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Cereal processing equipment

Part 1. Essential processing stages in fruit juice manufacture | Preservation. | Part 2. Essential equipment for fruit juice manufacture | To clarify 2) to separate 3) to rotate 4) to stem | An Electronic Eye | Text С. Sugar manufacture equipment. | Clarification machines. | Crystal separation and drying devices. | Text D. Equipment for white sugar production. | Aspirator 2) conveyor |

Читайте также:
  1. A. A Data Processing Department
  2. Adaptation of Equipment
  3. Arrangement of Main Equipment
  4. Arrangement of Main Equipment
  5. Arrangement of Main Equipment
  6. Bioprocessing Procedure
  7. Central Processing Unit



Text A. Flour milling process. Basic equipment.



air purifier





branny stock


branny impurity




break roll


centrifugal blower




coarse grain


coarse nodule






emery scourer


filter sleeve




"first break flour"


gradual reduction process





grooved surface








reduction roll



resting bin




rotary lock


"scratch" roll








stone grinding mill



воздушная ситовеечная машина, ситовейка




отрубный продукт


отрубная примесь




валец драного вальцового станка


центробежная воздуходувка




крупное зерно


крупная гранула






наждачная шелушильная машина


фильтровальный рукав


отделочная машина


мука драных систем


поэтапный помол на размольных системах




рифленая поверхность




завод, мельница, молоть




валец размольного вальцового станка



резервуар для отволаживания




шлюзовой затвор


валец вымольного вальцового станка




манная крупа


сито, просеивать


жерновая мельница



повітряна ситовійка





висівний продукт


висівний домішок




валець драного вальцьового станка


відцентрова повітродувка




велике зерно


велика гранула






наждачна лущильна машина


фільтрувальний рукав


оздоблювальна машина


мука драних систем


поетапний помел на розмельних системах




рифлена поверхня




завод, млин, молоти




валець розмольного вальцьового станка


резервуар для відволожування




шлюзовий затвор


валець драного вимольного станка




манна крупа


сито, просіювати


жорновий млин






Part 1. Essential stages in the cereals milling. Exercise. Read and translate the following words without a dictionary.


Illustrate, physical, portion, technique, specialist, operation, procedure, cylinder, product, process, practice.


Pre-reading task. Study the scheme of the milling process and answer the questions:


1. What are the main stages in wheat milling?


2. Why is it necessary to grind flour several times?


3. What machines have been used in the milling process since ancient times?


Reading. Read the text and check your answers.


Cereal processing is complex. The principal procedure is milling – that is, the grinding of the grain so that it can be easily cooked and rendered into an attractive foodstuff. Wheat may be crushed with grinding stones or similar devices or by modern automated systems employing steel cylinders, followed by air purification and numerous sievings.


Corn is often milled by wet processes, but dry milling is also practiced, especially in the developing countries. Corn, with its high germ content, is inclined to respire more during storage and, unless precautions are taken, may increase in temperature during incorrect storage. Most other cereals are ground in the dry state. Some cereal grains are polished, removing most of the bran and germ and leaving the endosperm.


The milling of wheat into flour for the production of bread, cakes, biscuits, and other edible products is a huge industry.


Although some important changes have occurred in flour milling, basic milling procedure during the past 100 years has employed the gradual reduction process as described below and illustrated in Figure 39.



Figure 39. Stages in the milling of wheat into flour.


In modern milling considerable attention is given to preliminary screening and cleaning of the wheat or blend of wheats to exclude foreign seed and other impurities. The wheat is dampened and washed if it is too dry for subsequent efficient grinding, or if it is too damp it is gently dried to avoid damaging the physical state of the protein present.


