Читайте также:
VII. Выборочная проверка упражнений из задания на дом № 1.
VIII. 11ереведите следующие группы слов, содержащие существительные в функции определения (устно):
soil fertility increase, soil air circulation, life cycle duration, mineral fertilizer application, higher protein content, most important plant parts, high-quality hay production, chemical weed control.
IX. Определите no суффиксам, к какой части речи относятся
следующие слова, и дайте их русские эквиваленты (устно):
agronomically, hybridization, industrial, ventilation, economically, vegetative, characterize, function, intensity, transformation, special, specialist, actively, structure, statistically.
X. Переведите следующие группы слов, содержащие причастия (устно):
leading cereal and forage crops, crops adapted to the conditions of the region, collective fanns growing wheat, some crops grown by our farm, animals supplying people with food, soil supplied with nitrogen, one of the cereal crops raised, crops requiring much nitrogen, number of years required for growth, wheat varieties best known to people, the only crop producing high yields.
XI. Выделите причастия в постпозиции и причастные обороты
в следующих предложениях. Переведите (устно):
1. Of the cereal crops grown wheat, corn and rice are the three most important for man. 2. Biennials aro plants growing for two years.
3. Similarity of plant parts is the basis used for botanical classification.
4. Growing forage crops, farmers not only increase soil fertility but also supply their animals with highly nutritious feed, 5. Gaseous nitrogen fixed by bacteria living in the roots of legumes increases nitrogen content of the soil. 6. Crops growing best under cool condition, include wheat, oats, barley, potatoes and rye. 7. The farms obtaining high yields of potatoes every year are known to all agricultural specialists of our region. 8. Of the crops known as cultivated crops our farm grows com and potatoes. 9. Classifying field crops according to their use, scientists name such groups as grain crops, root crops, forage crops, fiber crops and some others. 10. Completing their growth by the end of the first season, all annual plants die. 11. Almost all small-seeded legumes raised are used for hay on our farm. 12. Some crops are biennials starting their growth in one season and producing the seed in the second season.
XII. Назовите номера предложений, в которых слово one:
а) заменяет существительное, б) является подлежащим и не переводится, в) эквивалентно русскому "один" (устно):
1. Temperature is one of the most important environmental factors affecting crop growth. 2. Botanical classification is the one based on the similarity of plants. 3. One can group plants according to the duration of their growth.
4. Most important field crops belong to the grass family and corn is one of them. 5. One can improve soil fertility by application of fertilizers. 6. Perennial crops are the ones that grow for more than two years. 7. Rainfall cannot be influenced by man, but one can grow crops by application of irrigation. 8. One should know the crops belonging to the grass family. 9. They use traditional cultural practices in com production but we use the improved ones and obtain higher yields.
XIII. Выделите слова-заместители существительного, пере-
ведите предложения (устно):
1. The optimum temperature for cotton is higher than that for small grains. 2. Some crops do best under warm conditions; these are com, cotton, rice and some others. 3. Cereal crops are known as the most important ones for man. 4. Row crops are those that are cultivated during their growth. 5. This soil is better than that one. 6. The growth of com is more affected by good soil conditions than that of rye. 7. One should know the difference between the roots of grasses and those of legumes. 8. There are many different cultural practices of crop production, this one is traditional.
XIV.Исходя из содержания текста А, скажите, как можно классифицировать полевые культуры (по-русски или по-английски).
XV.Скажите, чем отличаются бобовые растения от злаковых (по-русски или по-английски).
XVI. Контроль чтения и понимания текста А.
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