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Find all the abbreviations in the text and give their meanings.

Task 5. Retell the text using new lexical words. | Task 4. Retell the text using new words. | Colour Television | How VoIP phone systems work | Практическое занятие № 15 | Exercise 4. Practise aloud. | Exercise 5. Change the following Complex Sentences into constructions with a Complex Subject. | Output Hardware | Задание 3. Укажите , какие из следующих утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста. | Задание 2. Translate the text. |

Читайте также:
  1. A) Explain their meanings;
  2. A) Read the following comments from three people about their families.
  3. A. Match the words with their definitions
  4. A. Translate the terms in the table below paying attention to their contextual meaning.
  5. Abbreviations
  6. Abbreviations
  7. Abbreviations

Make up a list of terms you can find in the text. Translate them into Russian.

Make up 10 sentences of your own with the terms used in the text. Let your neighbor translate their Russian versions into English, then change the parts.

Read the text and follow the instructions.


Read the text: SOLAR ENERGY

Our sun, although it is not the largest star in our universe, is a gigantic body. If we make a non-stop flight around it in an airplane at a speed of 200 miles per hour, it will require 565 days to go around it at the equator. The diameter of the sun is about 964,392 miles.

The sun has a surface temperature of about 100,000ºF. Scientists have calculated that its internal temperature is about 9,000,000ºF. They were of different opinion as to the source of the sun’s heat. All of the earlier hypotheses were quite unable to explain such great quantities of energy.

Modern research into the atom indicated that under certain conditions matter it self may be transformed into energy. It is now though that the source of the sun’s energy results from nuclear fissions and is practically unlimited.

The earth’s surface receives energy from the sun in enormous quantities. But only half of the energy that strikes our atmosphere ever reaches the earth’s surface, while the rest is reflected and absorbed by the air.

What can be done with this vast amount of power? Let us briefly review how man utilizes the sun’s energy.

Man has used and is still using solar energy through photosynthesis as one of his sources of heat and power. Another way to use solar heat for cooking and house heating. The future will undoubtedly bring us a lot of new applications of solar energy.



non-stop flight - беспосадочный полёт

it is now thought - в настоящее время предполагают

2. Define what conjunction could be inserted in the following joined clauses:

1. The Curies found polonium was many times more active than uranium. 2. In 1898 they announced they had discovered the element radium. 3. They claimed radium radiations were a then hundred thousand times more active than pitchblende from which it was obtained. 4. It is established there are there varieties of radiations from radioactive atoms. 5. The discovery of the radiations radioactive substances emit was of the greatest importance for research work in the field of the structure of the atom. 6. The application the radioactive isotopes are finding in different fields of life is of growing importance. 7. The properties of a composite matter are always quite different from those of the elements it consists of. 8. We can now calculate how many atoms there are in 1gramme of any element we choose by making use of our knowledge of the relations between the atomic weights of the elements.

3. Translate the following dialogue into English:

- Какой новый мощный источник энергии был открыт учёными в начале ХХ столетия?

- Этот новый источник энергии – атомное ядро.

- Долго ли работали учёные над раскрытием тайны атома?

- Да, они работали больше столетия.

- Как иногда называют наш век?

- Его называют атомным веком.

- В чём преимущество атомной энергии?

- Атомная энергия очень дешёвая и её запасы неограниченны.

- А знаете ли вы, что такое изотопы?

- Конечно. Это элементы с такими же химическими свойствами, как и у естественных элементов, но они обладают свойством радиации. Применение изотопов также является примером мирного использования атомной энергии в нашем народном хозяйстве.

4. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the achievements of science in nuclear physics?

2. By what process is the splitting of the atomic nucleus accompanied?

3. For what purposes can atomic energy be used?

4. For what purposes is the atomic energy used in the Soviet Union?

5. What improvements in the life of man can the peaceful use of atomic energy bring?

6. How many days will it require to go around the sun in an airplane?

7. What is the diameter of the sun?

8. What is the internal temperature of the sun?



Read the text: History of electronics

Electronics is the science dealing with devices operated by control of the movement of electric charges i a vacuum, in gases, or semiconductors; or with the processing of information or the control of energy by such devices. This definition covers the whole complex family of vacuum and gaseous electron tubes and their applications. It also includes metallic contact or semiconductor rectifiers and the transistors which utilize the control of electrons or positive charges (holes) to process information or to convert energy.

