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Read the text and write an abstract in Ukrainian language (5-7 sentences).

Solar Heating | The Facts and Advantages of Home Solar Energy Systems | Read the text and get ready to translate. | Translate the following text from Ukrainian into English in a written form | Comment on the following picture in a written and oral form. | Lexical Exercises | Read the text twice and choose the missing term in the following sentences. |

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From EarthTechling's Lauren Craig: In a country with an energy legacy tainted by the Chernobyl disaster and a dependence on Russian gas pipelines, Ukraine appears ready to soon become a leader in Europe’s clean energy economy. According to Worldwide News Ukraine, a solar-power plant under construction in Okhotnykovo, Crimea, would at 80 megawatts (MW) become the largest on the European continent. This is a difficult claim to verify, but there’s no doubt that it would at least be among the biggest in Europe. The plant is being developed as part of the country’s national Natural Energy project. Launched by the State Agency of Ukraine for Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation in 2010, the Natural Energy project aims to build 2,000 MW of clean energy capacity in Ukraine and produce 30 percent of the country’s energy from renewable resources by 2015. The Okhotnykovo plant, which will cover the equivalent of 207 football fields, is being built by Activ Solar, an Austrian Company. According to Activ Solar CEO Kaveh Ertefai, a “project of this scale means a radical change of solar energy development in Europe, while securing Ukraine’s position as renewable energy provider.” In the news release, Worldwide News Ukraine said the current largest solar power plant in Europe “is located in Italy and produces 72 MW.” However, on its list of the world’s largest photovoltaic power plants, the website PV Resources puts that Italian plant, at Montalto di Castro, at 84.2 MW. In addition, it has a German plant at Finsterwalde at 80.2 MW. Although it relies on Russia for three-quarters of its oil and natural gas requirements, according to the CIA World Factbook, Ukraine is an energy exporter, supplying electricity to Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia and Slovakia. Ukraine’s renewable energy projects are reportedly funded with profits the country earns from selling carbon emissions credits under the Kyoto Protocol. In 2009, Ukraine sold some its carbon emissions credits to Japan for $400 million. The Okhotnykovo solar farm is expected to further offset Ukraine’s carbon emissions by 80,000 tons.





2. - Solar energy, radiant light and heat from the sun, has been harnessed by humans since ancient times using a range of ever-evolving technologies. Solar technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute solar energy. Active solar techniques include the use of photovoltaic panels and solar thermal collectors to harness the energy. Passive solar techniques include orienting a building to the Sun, selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or light dispersing properties, and designing spaces that naturally circulate air.

-Solar energy technologies include solar heating, solar photovoltaics, solar thermal electricity and solar architecture, which can make considerable contributions to solving some of the most urgent problems the world now faces.

- A solar-home-system uses a photovoltaic (solar-electric) module to provide power for lights and small appliances. The system also needs a rechargeable battery, so that power is still available at night and on cloudy days. solar home systemssave money on electrical expenses, saves energy, are a clean power source and it can come with tax credits. Residential PV systems can range in price depending on the power needs of the residence. Solar-home-systems bring huge benefits to homes in developing countries which aren’t connected to the mains electricity grid. They replace smoky, unsafe kerosene lamps with brighter light, allowing work, study and social activities after dark.

- A solar panel (also solar module, photovoltaic module or photovoltaic panel) is a packaged, connected assembly of photovoltaic cells. The solar panel can be used as a component of a larger photovoltaic system to generate and supply electricity in commercial and residential applications. They range from around $5000 to $40,000 depending on the size and your energy needs.

- A solar heating system is designed to reduce the need for conventional water heating by about two thirds, according to an estimate by the U.S. Department of Energy. Therefore it impacts positively on our dependency on fossil fuel and conventional electricity and mitigates a household’s impact on the environment. Usually, solar heating systems have two parts: a solar collector and a storage tank.

- In Florida and Hawaii residents can use their area’s own certification programs. Those who would like to benefit from solar heating without installing any equipment, passive solar technology should be of help. Solar panels generate energy for a high-speed train that runs between Paris and Amsterdam. Sixteen thousand solar panels produce 3,300 megawatts per hour of electricity. The electricity generated on-site reduces energy losses and transportation costs.

- Solar panels generate energy for a high-speed train that runs between Paris and Amsterdam.Sixteen thousand solar panels produce 3,300 megawatts per hour of electricity. The electricity generated on-site reduces energy losses and transportation costs.

