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Methodological typology of vocabulary

Practical approach | Structural and situational approaches | Presentation stage | Operation automation stage | Operations automation stage | Grammar habits formation lesson | Objectives of teaching vocabulary | H. Thorndikeand his empirical approach | Basic principles of vocabulary selection | Types of vocabulary minima |

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  1. Academic Vocabulary
  4. Active Vocabulary
  5. Active Vocabulary
  6. Active vocabulary
  7. Active Vocabulary

Lexical item

Speaking of lexis, we often identify it with words. In our understanding lexis comprises mainly words, including stem-words (to go, a bag, this), compound words (a copybook, a paperboy) and derivatives (friendship, homeless, a worker). However, both linguistic criteria and methodological considerations allow for relating to vocabulary not only words but other items too. These are the items, which, like words, are reproduced in speech as an integral whole and signify one particular object of reality. Taking into account the criteria of integral reproductivity in speech and their relation to a single denotatum, we can refer to the category of lexical items:

1) words;

2) set expressions and word-combinations: a) nominative (The British Commonwealth) andb)phraseological (to play cricket; cat’s cradle);

3) clichés and stereotype blocks (How do you do? How’s life? It’s been a long time…I’m afraid not. I rather you didn’t, if you don’t mind. If you like).

From the methodological and psychological points of view, the common feature of all these seemingly different language items is the fact that they are to be acquired by the learners as integrity. Besides, they function in speech on the basis of one and the same word stereotype formed with the help of lexical exercises. Thus, the items singled out above are lexical items that constitute the object of teaching lexis.

Teaching lexis, if correctly organised, should take into account that a lexical item is a language sign characterised by the harmonious integrity of its form and content. This integrity determines other characteristics of a lexical item relevant for teaching:

1) The form of a lexical item is first and foremost its ‘sounding matter’, i.e. its sounding shape perceived by ear. It is on the basis of the aural perception that a mental picture is formed. The mental picture refers to the image of a sounding word functioning as one of its sides participating in its perception and reproduction. In written speech, a lexical item is presented in its graphic form, which does not always have full correlation to the sound one. Thus, teaching vocabulary, one should take into account pronunciation and spelling peculiarities of lexical items. The third component of the word form is its speech-kinaesthetic image, based on the complex of articulatory sensations accompanying the pronunciation of words. This testifies to the fact that a lexical item is acquired on the basis of its complex aural-visual-kinaesthetic image. This image is formed in the process of introducing and explaining lexis and is getting stable in the process of training and speech practice.

2) Its meaning forms the content side of a lexical item. The mental picture of an object or phenomenon of the reality, presented by the word, is fixed in its meaning. The existence and functioning of a word is determined by the integrity of its form and content. At the same time both sides of a word are variable: pronunciation can vary to a certain extent (issue – [`isju:] or [`i∫ju:] and [`i∫u:]); the meaning is mostly realised in a number of its lexical-semantic variants (a foot of a man, a foot of a mountain, at the foot of a bed; a father- to father).

3) The use of a word is connected with its grammar shape, due to which it can form various word forms (a table – tables; to write – wrote – written).

4) Apart from their own, ‘inner’ qualities, a word has a specific ‘outer’ quality, i.e. the ability to combine with other words building up word-combinations, syntagms and phrases. Combinability is a very important functional characteristic of a word. Acquiring command of combinability is an essential aspect of teaching vocabulary, enabling learners to master reproductive skills. This requires a considerable amount of exercises training in combinability.

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