Electronics was born in the 19th century. Like hydrolysis or chemistry it has come into is own only recently. Electronics first established itself, however, in wireless telegraphy. Industrial applications of electronics include control gauging, counting, heating, speed regulation, ets.

But in a larger field, electronics leads to automatic control of large-scale industrial operations.

Today, electronics has started a new era. Electronic devices are doing simple, but human-like thinking. Some industries are controlled, by electronic robots. Automation is the industrial keynote of the day. Planes and rockets are electronically controlled. Some radiotelescopes work like radar to receive radio waves from outer space. Shortly speaking, electronics is not so much a new way of looking at electricity.

2. Answer the following questions orally:

1. What is electronics?

2. When was electronics born?

3. Where did electronics first establish itself?

4. What does electronics lead to in a larger field?

5. What thinking is electronics doing?

6. In what branches of science and technology is electronics used?


Read the text: Small Hydroelectric

The high capital cost and environmental and social impact of large hydroelectric power plants (large dams) have made small hydroelectric power (SHP) an attractive alternative in recent years. Rather than building huge dams with lakes behind them that submerge entire towns or beautiful rivers and canyons, some countries have opted to generate electricity using small hydroelectric power plants. Switzerland has used the power of melting snow running off the Alps for years. According to a UNESCO survey conducted in China, about 800 of its 2,300 counties can be electrified using SHP and the government is giving preferential loans and tax exemptions to SHP developers.

Other countries are giving assistance for the development of small hydroelectric power. In Nepal, the government is providing loans and materials to SHP equipment manufacturers, and in Pakistan, the Ministery of Science and Technology has subsidized SHP construction. Similar efforts are occurring in the Andean region of Latin America and in Canada. All of these places are especially suited for small hydroelectric power generation because they have high mountain ranges. As the engineering and equipment required for SHp become more widespread, other countries with mountains and rivers should be able to take advantage of this clean source of electricity.

1. Answer the questions:

1. What does biomass mean?

2. What types of fuel does modern biomass include?

3. What is another potential type of fuel derived from biomass?

4. From what is methane derived?

5. What country has been a leading nation in the use of ethanol?

6. What power has Switzerland used?

7. What can you say about SHP according to a UNESCO survey?

8. What are the other countries doing for the development of small hydroelectric power?

9. Why are all of he countries that are giving assistance suited for small hydroelectric power generation?


Read the text: Electrical Energy and Electrical Machines

Volta made his experimental cell in 1800, producing for the first time a steady reliable electric current. During the nineteenth century, the development of practical applications of electrical energy advanced rapidly. The first major uses of electricity were in the field of communications — first for the telegraph and the telephone. They used not only electric current but also electromagnetic effects.

Thomas Hdison's invention of the electric light bulb was perhaps the most momentous development of all. but not because it was such a unique invention. It was momentous because it led to the creation of an electric power system which has since reached into nearly every corner of the world. Actually, other people were working simultaneously on the same problem, and Edison's claim to the invention was disputed. Perhaps F-'dison's most important claim to fame is his pioneering work in engineering, which helped to provide electric sen ice for New-York City in 1882.

The application of electricity has grown to the point where most of us lead "electrified lives", surrounded by a variety of devices that use electric energy. Less visible, but probably more important, are the thousands of ways industry has put electric energy to work. The direetcurrent machine is one of the most important ways.

6.1. Просмотрите текст и определите, на какие дне части его можно разделить. Может ли вторая часть быть понятна бет чтения первой (определите по подзаголовку)?

6. 2. В первых двух абзацах речь идет о развитии электричества и XIX веке. Какой вклад был сделан в разлитие электричества Волга и 1SOO году и Эдисоном в 1882 году?



Read the text:

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