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Revision exercises


Читайте также:
  1. A) Read the following text and do the exercises below.
  2. Active and Passive Voice Tenses Revision Key
  3. Additional exercises for the Infinitive and the Infinitive Constructions
  4. Additional Language Exercises
  5. Additional Language Exercises
  6. Advanced exercises in conversion
  7. All tenses revision


19. Paraphrase the following using participles where possible.

1. He went over to the window; he stood there and listened to the hum of voices which was coming from the outside.

2. He was deafened by the noise and did not at once notice when it stopped.

3. I couldn't ring him up as I did not know his telephone number.

4. After I had tried various topics of conversation I asked her, for want of anything better to say, to tell me who all the people at table were.

5. When it was put to vote, the resolution was carried unanimously.

6. Several items of the plan that was agreed upon require certain changes.

7. "These are pretty," she exclaimed as she picked up a bouquet of violets and pinned them on.

8. She lay awake all night and thought of what had happened.

9. He may forget it unless he is reminded.

10. From a notion which he once took into his head, he parted very slowly.

11. The light which was streaming from the half open door dazzled him.

12. We went to see our friends who had just returned from a far voyage.

13. He plunged into the great heap of letters which had long been wait­ing for him.

14. He hailed a cab and told the man to drive to Park Lane.

15. He was not happy. The thought worried him.

16. The front page carries a picture of the first liner which is being launched from the new shipyard.

17. The lorries drove closer to the ship which was being unloaded.

18. The boy tried to put together the pieces of a gramophone record that had broken.

19. And now that he had made up his mind and was prepared to meet any contingency, he regained his composure.

20. Mr. Smith returned to the inn, went up to his room and ordered lunch to be brought up.

21. From the kitchen came a pleasant smell, some appetizing food was being cooked there.

22. He had a massive gold watch, which had belonged to his father.

23. The sidewalks were crowded with people who came to watch the demonstration.

24. If it is properly handed, the machine may serve longer.


20. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the appropriate form of the participle.

1. She stayed (to lock) in her room, (to refuse) to come down­stairs.

2. He had a good practical knowledge of the language, (to work) as an interpreter for many years.

3. The boys on the fence looked like swallows (to perch) on a telegraph wire.

4. They went out as they had come, (to see) and (to see) by no one on their way.

5. "I like it here," she said, (to seat) herself at the table nearest to the window.

6. Except for the grand piano and the pianist (to seat) unobtrusively before it, the stage was empty.

7. He looked so beautiful and peaceful, (to sit) in that chair under the tree.

8. He looked at the scene (to shake) to the depth of his heart.

9. The boy came out of the water, all blue and (to shake) from head to foot.

10. (To plunge) headlong into that enterprise, he was now desperately looking for a way out of it.

11. (To plunge) in thought, he did not seem to notice what was going on around him.

12. (To arrive) at the airport where he was to change, he had to wait for three hours for the connection.

13. (To arrive) in the town about twenty years before, he had succeeded there­after beyond his wildest expectations.

14. He introduced me to a friend of his, recently (to arrive) after a cruise round Europe.

15. (To support) by her elbow, Mary listened to their talk.

16. (To support) her by his arm, he helped her out of the carriage.

17. The girl was fascinated by the dark surface of the water (to reflect) the cold lanterns of stars.

18. The young foliage of the trees, (to reflect) in the river, looked like shimmering lace.

19. I saw the figure of an old woman (to come) towards me.

20. He was like an invalid newly (to come) after a long illness.

21. My brother is a soldier just (to come) back home on leave.

22. He retired (to leave) the laboratory in the hands of a talented successor.

23. He retired (to turn) the laboratory into a big research centre.

24. (To finish) with their meal, they went for a stroll in the park.

25. (To finish) their meal, they went for a stroll in the park.

26. (To return) home and (to see) his parents worried he asked what the matter was.

27. (To dine) and (to puff) leisurely at their cigars, the men were engaged in a desultory conversation.

28. (To look) through the paper and (to okey) it, he gave it to the secretary to be typed.

