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Exercise 7. Translate the following vocabulary article into English.

INSTRUMENTATION | Exercise 2. Answer the questions. | Exercise 5. Match the appropriate parts of the sentences. | INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY | Exercise 2. Search the text for the following word combinations. | INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARTIZATION | Exercise 6. Translate the following vocabulary article into English. | Exercise 7. Render the following vocabulary article into English. | PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION | Exercise 4. Match the terms with their definitions. |

Читайте также:
  1. A The following are dictionary definitions of different types of markets.
  2. A) Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.
  3. A) Make sentences in bold type less definite and express one's uncertainty of the following.
  4. A) Read and translate the text.
  5. A) Read the article to find the answers to these questions.
  6. A) Read the following comments from three people about their families.
  7. A) Read the following text and do the exercises below.

Менеджер по персоналу — профессия молодая. Как разновидность деятельности менеджера она зародилась в конце прошлого века. Появление специалистов по работе с персоналом, имеющих подготовку в области промышленной социологии и психологии, означало подлинную революцию в традиционных формах кадровой работы. Если до этого кадровая работа была функцией линейных руководителей различного уровня и ранга, а также работников (и руководителей) кадровых служб, занимающихся учетной, контрольной и распорядительской (администраторской) деятельностью, то возникновение управленческой (штабной) функции, связанной с обеспечением должного уровня кадрового потенциала организации, существенным образом расширило диапазон задач и повысило значение этого направления менеджмента. Именно с появлением управления персоналом как специализированной штабной деятельности в системе современного менеджмента связано становление кадрового менеджмента, который постепенно интегрирует и трансформирует сложившиеся формы кадровой работы.


Exercise 8. Speak on the following:

1. Management

2. Environmental management

3. Resource allocation

4. Resource Management Software

5. Industrial symbiosis




Exercise 1. Check whether you know the meaning of the following words and expressions:

Trademark, distinctive sign, indicator, legal entity, consumer, to distinguish, to promote, to brand goods, logo, range, to comprise, to fall into categories, trademark infringement, to prevent unauthorized use of trademark, to expand, to involve, to include, level of protection, owner of a mark, relevant authority, to display, enforce its proprietary rights.

A trademark or trade mark or trade-mark is a distinctive sign or indicator used by an individual, business organization, or other legal entity to identify that the products or services to consumers with which the trademark appears originate from a unique source, and to distinguish its products or services from those of other entities.

A trademark is designated by the following symbols:

· ™ (for an unregistered trade mark, that is, a mark used to promote or brand goods)

· ℠ (for an unregistered service mark, that is, a mark used to promote or brand services)

· ® (for a registered trademark)

A trademark is typically a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image, or a combination of these elements. There is also a range of non-conventional trademarks comprising marks which do not fall into these standard categories, such as those based on color, smell, or sound.

The owner of a registered trademark may commence legal proceedings for trademark infringement to prevent unauthorized use of that trademark. However, registration is not required. The owner of a common law trademark may also file suit, but an unregistered mark may be protectable only within the geographical area within which it has been used or in geographical areas into which it may be reasonably expected to expand.

The term trademark is also used informally to refer to any distinguishing attribute by which an individual is readily identified, such as the well known characteristics of celebrities. When a trademark is used in relation to services rather than products, it may sometimes be called a service mark, particularly in the United States.

In trademark treatises it is usually reported that blacksmiths who made swords in the Roman Empire are thought of as being the first users of trademarks. Other notable trademarks that have been used for a long time include Löwenbräu, which claims use since 1383, and Stella Artois, which claims use since 1366.

Registered trademarks involve registering the trademark with the government. The oldest registered trademarks in various countries include:

· United Kingdom: 1876 – The Bass Red Triangle was the first trademark to be registered under the Trade Mark Registration Act 1875.

· United States: Picture of Samson wrestling a lion, to Samson Rope in 1884.

The two symbols associated with U.S. trademarks ™ (the trademark symbol) and ® (the registered trademark symbol) represent the status of a mark and accordingly its level of protection. While ™ can be used with any common law usage of a mark, ® may only be used by the owner of a mark following registration with the relevant national authority, such as the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO or PTO). The proper manner to display either symbol is immediately following the mark in superscript style.

Terms such as "mark", "brand" and "logo" are sometimes used interchangeably with "trademark". "Trademark", however, also includes any device, brand, label, name, signature, word, letter, numerical, shape of goods, packaging, colour or combination of colours, smell, sound, movement or any combination thereof which is capable of distinguishing goods and services of one business from those of others. It must be capable of graphical representation and must be applied to goods or services for which it is registered.

Specialized types of trademark include certification marks, collective trademarks and defensive trademarks. A trademark which is popularly used to describe a product or service (rather than to distinguish the product or services from those of third parties) is sometimes known as a genericized trademark. If such a mark becomes synonymous with that product or service to the extent that the trademark owner can no longer enforce its proprietary rights, the mark becomes generic.

Nomenclature, classification & codification

The essential function of a trademark is to exclusively identify the commercial source or origin of products or services, such that a trademark, properly called, indicates source or serves as a badge of origin. In other words, trademarks serve to identify a particular business as the source of goods or services. The use of a trademark in this way is known as trademark use. Certain exclusive rights attach to a registered mark, which can be enforced by way of an action for trademark infringement, while unregistered trademark rights may be enforced pursuant to the common law tort of passing off.

It should be noted that trademark rights generally arise out of the use or to maintain exclusive rights over that sign in relation to certain products or services, assuming there are no other trademark objections.

Different goods and services have been classified by the International (Nice) Classification of Goods and Services into 45 Trademark Classes (1 to 34 cover goods, and 35 to 45 services). The idea of this system is to specify and limit the extension of the intellectual property right by determining which goods or services are covered by the mark, and to unify classification systems around the world.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 37 | Нарушение авторских прав

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