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Use the correct word from the box

Читайте также:
  1. A .Choose the correct item.
  2. A. Put the verbs into correct past form
  3. A. Put the verbs into correct past form
  4. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
  5. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
  6. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? Correct false statements
  7. Arrange the words to form correct sentences
Stretcher-cart definite discharged relieve diet unfavorable regime impairment

1. She wants to lose some weight, so she follows a strict ….

2. Put the patient on the … and wheel him to the ward.

3. If you take this tablet it’ll … your stomachache.

4. You can see our neurologist only on … days.

5. She fell ill with the grippe and had to follow a bed ….

6. He was admitted to the intensive care unit because of severe heart ….

7. Before taking the medicine, you should carefully read instructions to prevent any … side-effects.

8. Her condition became much better and she was … from the hospital.

9. He complains of a heartache, so we must ….

Find and correct the mistakes

1. Let’s having a look at your throat!

2. I’d like you walk slowly across the room.

3. Can you reading the first letter on the board?

4. Now try to press a few harder.

5. I wondering if you could show me your tummy?

6. Could you wait outside for a little moments, please?

7. I’d like to have a look at your left feet, please!

8. You should brush your tooth twice a day.

Answer the questionsto the topic text 2.

1. Who and when makes the daily round of the wards at hospital?

2. What do doctors do after physical examination?

3. What analyses help to confirm the initial diagnosis?

4. In what cases do patients follow a strict diet?

5. What patients are confined to bed?

6. Why is it necessary to follow the treatment?

7. How must doctors treat patients?

Translate into English.

1. Он прикован к постели из-за тяжелой болезни.

2. Какие объективные данные вы получили?

3. Чтобы поставить правильный диагноз, мы должны сделать анализы крови и мочи.

4. Данные электрокардиограммы не подтвердили первоначальный диагноз.

5. Медсестра провела процедуры прямо в палате.

6. Почему вы не следуете диете? Вы уже выздоровели?

7. У меня нет никаких сомнений, что это объективные данные.

8. Почему ваше отношение ко мне изменилось? Что-то случилось?

Learn these instructions used while examining the patient

1.Bend forward! 1. Наклонитесь вперёд!
2. Curl up! 2. Свернитесь калачиком!
3.Follow my fingertip with your eyes! 3. Следите глазами за кончиком моего пальца
4. Hold your breath! 4. Задержите дыхание!
5. Lie on your side/ back! 5. Лежите на боку/ спине!
6. Lie still! 6. Лежите, не двигаясь!
7. Look straight ahead! 7. Смотрите прямо вперёд!
8. Put out your tongue! 8. Высуньте язык!
9. Raise your leg! 9. Поднимите ногу!
10. Roll up your sleeve! 10. Закатайте рукав!
11. Stand straight! 11. Стойте прямо!
12. Tilt your head back! 12. Запрокиньте голову!
13. Touch the tip of your nose! 13. Дотроньтесь до кончика носа!
14. Turn your head to the left! 14. Поверните голову налево!
15. Turn on your side! 15. Повернитесь на бок!
16. Relax! 16. Расслабьтесь!


Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 36 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Ex. Choose the correct word.| The Future Continuous Tense

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