The first step in grinding for the gradual reduction process is performed between steel cylinders, with grooved surfaces, working at differential speeds. The wheat is directed between the first "break," or set of rolls, and is partially torn open. There is little actual grinding at this stage. The "chop," the resulting product leaving the rolls, is sieved, and three main separations are made: "first break flour"; a fair amount of the coarse nodules of floury substances, called semolina; and relatively large pieces of the grain. These largish portions of the wheat are fed to the second break roll. The broad objective of this gradual reduction process is the various semolinas from four or five break rolls can be separated by suitable 95

sieving and the branny impurities can be removed by air purifiers and other devices. The cleaned semolinas are reduced to fine flour by grinding between smooth steel rolls, called reduction rolls. The flour produced in the reduction rolls is then sieved out. There are usually four or five more reduction rolls and some "scratch" rolls to scrape the last particles of flour from branny stocks. Since the various sieving and purification processes free more and more flour, flour is obtained from a whole series of processing operations. The flour is sieved out after each reduction roll, but no attempt is made to reduce to flour all the semolina going to a particular reduction roll. Some of finer semolina is again fed to another reduction roll. Each reduction roll tends to reduce more of the semolina to flour and to flatten bran particles and thus facilitate the sieving out of the branny fractions. The sieving plant generally employs machines called plan-sifters, and the air purifiers also produce a whole series of floury stocks.


Exercise 2. Translate the following word-combinations.


Preliminary screening and cleaning, the gradual reduction process, by suitable sieving, the sieving plant, after each reduction roll, relatively large pieces of the grain, branny fractions, a whole series of floury stocks, purification processes, between smooth steel rolls, first break flour.



Exercise 3. Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box.


"scratch" rolls gradual reduction process preliminary screening and cleaning


polishing steel cylinders


1. The broad objective of the ___ is the separation of various semolinas by suitable sieving and the removal of branny impurities by air purifiers and other devices.

2. The ___ scrape the last particles of flour from branny stocks.


3. ___ are the obligatory procedures in modern milling that ensure excluding foreign seeds and impurities.

4. The first step in grinding for the gradual reduction process is performed between ___ with grooved surfaces.

5. Some cereals require ___ before grinding.



Exercise 4. Rewrite the following sentences replacing the words underlined with the expressions from the text which have similar meanings.


1. The purpose of preliminary screening and cleaning of the wheat is to keep out foreign seed and other impurities.

2. Flour is made in a whole series of processing operations. 3. The flour is put through a sieve after each reduction roll.

4. The milling of wheat for the production of eatable products is a huge industry. 5. Each reduction facilitates the sieving out of the branny small parts.



Exercise 5. Checking facts and ideas. Decide if these statements are true or false.


1. The basic milling procedure has not changed since 1800. 2. The main cereal milled into flour in the flour is the wheat.

3. The stages in the milling of wheat into flour are cleaning, milling and maturing. 4. Usually corn is dry-milled.

5. Wheat humidity is the only factor of efficient grinding.



Exercise 6. Find in the text antonyms for the following words.


To include, inedible, subsequent, foreign parts, correct, to dry, inefficient, to increase, coarse.



Exercise 7. Give all the meanings of the following words. Illustrate them in sentences.


Mill, stock, type, corn, feed, enter, space, grain, balance, article, light, general, standard, construct, natural, revolution, reason.



Exercise 8. Complete the sentences. Rearrange them to get the summary of the text.


1. Most cereals are dry-milled, but corn is ….


2. Preliminary screening and cleaning of the wheat are required to …. 3. The gradual reduction process ….

4. The milling of wheat into flour is a ….


5. The main stages in the milling of wheat into flour are ….



Exercise 9. Word building.


Choose un-,in-, or im- to form the opposites of the following prefixes. Make up word-combinations with the resulting adjectives.


Possible, expensive, correct, important, wanted, convenient, interested, dependent, comfortable, personal, employed, labelled.



Exercise 10. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the word since.


1. I worked at the milling plant last year and I have not been there since.


2. Since the sieving and purification processes free more flour, flour is obtained from a whole series of processing operations.

3. Automatic control in the simplest form has been known since the beginning of the steam age.


4. Canneries are usually located close to the growing areas, since it is desirable to can foods as quickly as possible after harvesting.

5. Spray dryers are more commonly used since they do less heat damage.



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Concentration and crystallization machines.| Part 2. Modern milling machinery.

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