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By Charles & Frances


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  6. Author: Charles Dickens
  7. Author: Charles Dickens


Will angels be visible to more of the Body of Christ in the end church than in the early church? About a third of all mention of angels in the Bible is in the book of Revelation, and we believe that is the day in which we are living now!

Since we wrote the great soul-winning book, Angels On Assignment, we have had hundreds of people come to us with testimonies of seeing angels or having had visits by angels. The exciting thing about some of these witnesses is that we have seen the angels appear in the same place they tell of seeing them, and they describe the angels as we have seen them. God does confirm his Word by many witnesses.

The first known direct visit from angels in our lives came on the night of my birth. My mother didn’t tell me about this until late in her life, after God had placed us in a miracle ministry. She said that angels appeared at her bedside, handed her a little package and said, “This is your beloved son!” Then the angels vanished.

Soon after we received the baptism with the Holy Spirit, we were ministering in a miracle service in Austin, Texas. Frances and I, the worship leader and another man were on the stage of the auditorium. During the beautiful worship, Frances turned to the worship leader and said, “Will you lead us in singing in the Spirit?” He looked rather shocked that she would make such an earthly request for such a heavenly act as singing in the Spirit, but Paul said he sang with the Spirit, so why shouldn’t we?

Just before the worship leader started to sing in tongues, we both turned toward the piano.

Coming from that direction we heard what sounded like a thousand piece orchestra tuning their instruments just before a concert. But... the piano bench was empty and a guitar was resting beside the bench! The volume began to intensify as they seemed ready for the down-beat of the orchestra leader, when simultaneously with the worship leader starting to sing in the Spirit, the whole invisible orchestra played in harmony with this beautiful singing in tongues. What an awesome experience for us and the worship leader as we heard the music of a thousand angels!



Years later in Montana we were speaking in a convention held in a huge tent where about 700 Spirit-filled people were in attendance. We had just shared the powerful story from the message brought by Gabriel as told in the chapters, “He Tasted Death” and “You Are Covered (Atonement)” in the book, ANGELS ON ASSIGNMENT. Nothing brings the glory of God like magnifying Jesus through His sacrifice and His blood offering to God.

As Charles finished sharing this beautiful atonement message, I stepped to the microphone.

Instead of ministering healing which we usually did at that time, I began singing in the Spirit and the voices of 700 people joined in the beautiful worship as though it was a unified thanks to God for sending Jesus to us. The volume swelled in harmony and it was the most beautiful singing we had ever heard.

Then it seemed that everyone began to listen and look up as they were worshiping. This continued for several minutes and nobody wanted to stop. Suddenly it ended in a holy hush!

God spoke in prophecy and said, “Because of your adoration and praise of me this night, I have sent a heavenly host from the other side to join you in praise and worship!”

What we saw and heard was a spectacular display of God’s glory. There were more worship angels than there were people, the angels hovering near the top of the giant tent, and for the first time in my life, I heard them singing. They sounded like high pitched violins but were singing in angel languages! Glory to God!

Then came the final thrill when people came running to us after the service saying, “Did you see the angels and hear them singing with us when we were singing in tongues?” Each description was alike, and then they said, “When they finally left, a heavenly mist descended from the top of the tent.”

We are living in the most exciting age of all times! Hallelujah!

We love to worship God and Christ Jesus and in each of our miracle services we spend a lot of time in praise and worship. Generally the congregation will break into praise in the Spirit as they sing with their spirits like Paul did.

It was on one such occasion in a morning service in the Abilene, Texas Civic Center that the sponsoring pastor, Wilson Estes, came to us and was unusually excited with what he had just seen and experienced.

He said he was in high worship when he looked toward the stage and all across the top of the stage valance he saw a row of small angels. He continued to praise God, singing in the Spirit, and looked again. This time there were two rows of angels; in back of the row he first saw was a row of large warrior angels.

He said, “God, what does this mean?”