29. (To beat), (to despair), (to labour) in vain for half an hour, he still persisted in one last effort, (to try) to get breath into the limp body of the drowned man.

30. He recoiled as if (to expect) a blow.

31. The room had a musty smell as though (not to live) in for quite a time.

32. My father hates being disturbed when (to engage) in some kind of work.

33. He always keeps a diary while (to travel).


21. Translate into English.

1. Выйдя на сцену, Керри не могла преодолеть страх, овла­девший ею.

2. Прочитав записку леди Чилтерн, миссис Чивли решила извлечь из нее пользу.

3. Почувствовав, что Керри вол­нуется, Друэ прошел за кулисы, чтобы ободрить ее.

4. Оперев­шись на руку Джейн, мистер Рочестер, хромая, пошел к лошади.

5. Переодевшись в костюм цыганки, мистер Рочестер хотел под­шутить над своими гостями.

6. После того как свидетелей по делу Клайда допросили, им разрешили покинуть зал суда.

7. Когда Клайда допрашивали, он старался казаться спокойным, но это ему плохо удавалось.

8. Когда миссис Чивли спросила сэра Роберта, намерен ли он снять свой доклад, он ответил отрица­тельно.

9. Человек, принесший Джемме письмо от Артура, хотел поговорить с ней наедине.

10. Пилигрим, пришедший в дом леди Равенны, чтобы передать привет от Айвенго, попросил провести его к ней.

11. Миссис Броуди была очень слабохарактерна и мол­чаливо терпела все издевательства мужа.

12. Брошь, украденная у кузины лорда Горинга, оказалась у миссис Чивли.

13. Взглянув на записку, лежавшую на столе, Кит сейчас же узнала почерк брата.

14. Когда Клайда привели к Мейсону, он понял, что этот человек не пощадит его.

15. Спрятавшись за дом, Нэл начала следить за Куилпом.

16. Проводив отца до кареты, Джолион вернулся в дом.

17. Она ушла к себе в комнату, попросив не беспокоить ее.

18. Туристы, не раз слышавшие об этих местах, выразили желание поехать туда.

19. Летчик, вышедший из само­лета, выглядел очень усталым.

20. Пожарник быстро взобрался по лестнице и исчез в одном из окон пылавшего дома.

21. Гим­наст выполнял упражнения с необычайной легкостью, которая достигается только постоянной тренировкой.

22. Они замолчали, исчерпав все возможные темы для разговоров.

23. Собака подбе­жала ко мне и завиляла хвостом, как бы приветствуя меня.

24. Эту воду нельзя пить, пока ее не профильтруют.

25. Если этот роман экранизировать, он, несомненно, будет иметь боль­шой успех.

26. Наконец наступил день, который с таким нетерпе­нием ждали.

27. Его родители,.привыкшие к таким случаям, при­няли меня очень радушно, нисколько не удивляясь, что их сын привел совершенно незнакомого человека.

28. Отец ее погиб в первые месяцы войны, оставив жену и двоих детей.

29. Дым, наполнивший комнату, помешал моему противнику найти шашку, лежавшую возле него. (М. Лермонтов).

30. Я следил за движениями казака, не ожидавшего с этой стороны нападения. (М. Лермонтов).

31. В это время один офицер, сидевший в углу комнаты, встал и, медленно подойдя к столу, окинул всех спо­койным и торжественным взглядом. (М. Лермонтов).

32. «Васи­лий Денисов, друг вашего сына», — сказал он, рекомендуясь графу, вопросительно смотревшему на него. (Л. Толстой).

33. Про Болконского ничего не говорили, и только близко знав­шие его люди жалели, что он рано умер.

34. Мы посетили быв­шую усадьбу Льва Толстого в Ясной Поляне, ныне ставшую мемориальным музеем.

35. Многие дворцы, ранее принадлежав­шие богатой знати, ныне превращены в клубы, дворцы культуры, музеи.

36. Мальчик, потерявший родителей, был помещен в дет­ский дом.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 410 | Нарушение авторских прав

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