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Читайте также:
  2. John and Helen are friends. They are in John’s room now, looking at the photograph on the wall.
  3. Looking at More, Looking Deeper
  4. Looking for a Gas
  5. Looking for a job. Parts 1, 2
  6. Looking for the truth

By Charles


Can we disciples of this end-generation look back supernaturally into time?

Jesus did, so we should be able to do that, too, to accomplish what He wants us to do.

In the fourth chapter of John, Jesus was talking with the gentile woman at the well about living water when He said, “Go, call your husband, and come here. The woman answered and said, ‘I have no husband.’ Jesus said to her, ‘You have well said, ‘I have no husband, ‘for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; in that you spoke truly. The woman said to Him, ‘Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet” (John 4:16-19).

What did Jesus do for the kingdom of God by “looking back in time?”

“And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, ‘He told me all that lever did” (John 4:39). We must remember at all times that when we shift gears from the natural man into the Spirit realm, God gives this ability to do His work. His work always is to save those who are lost — to add to His kingdom those who love Him.

How was Jesus able to transcend the material limitations of man and move backward in time? By the

Spirit of God, abilities or gifts are given to man which fall into the limitlessness of God. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

If Jesus did it while He was on earth as a man, we can do it today, because He said we could. He was our example, so in this end generation we disciples will be doing this to perform the work of Jesus.

A few years ago a married couple came to me for prayer. They said their marriage was beautiful and perfect, except in their sex life she had a block where she could not perform. Doctors and counselors search the memories of people by probing with questions and can often help those whose memories have been damaged or warped by a traumatic experience of some kind.

I knew that I must not depend upon the limitations of my flesh, but must ask God for this answer. I simply moved from the arena of the flesh into the vast solar system of God’s knowledge, I shifted gears and my spirit moved into the realm of God’s Spirit world.

By opening my spirit and letting it search her past, similar to letting my mind look back to remember something, God let me sense that something happened to her when she was between four and five years of age. I asked her what had happened at that time. She could not remember. I urged her to think carefully, because God had focused His gift of the Spirit into that part of her past so it had to be significant in relation to the problem for which we were seeking the answer.

She still could not recall anything, when her husband said, “I know.” He said her father had said to him just before they were married, “I must tell you something about my daughter. When she was four years old, I sexually molested her.”

Something within her innocent mind, a fear or a wrong had been done which had set up a barrier toward men. It was not her fault, and yet it had been the work of Satan to block God’s design for her life. But Satan’s work was blotted out because God supernaturally uncovered the devil’s hidden secret through an ordinary twentieth century disciple. Both the husband and wife believed when God allowed me to see backwards into time, just as the woman at the well believed because Jesus was able to transcend time.

When someone recognizes that God loves them enough to open the windows of heaven’s knowledge through someone who has no way of knowing those secrets, miracles happen in the faith of that person.

A man called Frances when we were preparing to take a group of Christians to Israel and said his son was a mess and that he was sending him to Israel with us so we could straighten out his life. We couldn’t straighten anyone’s life in the natural, but we walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

This young man, twenty-nine years of age, was slightly mentally retarded. Frances knew about this, but I didn’t. When we were on the Mount of Olives, he threw away his cigarettes because God was already ministering to his spirit. We had just crossed the Sea of Galilee on a boat (we didn’t walk across, but a deaf woman was healed on the boat as Frances commanded the deaf spirit to leave). We went into a restaurant in Tiberias for a “Peter’s fish” dinner. Ten of us sat at a round table, and we had just sat down when I “looked intently at this young man.”

My spirit mind sped swiftly from twenty-nine years of age backwards over the years when there seemed to be a brake, like a magnetic force, stop at age five. I asked the young man, “What happened between you and your father when you were five years old?”

He tried to recall, but could remember nothing. He said, “I remember when I was in the fifth grade in school that I left the classroom one day and the teacher said to the other students, ‘That kid is stupid.”

Can you see what must have entered that innocent boy’s heart? He could not help it that his mind was not as normal as the other children. In his mind entered the hurt, the embarrassment, and perhaps resentment to imprint forever a scar that would further his problem. Satan moves about the earth, seeking those whom he can destroy, but God sent Jesus to redeem us from that curse.

I said, “That is significant, but it was when you were five years old that God wants to help you.” He still could remember nothing, until the next morning he came to me excitedly saying, “I remember, I remember!” He said, “When I was about five, I remember that my mother and father were talking and didn’t think I knew what they were saying. They said, ‘We’ve got to get rid of that kid; we can’t do a thing with him.”

Can you imagine the blow to that little child’s heart when his parental security was being destroyed by Satan? Perhaps his parents didn’t really say that with a wrong attitude, but he heard it that way in his heart.

This stroke of the devil drove his mental retardation further into the realm of darkness.

When he realized that the Almighty God had spoken to him (he didn’t think of it as Charles speaking to him), God healed his mind and memory, and he was forever set free from the bondage of Satan! Glory to God!

When we disciples of this age need to do a miracle to further the kingdom of God, we are as unlimited as God Himself because by His Spirit we can shift gears and move into His vastness of knowledge!

One Sunday night I was sharing with our church on how to heal the sick and started to demonstrate by opening my spirit for a word of knowledge about a physical problem so God could be glorified with a miracle. Suddenly I turned to a man whom I had never seen before.

It was not a vision, but I began telling him about things he knew I had no way of knowing. I said, “About four years ago something happened in your life between you and a close member of your family. This caused you to turn from God and you have been in misery ever since and you are searching for a way out of this spiritual dilemma.”

I don’t remember other details, but for three or four minutes I looked into his past and told him all kinds of details he knew I couldn’t know. He looked at me in awe and said, “How could you know all that? It has to be God.”

What he said had happened was that his mother died and his father who was a minister of the Gospel had remarried. The father went into sin and completely left all relationship with God. This young man was also a preacher, and because of the traumatic spiritual death of his father, he, too, had his faith in God destroyed. He had gone into sin and left the ministry.

That night, because God let my spirit see into his past, he repented and turned his life back over to God. What a faith-building demonstration of the Spirit God gave the church when by His Spirit he allowed an ordinary human to move from the realm of the flesh into the great realm of the spirit world.

We disciples of this end generation have been given an awesome responsibility, but God never leaves us nor forsakes us. God will do anything within his perfect laws to reach the soul of one of his creation! Hallelujah!

By our human decisions we can choose to move into another world, into the spirit world where God says we live, to do the work of God. “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6).


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 61 | Нарушение авторских прав

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