- In 1839, a young man named Alexandre-Edmond Bequerel became the first to discover the photovoltaic effect. Nearly forty years later, William Grylls Adams in 1876 developed a more sophisticated solar sell. He discovered that a solid material called selenium produced electrical currents when exposed to the light of the sun.

- A solar-powered watch is a watch that is powered entirely or partly by a solar panel. The watch will usually store energy in a rechargeable cell to power itself during the night or when covered such as by a person's sleeve.

- 1) You will need to consider you energy needs. You should contact your local power company to find out the guidelines and requirements for grid connection. 2) The placement of you panels is important in getting the optimal use of a home solar system. 3) Finally, you will need to consider your household budget. Even with rebates, Solar Energy Systems can be very expensive. They range from around $5000 to $40,000 depending on the size and your energy needs.

3. Цілком імовірно ви розумієте, що сонячна електрика – це поновлюване джерело енергії, яка перетворюється сонцем. Інша назва сонячної електроенергії – фотоелектроенергія. Ви могли б бути більш знайомі з цією технологією, якщо коли-небуть мали сонячний годинник або сонячний калькулятор з фотоелектричними елементами. Годинники і калькулятори є простими складовими сонячних елементів. Фотоелектрична технологія використовується для підключення світла, освітлення житлових будинків, офісних структур, електричних огорож, живлення водяних насосів та багатьох інших функцій. Основна увага в цій статті зосереджена на житлових приміщеннях. Є багато значних причин використання сонячної енергії для живлення вашого будинку. Сонячна домашня система заощаджує гроші на електричні витрати, витрати енергії, є чистим джерелом енергії і надається за податковими кредитами. Житловий фотоелектричні системи можуть різнитися в ціні залежно від потреби проживання. Хорошою новиною є те, що ваш рахунок за сплачену електрику буде показувати гарну прибутковість протягом багатьох років, в прямому сенсі слова "продасть" назад енергію вашої енергетичної компанії. Сонячні енергетичні системи включають сонячні панелі на даху вашого будинку, де вони отримують прямі сонячні промені без перешкод. Фотоелектричні системи є найбільш поширеними системами, що використовуються в житлових приміщеннях. Система може використовуватися і для живлення вашого будинку. Професійні монтажники налаштовують систему для підключення до електромережі. Єдиний раз, коли енергетична компанія зазнає втрат – це тоді, коли у системі не вистачає ресурсів. Поширена видумка, що сонячні батареї не працюють, коли похмуро. Справа в тому, що навіть в похмурі дні, фотоелектричні системи можуть працювати, навіть якщо є певна обмеженість. Економія може бути суттєвою. Наприклад, якщо ви сплачуєте $ 300 за електрику ви, ймовірно, бачити принаймні 60% заощаджень (для деяких регіонів і більше). Деякі люди повідомляють, що платити по $ 30 за місяць за електроенергію використовуючи сонячну домашню систему. Використання високої ефективної техніки і освітлення дає кращі результати роботи фотоелектричної системи. Є декілька чинників, які необхідно розглянути перед установкою фотоелектричної системи для вашого будинку. 1) Вам потрібно розглянути потреби в енергії. Ви повинні звернутися в місцеву владу, з'ясувати принципи і вимоги до мережі зв'язку. Це означає, що ваша система повинна бути правильно встановлена, щоб використовувати енергію. 2) Розміщення панелей грає важливу роль в отриманні оптимального використання будинком Сонячної системи. Сонячні батареї потребують прямого сонячного світла, щоб працювати. 3) Нарешті, необхідно розглянути ваш сімейний бюджет. Навіть із знижками, Сонячна Енергія може бути дуже дорогою. Ціни приблизно від $ 5000 до $ 40000 в залежності від розміру і ваших потреб в енергії. Остання примітка: Сонячні панелі також утримують прохолоду на горищі в спекотні місяці.