God said, “The first row are worship angels I have sent to join you in worship and praise. The second row are warrior angels I have sent to fight the spirit of religiosity which is over Abilene.”

We looked all over, above, and around the stage but we could see nothing that looked like an angel!

We asked Pastor Estes to share about the angels in the evening service. When he finished, I began to prophesy about what God was going to do in Abilene, and when I finished, Charles stepped to the microphone to speak, when suddenly I was aware of the fact that there was someone on the stage with us. In my spirit I knew it was an unusual person, but I had no idea what it really was, so I began to step back very slowly, very slowly, so that I could be in line with the person who was standing there. Somehow I knew it was not God or Jesus, but I knew it was some type of heavenly being, so I continued moving slowly backwards so I could see who it was because I didn’t want to disturb the meeting, when suddenly I turned, and there STOOD THE BIGGEST MAN I’VE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. Instantly I knew it was an angel! And at the top of my lungs (not wanting to disturb the meeting) I said “WOW!” What a moment of Glory!

He was approximately eight feet tall and he had the biggest shoulders I’ve ever seen in all my life. I was so completely overcome with the presence of this angel that I could not say a single word! Then God spoke to my heart and said, “That’s a special warrior angel that I have stationed with you and Charles to protect you from the fiery darts of the devil until Jesus Christ comes back!”

Those words are burned into my very heart, and even as I write this, I can hear them again! The thing that excited me so much was the last five words “until Jesus Christ comes back!” Hallelujah! Surely we are in the very end times!

I have seen the angel many times since then, and am always aware of his presence whether we are on a plane or in a car, and what a comfort to know that he’s protecting us at all times from the fiery darts of the devil!



We were to be guests and participate in a wedding one Sunday evening. It was about an hour before the church service and time for the wedding to start when a man brought his badly crippled wife into the foyer of the church. We ministered healing to her, but God put her in traction to heal her back, and it took about ten minutes for the total healing to be accomplished. The groom got very nervous, but we said God wanted to finish the miracle. She was totally healed after months of excruciating pain.

While the minister was conducting the wedding, I asked him if I could interrupt for a moment. The bride and groom were facing us as we faced the audience. I told the audience that this was an unusual wedding because the giant angel whom God had stationed with us was standing directly in back of the bride and groom, facing us. Then I said he was moving to my right; then he was moving back to Frances.

I have never seen this angel or any of the large angels, but God gives me an ability in the Spirit to tell exactly where the angel is and know his movements without visibly seeing him. Frances then took the microphone and said, “Charles described him perfectly (she saw him as plainly as she could see me), except that when he moved to our right, he put his hand on the shoulder of the man sitting there. The man accepted Jesus that night after the wedding!”

One night we were worshiping in a church in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and I nudged Frances as we were leading the worship, and said, “Do you see the angels?” We were worshiping Jesus and the worship angels appeared in cluster-like groups of five or six. They were joyously clapping their hands in blissful praise. They looked very excited as they were worshiping Jesus whom they love so very much, and honor so respectfully.

The worship angels seem to be about four or five feet high, while big warrior angels seem to range from about seven to eight feet tall.

One night in Massachusetts on the last night of a three-day seminar, we had urged the people to go out into their part of the world and minister salvation to the people who don’t know Jesus. Frances suddenly stopped talking and began telling what she saw in amazement. Standing in military-like formation, shoulder to shoulder along both sides and across the back of the auditorium were about a hundred giant angels dressed like warriors. God gave her a prophecy message for the people: “Don’t be afraid to tell about Jesus and the Gospel, because when you are doing this you will never be alone. I will send one of these giant angels with you!”

Twelve people came to us after the service and each of them described the angels alike in more detail than Frances had related over the microphone.

When Pastor Buck (Angels On Assignment) related about seeing about a hundred giant warrior angels standing on his lawn in front of his house, we believed. This special visit from heaven gave us a personal confirmation of one of the mighty sights Pastor Buck related to us as we wrote the book which has led over a quarter of a million people to Jesus.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 79 | Нарушение авторских прав

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