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Revision exercises


Читайте также:
  1. A) Read the following text and do the exercises below.
  2. Active and Passive Voice Tenses Revision Key
  3. Additional exercises for the Infinitive and the Infinitive Constructions
  4. Additional Language Exercises
  5. Additional Language Exercises
  6. Advanced exercises in conversion
  7. All tenses revision


11. Replace the parts in bold type by gerundial phrases.

1. When the girl entered the room, she glanced a little wonder-ingly at the faces of the three men.

2. He felt much better after he had been operated on.

3. Just before I got into my apartment I was approached by a man who asked me if I was a doctor.

4. This woman's face attracted his attention as familiar for he remembered that she had passed by him several times.

5. That I was on the spot was a bit of luck for him.

6. Roberta insisted that Clyde should marry her for she wanted to give a name to her child.

7. While he was writing his report, he remembered that he had forgotten to mention some facts.

8. When she saw him she stopped reading at once and put the letter away and even did not comment in any way upon what she was reading.

9. The whole neighbour­hood was so dreary and run-down that he hated the thought that he would have to live there.

10. When Samuel Griffiths came back from Chicago on this particular day, after he had concluded several, agreements there, he was inclined to feel very much at ease and on good terms with the world.

11. She did not feel as if she would go out that day.

12. In this thick fog she was afraid that she might be knocked down.

13. You will do nothing but irritate him if you will nag him all the time.

14. He preferred to keep silent for fear that he might say something inopportune.

15. He was not only the author of brilliant short stories, but he was also a talented playwright.

16. Once he gets into his head an idea of doing something, it is impossible to talk him out of it.

12. Make one sentence out of the following pairs of sentences by using gerundial phrases. The part in bold type is to become the predicate.

Model: She talked about food. It made him feel hungry. Her talking about food made him feel hungry.

1. He had been with us for twenty minutes. He didn't say a word.

2. He made everything clear to me. He explained every detail.

3. She has quite a gift. She makes complicated things clear and simple.

4. He surely risked. He might have broken his neck when he jumped across the stream.

5. My brother has a very irritating habit. He hums some tune all the time.

6. She sang out of tune. It annoyed me immensely.

7. We have no objections. They may leave earlier.

8. She looked out of the window. She saw a large crowd gathering in the garden in front.

9. They were engaged. They were bedding out the flowers.

10. She was very much disappointed. She had not received any letters.

11. We kept the child from crying. We told him funny stories.

12. He decided not to go there. He gave up the idea completely.

13. Why are you sitting idle? You ought to take the initiative into your hands.

14. He was not at all helpful. More than that, he was a burden to us.

13. Use the appropriate form of the gerund. Insert prepositions where necessary. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. (to ask) whether he would go to the South he answered he hadn't yet made up his mind.

2. You can't be serious (to make) me such a proposition.

3. After this unpleasant scene, he avoided (to see) by his friends.

4. We couldn't help (to smile) at the child's earnestness.

5. She left (not to say) good-bye to anyone, which was very rude of her.

6. I remember (to stay) a week-end with him. He is a pleasant fellow.

7. The engineer came up to the plat­form for the purpose (to demonstrate) some special technique.

8. I think you made a mistake (to come) here.

9. Suddenly she burst out with, "I'm tired (to make) jellies and soups for him. I can't go on (to waste) the best years of my life."

10. The day was spent (to pack), and in the evening the people came to say good-bye.

11. I've got to have some good excuse (to see) him more often.

12. Our guests showed little hesitation (to accept) the invitation.

13. I succeeded (to extinguish) the flames which were devouring the curtains.

14. The initiative (to arrange) a party did not come from our side.

15. When engaged (to eat), the brain should be the servant of the stomach.

16. He templed me to write this story (to assure) me that it would be read by only a few of his colleagues. 17. Your son is well able to take care of himself (to ask) favours of anybody.

18. He had some difficulty (to control) his temper.

19. (to see) his mother the boy rushed forward with outstretched arms.

20. The old dog lay on the porch, coiled up as if afraid inadvertently (to tread upon).

21. (to recover) the balance he discovered that he had risked (to break) his neck (to fall) into the well of the stairs.

22. Lady Basildon. I delight (to talk) politics. But I can't bear (to listen) to them.

23. Lady Chiltern. She is incapable (to understand) an upright nature like my husband's. And what did she mean (to boast) that she had got you to lend your support?

24. Sir Robert Chiltern is on the brink (to accept) the Prime Minister's offer.

25. S i r R о b e r t. (to defend) myself against Mrs. Chevely I have a right to use any weapon I can find, have I not?

14. Translate into English.

1. Дефо неоднократно штрафовали и сажали в тюрьму за нападки на власти.

2. Теккерей был очень способен к рисованию. Я недавно узнал, что он сам иллюстрировал «Ярмарку тщесла­вия».

3. Клайд избегал говорить о своем прошлом с Сондрой и ее друзьями.

4. Сондра была разочарована, когда узнала, что Клайд всего лишь бедный родственник Гриффитсов. 5. Миссис Чивли делала вид, что вернулась в Лондон, потому что ей надоело жить за границей.

6. Лорд Горинг любил говорить парадоксами и испытывал удовольствие, когда его не понимали.

7. Леди Чилтерн вспомнила, что когда-то училась вместе с миссис Чивли.

8. Миссис Чивли намеревалась выйти замуж за лорда Горинга.

9. Лорд Горинг не дал миссис Чивли вмешаться в дела сэра Роберта Чилтерна.

10. Больше всего леди Базилдон не любила, когда ее поучали.

11. Когда Ривера пришел в Хунту, он выпол­нял все, что ему поручали. Можно сказать, что он начал свою работу на революцию с мытья полов.

12. Долгое время члены Хунты подозревали Риверу в том, что он шпионит за ними.

13. Об этом стоит написать.

14. Не то, что у него нет чувства юмора, просто ему сейчас не до шуток.

15. Неизвестно, как долго бы продолжался этот лесной пожар, если бы не пошел сильный дождь.

16. «Раз увидеть лучше, чем сто раз прочесть», — гласит народная пословица.

17. Когда обмениваешься, мнениями, это позволяет лучше сформулировать свои собственные мысли.

18. Я не сержусь, когда меня критикуют, если это критика по существу.

19. Доклад может быть рекомендован к опубликова­нию только после того, как он будет обсужден и одобрен ученым советом.

20. Спасибо, что позвонили. Было так приятно погово­рить с вами. Не зашли бы вы как-нибудь до отъезда? С нетерпе­нием жду встречи с вами.

21. Сидеть на боковых местах неудобно, потому что не видно всей сцены.

22. В Англии многие художники, не имея работы, пытаются выручить хоть немного денег, рисуя на тротуарах.

23. Вот это деловой разговор!


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