4. Fundamentals of constructing solar homes.
During the detailed construction of buildings (orientation, insolation, etc.) possible energy demands should also be considered. Solar houses need to be designed very carefully, and this principle should be followed in every detail.
Here are thefollowing basic features of constructing solar homes:
* Study the natural conditions and build according to the climate;
* Project that does not include energy conservation, in most cases is not successful and uneconomical; *Good insolation throughout the building provides a reduction of its energy needs;
* Apply possible triple glazing;
* Place the holes and solar collectors on the south side, the building must be properly oriented;
* The relationship between technical and aesthetic sides during constructing solar collectors and heat accumulators must be considered;
* Note that structurally and technically multiple energy use is always applayed in the building (lighting, water tested, etc.);
* Provide the protection of building from cold wind (thermal buffer’s zones, slopes, trees, etc.); In our country, with its variety of climatic conditions, is difficult to speak about solar house as one sort of unambiguous concept. No wonder that in the national literature such terms as ‘’power house’’, ‘’energy efficient building’’ appear very often. Energy efficient construction in the area of ​​Central Asia, equipped with various technological devices to collect solar radiation, will fundamentally differ from the same building in the Far North, without technological devices, but compact planning, designing solution and the choice of building materials will be used for minimizing energy expenses. Herei s worth mentioning paradoxical expression of D. Watson saying that in some cases the ideal of solar energy is not the house with optimum heating system, but the house where heating system is not required at all. Unfortunately, almost in all regions of our country the houses can not function without heating devices. Transformation into alternative solutions should be provided with the creation of the industrial base and skilled personnel. In solar houses one any system in its pure form appear very rarely. Several collectors of active type for hot water include these types of systems. In most solar homes the overlapping source of energy exist.

5. Basically, photovoltaic solar panels create electricity by converting sunlight into energy. The process by which this happen is known as the photovoltaic effect. "Photovoltaic" essentially means light electricity. You may have noticed that certain small devices like a solar-powered calculator won't work in the dark, but when exposed to light it will work just fine. This is an example of a tiny electric power generator built right into an everyday item with which that everyone is familiar. Many people are now lighting up their yard or landscaping with solar-powered garden lights. And perhaps you've seen traffic control signage and lighting powered by solar panels.

6. Photovoltaic (PV) modules use semiconductor materials to generate d.c. electricity from sunlight. A large area is needed to collect as much sunlight as possible, so the semiconductor is either made into thin, flat, crystalline cells, or deposited as a very thin continuous layer onto a support material. The rechargeable batteries store spare electricity on sunny days, so that it is available at night and on cloudy days. They also provide a stable voltage (usually 12 V) for the devices which use the electricity. An electronic charge-controller is used to protect the battery from being overcharged (when it is very sunny) or over-discharged (when people try to get too much electricity from the system). The charge controller usually has lights or a meter to indicate the state-of-charge of the battery.

7. 1. Solar energy history Solar energy history is often assumed to be a very short history. After all, people believe, only now are renewable resources becoming a big deal. If people do know much about solar power, they often remember the 1970s energy crisis. This is often mistaken for the point in time when the first search for an alternative form of energy began. In truth, solar energy history extends much further back. Sketchbooks belonging to Leonardo da Vinci show that he had been designing techniques to harness solar power during the fifteenth century. In the late 1830s, Edmond Becquerel published his findings on how light could be turned into energy. Of course, his findings were never really applied. One might say that the true history of solar energy began in the 1860s when August Mouchet received funds from the French monarch to work on a new energy source. He created a solar-powered motor as well as a steam engine that worked off of solar energy. He even used energy from the sun to make ice! He did this by connecting his steam engine to a refrigeration device. In the 1870s, William Adams used mirrors and the sun to power a steam engine. His design is still in use today. It is called the Power Tower Concept. In 1883, Charles Fritz turned the rays of the sun into electricity with the first solar cell. In the later 1880s, Charles Tellier installed a solar energy system to heat the water in his house. There were many people who were aware of the possibility of depleting our nonrenewable resources as early as the 1800s. Yet people still chose to use technological designs that ran on coal and other nonrenewable resources instead of the sun. It was not until the 1950s that Gerald Pearson, Calvin Fuller, and Daryl Chaplin (of Bell Laboratories) discovered how well silicon worked as a semiconductor. Silicon is what solar cells and solar panels are generally made of today. These are only a few of the stepping stones that make up the rich history of solar energy. Many other steps have been taken in the past which have led us to this point in solar energy history, where solar energy is no longer just a part of our history. Rather, solar energy is a major influence at present, which will only continue to be more so in the future. In October of 1973, oil prices nearly doubled over night causing leaders to become desperate to find a way of reducing the dependence of foreign oil. In addition to increasing automobile fuel economy standards and diversifying energy sources, the U.S. government began investing a great deal in the solar electric cell that Bell Laboratories had produced with such assurance in 1953.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 66 | Нарушение авторских прав

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