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СМІЛА - 1998
Посібник по вивченню матеріалів про Україну
на уроках англійської мови
Уклала Усенко Т. Й. — Сміла: СТХП, 1998 р.
Рецензент: вчитель англійської мови вищої категорії,
Олексієнко Любов Федорівна
Посібник вміщує інформацію та матеріали про Україну на англійській мові.
Рекомендований тим, хто вивчає англійську мову в школі та абітурієнтам.
редактор: зінченко т. п.
художник: глоба м. г.
відповідальний за випуск: капустянська о. м.
технічний редактор: камолов м. к.
комп’ютерна група: заславний в. в.,
бардадим в. в.
технічне забезпечення: таран о. о.
підписано до друку _____________
Підготовлено до друку навчальним обчислювальним впроваджувальним
центром vосвітаv смілянського технікуму харчової промисловості.
258410, м. Сміла, Черкаської області,
вул. Артема, 123, к. 428, 429.
Тел. (04733) 4 - 50 - 05, тел./факс 4 - 50 - 34.
1. З історії розвитку держави.
2. Українське козацтво i Запорiжська Січ.
3. Державна влада в Україні.
4. Географічне положення України.
5. Клімат України.
6. Промисловість i сільське господарство України.
7. Київ.
8. Мій рідний край.
9. Моє рідне місто - Сміла.
10. Мій улюблений український поет.
11. Вчені України.
12. Свята та знаменні дати України.
13. Пам'ятки культури України.
Богдан Хмельницький.
15. Українська діаспора.
16. Українська спільнота за кордоном.
17. Зв'язки України з Англiєю.
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The term Ukraina first appeared in the chronicles of ancient Slavs in the 12-th century as a geographical name for the southern lands of the ancient Kyiv Rus.
The State of Kyiv Rus was set up in the 9-th century. It was a powerful feudal state with highly developed culture and various crafts widely known throughout Europe.
From the 13-th century Ukraine was continuously struggling against invasions by the Tatar-Mongols, the Turks, the Crimean Tatars, Lithuanian and Polish rulers, who pursued a policy of merciless national oppression. The long struggle of the Ukrainian people for independence ended victoriously under the leadership of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, in 1654, with a treaty of union between Ukraine and Russia possess an army and navy, collect taxes. Soon after Khmelnitsky's death, the tzar interpreted the treaty as a "personal union" and demanded its revision whenever a new hetman was to be elected.
Several hetmans tried to break away from Russia but failed (I. Vyhovsky in 1659, P. Doroshenko in 1655 - 1676, I. Mazepa in 1708-1709). After each such defeat the tzar reduced the Ukrainians treaty rights. Finally, in 1764, the office of the hetman was abolished altogether, and in 1775 Katherine II destroyed the stronghold of the Ukrainian sovereignty, the Zaporizhian Sich. She introduced serfdom in Ukraine. The Ukrainian people have never stopped struggling against tsarist economic and national oppression.
After the overthrow of the tzar in March 1917 Ukrainian political and military organizations convened an assembly in Kyiv, called the Central Rada. It proclaimed the establishment of the Ukrainian People's Republic. After the Bolshevik Revolution in November 1917, Lenin officially recognized Ukraine as a sovereign state.
However Stalin accused Ukrainians of "nationalism". The policy of russianization was reintroduced and waves of arrests, exiles and executions followed in 1933-1940.
A terrible famine in 1932 - 1933 killed some seven million Ukrainians.
Millions of the Ukrainian people were lost during the second world war.
Freethinking was finished also after war especially under Brezhnev-Shcherbytsky stagnation rulling.
And only on August 24, 1991 the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian Republic proclaimed Ukraine an independent democratic sovereign state.
Ukraine -Україна
appear- з'являтися
ancient Slavs - древні Слов’яни
Kyiv Rus - Київська Русь
to sat up- засновувати
feudal state- феодальна держава
various crafts - різні ремесла
developed culture - розвинена культура
to struggle against invasion - боротися проти нападів
to pursue a policy- переслідувати політику
national oppression - національне гноблення
independence - незалежність
under the leadership - під керівництвом
a treaty - договір
to abolish - відмінити
to recognize - визнати
souvereign state - суверенна держава
a terrible famine - жахливий голод
to be punished - бути наказаним
the Supreme Council - Верховна рада
2. Ukrainian "Cossatstvo" and "Zaporizhyan Sich"
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"Zaporizhyan Sich" has always been a symbol of indocility for the Ukrainians. It is our national pride and sacred thing. “Cossack" and "Zaporozhets" are known all over the world.
It was in the 15-18th centuries that Ukrainian men, connected with military service, populated the southern stepps bordering on the Ukrainian lands. Then peasants ran away from rich landlords and joined them. The Cossacks put up their fortresses down the Dnieper, fought the Tatar people. The Cossacks were the bravest, the strongest men. Zaporizhya became the uphold of "Cossachina". The first fortress (sich) is considered to be founded on the island Khortitsa. It was built up by the Prince (Duce) Dmitriy Vishnivetskiy. And he is considered to be the first "Cossack getman". "Getman" is a German word and means the oldest chief. The united society of Cossacks was named "tovaristvo". They considered themselves to be knights. They defended Ukrainian lands, they made free thousands of captivated women, children, young men who were sold by tatars into slavery and were brought to Turkey.The number of the "Cossacks" had been growing and they had become the all - national power (force). They played a great part in the development of Ukraine, in its strengthenning and its might.
Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 68 | Нарушение авторских прав
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