukraine the system of courts of general jurisdiction is formed in accordance with the territorial principle of the principle of specialization. The Supreme Court of Ukraine is the highest judicial body in the system of courts of general jurisdiction. The Prosecutor general appointed to office with the consent of the Verhovna Rada heads the Prosecutor’s office of Ukraine for the five years term. The respective high courts are the highest judicial bodies of specialized courts. Courts of appeal and local courts operate in accordance with the law. The creation of extraordinary and special courts shall not be permitted.In the administration of justice judges are independent and subject only to the law. Judicial proceedings are conducted by a single judge, by a panel of judges, or by a court of the jury. The main principles of Ukrainian court system are:

1) legality

2) equality before the law and the court of all participants in a trial;

3) ensuring that the guilt is proved;

4) adversarial procedure and freedom of the parties to present their evidence to

the court and to prove the weight of evidence before the court;

5) prosecution by the procurator in court on behalf of the State;

6) ensuring the right of an accused person to a defense;

7) openness of a trial and its complete recording by technical means;

8) ensuring complaint of a court decision by appeal and cassation except in cases

established by law:

9) the mandatory nature of court decisions.

The law may also determine other principles of judicial proceedings in courts of

specific judicial jurisdiction. Persons guilty of contempt of court or of showing disrespect toward the judge are brought to legal liability.

Useful Vocabulary:

to be administered exclusively by- здійснюється безпосередньо

to extend to all legal relation – поширюватися на всі юридичні відносини

to be performed by – виконуватися

to be confirmed in - підтверджується

to be mandatory for execution – бути обов'язковим до виконання

to be formed in accordance with- бути здійсненим відповідно до...

to be appointed to office with the consent – бути призначеним за згодою in accordance with the law – відповідно до закону.

to be conducted by – здійснюватися

Unit 11. “ The Constitution of Ukraine



1. When was the Constitution of Ukraine adopted? 2. How many chapters does it comprise? 3. Who does the right to determine and change the constitutional order in Ukraine belong to? 4. When did the Constitution of Ukraine enter into force?

Read the text and check your answers:


On 28 June 1996, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, on behalf of the Ukrainian people, adopted the Constitution of Ukraine. The Constitution consists of the Preamble and 15 chapters. The Constitution enshrined the fundamental rights and freedoms of Ukrainian people. Chapter one sets out general principles. According to Article 1 Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social and law-governed state. The sovereignty of Ukraine extends throughout its entire territory.

The human being, his or her life and health, honour and dignity are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value. Human rights and freedoms and their guarantees determine the essence and orientation of the activity of the state. The State is answerable to the individual for its activity. The people are the bearers of sovereignty and the only source of power in Ukraine. They exercise power directly and through bodies of state power and local self-government. The right to determine and change the constitutional order in Ukraine belongs exclusively to the people and shall not be usurped by the State, its bodies or officials. State power in Ukraine is exercised on the principles of its division into legislative, executive and judicial power. The principle of the rule of law is recognized and effective in Ukraine. The Constitution of Ukraine has the highest legal force. All laws and other normative legal acts are adopted on the basis of the Constitution.International treaties ratified by the Verkhovna Rada are part of the national legislation. The conclusion of international treaties that contravene the Constitution is possible only after introducing relevant amendments to the Constitution. The state language in Ukraine is the Ukrainian language. The State promotes the consolidation and development of the Ukrainian nation, of its historical consciousness, traditions and culture, and also the development of the ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity of all indigenous peoples and national minorities of Ukraine.According to Article 16, it is the duty of the State to ensure ecological safety, to overcome the consequences of the Chornobyl catastrophe and to preserve the gene pool of the Ukrainian people. One of the most important functions of the State is to protect the sovereignty and to ensure state security.

The State symbols of Ukraine are the State Flag, the State Coat of Arms and the State Anthem of Ukraine.

Useful Vocabulary:

on behalf of the Ukrainian people- в інтересах українського народу

to enshrine the fundamental rights and freedoms захищати основні права і свободи

to extend throughout the entire territory- поширюватися по всій території

to be answerable to the individual for its activity відповідати перед громадянами

to protect the sovereignty- захищати суверенітет

Unit 12. Militia

Warming up:

1.What is Militia responsible for?

