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Safety Engineering (Техника безопасности)

Учебная программа дисциплины - Syllabus | Radio Communication | Task 7. Read the Text. The clockwork radio | Практическое занятие 4 | Практическое занятие № 5 | Практическое занятие №6 | Практическое занятие № 7 | Task 6. Extract the main idea of it. | Практическое занятие № 9 | Методические рекомендации |

Читайте также:
  1. A job in Engineering
  2. About safety of NPP.
  3. About safety of NPP.
  4. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
  6. Basic Safety Precautions for Working Onboard Machinery Spaces
  7. Branches of Engineering

This field of engineering has as its object the prevention of accidents. Safety engineers develop methods and procedures to safeguard workers of hazardous occupations. They also assist in designing machinery, factories, ships, and roads, suggesting alterations and improvements to reduce accidents.


Задание 2. Active Vocabulary:

chemical engineer - инженер-химик

chief engineer - главный ин­женер

civil engineer - инженер-стро­итель

electrical engineer- инженер электротехник

highway engineer - дорожный инженер

marine engineer - инженер судовой

mechanical engineer - инже­нер-механик

metallurgical engineer- ин­женер-металлург

mining engineer- горный ин­женер

operating engineer - инже­нер-эксплуатационник

sanitary engineer - инженер по санитарной технике

systems engineer - инженер — системный программист

transportation engineer - ин­женер транспорта

integrated circuit - интег­ральная микросхема

structural design - проектиро­вание конструкций

solid-state electronics - элек­троника на полупровод­никах

to shield - заслонять, защищать

safe - безопасный

naval architect кораблестро­итель-проектировщик

stable - устойчивый

appropriate - под­ходящий, соответствую­щий

interference - по­мехи

hazardous - опас­ный

fibre optics - во­локонная оптика

to provide - обеспе­чивать, предусматривать

yield - выход (продук­ции)

steam turbine - паровая турбина

copper wire (cable) - медный провод

to prevent - предот­вращать, препятствовать, предупреждать

alteration - изменение, переделка, перестройка

naval architect - кораблестро­итель, судостроитель

carrying capacity - пропуск­ная способность

to safeguard - охра­нять, защищать, предох­ранять

VLSI - очень широкомасш­табная интеграция


Задание 3. Read the new words and translate the following sentences:

1. to deal - with иметь дело с, работать

Mechanical engineers deal with machinery, mechanisms and engines.

2. operation -действие, работа, операция

Computers can perform several millions of operations in a second.

3. complex -множеств

Some problems are too complex to solve.

4. property -свойство, качество, особенность Synthetic materials have useful mechanical and physical properties.

5. field -область, сфера, поле (деятельности)

He is a specialist in thefield of electronics.

6. to consume -потреблять

Production of aluminium consumes a lot of electricpower

7. among между, посреди, среди

There was a small village among the fields.

8. to transmit -передавать, пропускать проводить

Mobile phones transmit and,receive microwave radio signals.

9. extremely- чрезвычайно,крайне,очень

Knowledge of materials properties is extremely important for engineers.

10. to reduce - сокращать, уменьшать

Automation reduces the costs of production.

11. application - употребление, применение, использование

Application of new techniques raised the quality of production.

12. trend -направление,тенденция

Use of composite materials is a new trend in engineering.

13. towards -к, по направлению к

Rivers in Siberia flow towards the north.

14. to lower - снижать, уменьшать

Safety belts can lower the risk of trauma in road accident.

15. device - устройство, аппарат, прибор

Modern cars have a number of safety devices.

16. single - один, единственный, единичный

We didn't see a single solution of the problem.

17. to create - создавать, проектировать, разрабатывать

Computer programmers create new software.

18. dimensions -размеры, величина, мат. измерение, объем;,

Egyptian pyramids are structures of very large dimensions. Computers allow to

work with three dimensional models.

19. to replace -заменять

Digital telephone systems are replacing analogue ones.

20. digital - цифровой

Digital sound recording is made on compact discs.

21. analogue - аналоговы

Analogue signal can be transformed into digital one.

22. speed - скорость, быстрота

New models of computer processors have greater speed and are more reliable.

23. maintenance - эксплуатация, техническое обслуживание

The maintenance of the device is not very difficult.

24. purpose - цель; назначение, намерение

To become a good specialist is the purpose of my study

25. artificial -искусственный

The first artificial satellite was launched on the 4th October, of 1957.

26. to perform - делать, выполнять

Robots can perform the work faster than people.

27. to intend -намереваться

We intended to complete the experiment by Friday.

28. to move - передвигать(ся), двигать(ся), перемещать(ся)

The Earth moves on its orbit around the Sun.

29. to require требовать (чего-л.), нуждаться (в чём-л.);

Working on computer requires much attention.

30. essential - необходимый, основной, существенный;

Fast typing is an essential skill nowadays.

31. to devote - посвящать

He devoted himself to research work.

32. to select - выбирать, отбирать

John was selected for the basketball team.

33. particularly - особенно, в частности

He was particularly interested in modern Internet technologies.

34. appropriate - подходящий, соответствующий

Every computer device has an appropriate driver.

35. to specify - точно устанавливать определять

The instructions specify, how the device is to be used.

3 6. to withstand - противостоять, выдерживать

New artificial materials can withstand high temperatures.

37. procedure методика, метод

The testing procedure is rather simple.

38. to assist - помогать, содействовать

The young nurse was assisting at her first operation.

39. to suggest предлагать, советовать

They suggested to make a new research.

40. occupation -род занятий, профессия

His occupation is a project manager

41. improvement - улучшение, усовершенствование

The tests showed that the device needs improvements.

Задание 4. Find Kazakh or Russian equivalents to the following:

canal -

material -

mechanism -

pneumatic -

ventilation -
















Задание 5. Find equivalents on the right column:

1. appropriate A. отбирать

2. essential B. передавать

3. property C. помогать

4. speed D. предлагать

5. to assist E. свойство

6. to create F. скорость

7. to reduce G. создавать

8. to require Н. сокращать

9. to select I. соответствующий

10. to suggest J. существенный

11. to transmit К. требовать


Задание 6. Read and translate the following word combinations:

design of large buildings

construction materials

to operate machinery of all types

electric power and signals

engineering problems

electronic circuits

important developments

to transmit power

to reduce power losses

communication systems

speed of computer operations

techniques of modern shipbuilding


Методические рекомендации:

Выполнение заданий к тексту требует его общего понимания. Контроль понимания достигается через выполнение заданий. Информация, извлеченная при прочтении теста, может быть использована студентами в заданиях.


Рекомендуемая литература:

1(осн.)Стр. 95-99

Контрольные вопросы:

1. What do civil engineers deal with?

2. What do mechanical engineers deal with?

3. What knowledge is necessary for a mechanical engi­neer?

4. What are the four main branches of electrical engi­neering?

5. What are the major developments in the field of com­munication systems?

6. What is aerospace engineering concerned with?

7. What do naval architects design?

8. What is marine engineering devoted to?

9. What is the task of chemical engineers?

10. What is nuclear engineering concerned with?



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