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Amendments to the Constitution

Comprehension check | Vocabulary tasks | Historical Development | Vocabulary tasks | Sources of American Law | Vocabulary tasks | Continental Systems | The Concept and History of Constitution | Characteristics of Constitutions | The Nature of the Constitution |

Читайте также:
  1. A).Constitution of the US- adopted on 17th September 1787;
  2. Article 69 of the constitution determines that people’s will is carried out through elections, referenda and other forms of the direct democracy.
  3. Basic principles of constitutionalism and ASSOCIATIONS.
  4. Characteristics of Constitutions
  5. Constitution Articles
  6. Constitution is in the state of flux


The Government is responsible before the President and is headed by a Head of the Government (unofficially called a Prime-Minister), who is nominated by the President and confirmed by the State Duma.

The Russian Constitution is a rigid Constitution as to the complex procedure of
adopting the amendments to the Constitution. The Federal Law No. 33-FZ On
the Procedure for the Approval and Entry Into Force of the Amendments to the
Constitution of the Russian Federation, dated 4 March 1998, together with the
Constitution establishes the procedure and conditions for making, adopting and
approving amendments, as well as their entry into force. The Constitution cannot be altered by the State Duma alone. The Constitution can be amended as follows:

· Every proposal for an amendment must be initiated by the President of the
Russian Federation, by the Federation Council, by the State Duma, by the
Government of the Russian Federation, by legislative bodies of the subjects of
the Russian Federation and by the group of not less than 1/5 deputies of the
Federation Council and the State Duma.

· The Constitution provides that Bases of the Constitutional Principles,
Rights and Obligations of People and Amendments to the Constitution and Revision of the Constitution cannot be changed by the Federal Assembly (both the State Duma and the Federation Council). In the event a proposal to revise any of the above provisions is supported by three-fifths of the total number of deputies of the Federation Council and the State Duma, a Constitutional
Assembly shall be convened in accordance with the federal constitutional law.
The Constitutional Assembly may either confirm the inviolability of the
Constitution of the Russian Federation or develop a new draft of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which shall be adopted by two-thirds of the total number of deputies to the Constitutional Assembly or submitted to referendum. The Constitution of the Russian Federation shall be considered adopted during such poll if more than half of its participants have voted for it, provided more than half of the electorate has taken part in the poll.

· Any other provision of the Constitution may be amended whether by variation, addition or repeal.


Certain modifications in the names of the subjects of the Russian Federation were brought in by the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, dated 9 January 1996, 10 February 1996 and 9 June 2001. The Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 15-P, dated 28 November 1995, empowered the President of the Russian Federation to adopt decrees on changing the names of the subjects of the Russian Federation, that is to be based on the decision of the correspondent subject of the Russian Federation.



amend v вносить поправку, изменение, дополнение (в конституцию)

amendment n поправка (к конституции)

approval n одобрение, утверждение, санкционирование

chapter n глава (конституции)

alter v изменить, изменять (ся)

comply with v соответствовать (чему-либо)

confirm v 1 подтверждать; 2 утверждать, санкционировать

Constitutional Assembly Конституционное Собрание

convene v созывать, собирать

decree n декрет, указ

domestic law внутреннее/внутригосударственное право

draft n проект

electorate n контингент избирателей, избирательный корпус, электорат

empower v уполномочивать, предоставлять право

enact v принимать (закон)

entry into force вступление в силу

Federal Assembly Федеральное Собрание – парламент Российской Федерации

(представительный и законодательный орган)

Federal Council Совет Федерации (Верхняя палата парламента Российской


inviolability n неприкосновенность

juridical adj юридический, законный, правовой

nominative adj назначенный

poll n голосование

provide for v предусматривать

provided conj при условии (что), если только, в том случае если

provision n положение, постановление

repeal n аннулирование, отмена

rigid adj строгий, суровый, неукоснительный

ruling n решение, постановление, определение (суда)

state v 1 утверждать; 2 устанавливать

State Duma Государственная Дума (Нижняя палата парламента Российской


stipulate v обусловливать, оговаривать в качестве особого условия

submit v представлять на рассмотрение

superiority n превосходство, преимущество

variation n изменение, перемена


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 86 | Нарушение авторских прав

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