Exercise 2. Rewrite the underlined parts of the following sentences to form new sentences which include may or might and a negative form if necessary. Retain the original meaning.
Recognize me then. | Have been (done, signed, written, etc) | Exercise 4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. |
They may arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow
Они, возможно, приедут завтра или послезавтра.
She may know the MD.
Она, возможно, его знает.
2. The perfect infinitive – if the action refers to the past:
They may have arrived already, I’m not sure.
Они, возможно, уже приехали, но я в этом не уверен.
The continuous infinitive - if the action is in progress
He is in his room now. He may be writing letters or reading reports.
Он в своей комнате сейчас. Он, возможно, пишет письма или читает отчеты.
4. The perfect continuous infinitive – if the action lasts a certain period of time.
They may have been discussing the question for 2 hours.
Возможно, они обсуждают этот вопрос уже 2 часа.
Study the structure:
I / you /he (etc.) may (not) be (true / in his office etc.)
might be (doing/ working/ having etc.)
know/ work/ want etc.
Study the structure:
I/you/he (etc.) may (not) have been (asleep/ at home etc.)
Might have been ( doing/working/feeling etc .)
known/had/wanted/left etc.
Exercise 1. Translate from English into Russian. Explain the use of the modals...
- There may be a down turn in business later in the year.
- Because of the health risk, we might have to review safety procedures.
- Confidential documents may not be photocopied without prior approval.
- The computer system has just crashed. I think we might have lost a lot of data..
- Can I speak to Peter Franks, please?
- – Yes, I think the meeting may/might be over now.
- – Can I speak to Peter Franks, please? He was in the meeting before.
- – Just a moment. I think the meeting may/ might have finished now.
- Next year we may/might relocate to outside London.
- May/might I just interrupt here?
- May/might I make a comment at this point?
- – Yes, of course you may (not of course you might) (It is permitted for you to make a comment).
- May/might we point out a mistake in the figures?
Exercise 2. Rewrite the underlined parts of the following sentences to form new sentences which include may or might and a negative form if necessary. Retain the original meaning.
- It is possible that stock levels will rise in the final quarter of the year.
- I don’t know if we have any SuperFix in stock.
- We are considering changing to a just-in-time method procurement.
- It is possible that we will need to increase the quantity we hold in stock but there is a slight possibility that our present suppliers will not be able to meet our needs.
- If the quality is not good enough it is possible that we will change our suppliers.
- Is it okay if I check stock levels today instead of tomorrow?
- If you check stock levels today instead of tomorrow there is a slight possibility that you will get inaccurate information for the month.
- It is possible that we are already using that supplier.
Exercise 3 Below are six questions and answers. Complete the answers using may or might.
Use a negative form if appropriate.
- Q. Do you think this is a high risk product?
- A. Yes, it _____________ damage our reputation.
- Q. Why do you think we need to explain the project to the press?
A. If we don’t, the public ______________ misunderstand our intentions.
- Q. What are we going to do?
- A. We’ll have an ‘open’ day when everyone _______________ visit the factory.
4. Q. Why do you want to explain everything about the product?
5. A. If we don’t, we _______________ get the support we want?
6. Q. Did you tell the press they were not invited?
A. No, I said they _______________ come.
7. Q. Do you think the newspapers will write about the problem?
8. A. I don’t know. They ________________, or they ________________.
Exercise 4. Translate from Russian into English.
- Забастовка, возможно, продлится больше месяца.
- Развивающейся компании, возможно, потребуется дополнительный персонал.
- Если бы я знал его лучше, я, может быть пригласил бы его на переговоры.
- Директор болен, и переговоров в следующую пятницу, возможно, не будет.
- Он, может быть, обратится к Вам с подобной просьбой.
- В феврале производство, возможно, останется на уровне 6.000 единиц.
- Возможно, они потратили свыше 2 млн на эту рекламную компанию
- Их агенты могут перейти к конкурентам.
- Может быть, соглашение будет возобновлено.
- Мы не будем продавать этот участок земли. Возможно, он понадобится нашей компании..
- .Вы могли бы предупредить нас о его возможной отставке.
- Возможно, он плохо работал в последнее время.
- Она, возможно, сможет предоставить нам всю необходимую информацию.
- Компания, возможно, укрепила свое присутствие в Европе.
- Все это время мы, возможно, теряли своих постоянных покупателей.
- Он мог бы быть Вашим постоянным дистрибьютером в Германии.
- Возможно, эта компания была основана 10 лет назад.
- Такие соглашения могли бы быть заключены в ряде стран, но, к сожалению, компания не сделала этого.
- Возможно, такие соглашения будут заключены в ряде стран.
- Может быть они не обеспечили продвижение продукта.
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