2. What are main principles of the activity of militia organized according to?

3. What is one of the most complicated militia agencies?

Read the text and check your answers:


The word "militia" originates from the Latin word "militia" meaning "military service, civilian volunteer corps". Militia is a system of state bodies of the executive power responsible for protecting citizens* life, health, rights and freedoms from the criminal and other unlawful encroachments and possessing the coercive authorities. Militia is included in the system of Ukraine's Ministry of Internal Affairs. Its tasks are the following:

• to ensure personal security of citizens,

• to prevent crimes and administrative wrongs,

• to clear up crimes,

• to maintain public order,

• to protect public order and to ensure social security,

• to assist citizens, officials, enterprises, social organizations in setting up their legal rights and interest within the limits defined by the "Law on Militia" of Ukraine. The other duties can be defined only by special laws. The activity of militia is organized according to the principles of legality, humanism, respect of human rights, etc. It is forbidden to humiliate a person, to insult him, to inflict injury etc.Nowadays the great attention in militia work is paid to the prevention of crimes. But if a crime has been committed, the militia officers must detect it as quickly as possible. To fulfil this task successfully there are various departments within the system of Internal Affairs subdivisions – Criminal Militia, Militia of Public Safety, Transport Militia, State Traffic Inspection, Security and Protection Service, Specialized Militia Service. Besides there are specialized agencies responsible for fulfilling these or those tasks. The Crime Investigation Department is one of the most complicated militia agencies. The officers of the Crime Investigation Department are responsible for tracing a criminal, then for locating and apprehending him. They gather facts to prove the guilt or innocence of the suspected. The final phase in the crime investigation is presenting evidence in the court. Economic Crimes Department fights against those who don't want to live an honest life. The responsibility of its officers is to reveal the criminal activity endangering the economy of the state, the stability of financial market, etc. The State Auto-Inspection is responsible for traffic regulation and safety on the roads. The Transport Militia maintains law and order on the railways, airlines and waterways of the country. The Juvenile Inspection handles "difficult" juveniles and their careless parents. Its officers do much to prevent juvenile delinquency. The Correctional Labour System is supposed to rehabilitate offenders through labour. This is the purpose of correctional establishments.

Useful Vocabulary::

unlawful encroachments – незаконні дії;

to ensure personal security of citizen- забезпечувати особисту безпеку громадян;

to prevent crimes and administrative wrongs- запобігати злочинам та адміністративним правопорушенням;

to clear up crimes- з'ясовувати причину злочинів;

to maintain public order- встановлювати громадський порядок;

to protect public order and to ensure social security- захищати громадський порядок і забезпечувати соціальну безпеку;

to assist citizens in setting up their legal rights- надавати громадянам допомогу у відновленні їх законних прав

administrative wrongs - адміністративні правопорушення;

civilian volunteer corps - цивільний добровольчий загін;

Coercive authorities - каральні повноваження;

tо endanger financial market - загрожувати фінансового ринку;

to ensure one's security - забезпечувати чиюсь безпеку;

to pay attention - приділяти увагу;

to maintain public order - підтримувати громадський порядок;

to rehabilitate offenders - реабілітувати злочинця;

to prove guilt or innocence - доводити провину або невинність;

within the limits - в межах (рамках).


Useful English for Profit and Knowledge:

Additional Useful Word combinations:

to approach a problem- усвідомити проблему

to abolish capital punishment- заборонити смертну кару

administrative wrongs - адміністративні правопорушення

articled clerk - клерк- стажер (без оплати)

civilian volunteer corps -цивільні добровольчі загіни

coercive authorities - каральні повноваження

to answer complains- відповідати на скарги

delegated assignment – покладене завдання

to deal with petty crimes - розглядати дрібні справи і цивільні позови

and matrimonial matters

to collect evidence- збирати докази

to commit a serious crime -скоїти серйозний злочин

to check the violation – стежити за порушенням

to be charged with - бути звинуваченим в чому-небудь

to deal with civil jurisdiction- діяти в рамках законодавства

to distinguish offences into indictable and non-indictable- розрізняти злочини за складом злочину

to handle the situation- керувати ситуацією

tо endanger financial market –загрожувати фінансовому ринку

to ensure one's security - забезпечити комусь безпеку

executive branch –виконавча влада

to be injured in a road accident – постраждати в дорожній аварії

to find the defendant guilt- визнати обвинуваченого винним

to give advice to clients - радити кліентам

legally qualified - юридично правомочний

legislative branch - законодавча влада

tо maintain public order - підтримувати громадський порядок

judicial branch - судова влада

tо pay attention - приділяти увагу

to pay a fine as punishment – сплатити штраф у вигляді покарання

to partol an area - патрулювати територію

to provide the first aid- надавати першу допомогу

to present cases in lower courts- розглядати справи в місцевих судах

primary responsibility-первична відповідальність

to be paid directly by clients- бути сплаченим безпосередньо клієнтом

to relay the criminal- передати злочинця

to represent the client in the Court- представляти інтереси клієнта в суді

tо rehabilitate offenders - реабілітувати злочинця

to protect private property- захищати приватну власність

tо prove guilt or innocence - доводити вину чи невиновнність

to specialize in arguing cases- спеціалізуватися у розгляді справи

to support a client in a Court- опікувати кліента у суді

to support the idea of capital punishment – підтримувати смертну кару

to violate the law – порушувати закон

within the limits - в межах

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 60 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Unit 8. The British Police| Memo note : Signs of Distinction - Відзнаки

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