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Legumes for protein and oil

Задание на дом № 1 | АУДИТОРНАЯ РАБОТА | Задание на дом № 1 | Пояснение к тексту | АУДИТОРНАЯ РАБОТА | Задание на дом № 2 | AGRONOMIC CLASSIFICATION OF FIELD CROPS | АУДИТОРНАЯ РАБОТА | АУДИТОРНАЯ РАБОТА | Photosynthesis |

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  2. Proteins play an important role in life.
  3. Quaternary structure of protein

Cereals are the main source of energy in the human diet. But they do not contain much protein. Edible legumes are high in plant protein which is necessary both for man and farm animals.

The main edible legumes grown in the United States include soybe­ans, field beans and field peas. Soybeans are now one of the leading farm crops in this country. Soybeans area has increased and now this crop is economically as important as corn.

The soybean plant is adapted to different soil and climatic conditi­ons. There are many varieties of this crop. Some of diem are adapted to northern and some to southern conditions.

Soybeans are mainly grown for forage, grain or as a vegetable. They can also be grown as a green manure crop. As a forage crop soybeans are used for pasture, hay and silage. Soybean grain is highly nutritious and many human foods are produced from it. The protein content of soybean seed varies from 30 to 50 percent and the oil con­tent from 15 to 25 percent. The grain can be processed into oil used either as human food or as industrial material.

The crop for grain should be harvested when seeds are low (ни­зкий) in moisture, not more than 13 percent. In regions where soybeans are harvested with high moisture content air ventilation should be pro­vided in the storage.

XXIII.Прочтите текст В, не пользуясь словарем, догадайтесь о значении выделенных слов.

XXIV.Назовите все факторы, указывающие на важность сои (по-русски или по-английски).

XXV. Передайте содержание последнего абзаца (по-русски или






1. Сложные формы причастия и герундия.

2. Значения due, due to, to be due to.

3. Значения the former, the latter.

Задание на дом № 1

I. Проработайте в разделе "'Грамматика и словообразова­ние" § 9.

II.Переведите следующие предложения, содержащие слож­ные формы причастия и герундия (устно):

a) 1. Being adapted to the conditions of Our region sorghum produ­ces high yields. 2. Having been grown for two years legumes increased soil fertility. 3. Having completed its life cycle, the plant died;

b) 1. High yield of potatoes was obtained by their having been grown on a good soil. 2. We know of corn being produced both for grain and for silage. 3. The farmer could improve his soil by having provided it with the neeessary mineral elements.

III. Определите по словарю значение следующих сочетаний

слов (устно):

for instance, because of, in addition, in addition to, to take place, to some extent.

IV.Найдите в тексте А сложные ing- формы и определите их функцию.

V. Переведите текст А (устно). Отработайте чтение текста в лаборатории (лабораторная работа № 1).

Text А

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