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The Simple Progressive Tense

One more life | Think about why you are learning English. Make a note of at least three different reasons with other students. | I am a student of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design | III Grammar skills. | IV Communicative skills. | IV Communicative Skills. | A letter to a friend | The Present Progressive Tense | Ukraine is my Homeland | III Grammar skills. |

Читайте также:
  1. A. Use the Present Continuous Tense.
  2. According to their morphological composition adjectives can be subdivided intosimple, derived andcompound.
  3. Active and Passive Voice Tenses Revision Key
  5. All tenses revision
  6. As has already been mentioned, the verb has the grammatical categories ofperson, number, tense, aspect, voice andmood.
  7. C) Make correct passive forms. Mind the tenses in brackets.

The Numerals

The Word-order in the simple sentence

I Phonetic Skills.

1. Listen and repeat:

1. Europe ['juərəp]

2. picturesque [pikt∫ə'resk]

3. ancient ['ein∫(ə)nt]

4. to draw ['dr Ɔ:]

5. unique [ju:'ni:k]

6. boutique [bu:'tik]

7. sight [sait]

8. entrance ['entr(ə)ns]

9. feudal ['fju:d(ə)l]

10. church [t∫ə:t∫]

11. cathedral [kə'θi:dr(ə)l]

12. throne [θrəun]

13. inimitable [i'nimitəbl]

14. architectural [α:ki 'tekt∫ər(ə)l]


2. Listen and remember the following words and phrases:

1. commerce and finance торгівля та фінанси

2. legal system судова система

3. collective wisdom and creative efforts колективний розум та творчі зусилля

4. complex automatic lathes складні автоматичні верстати

5. electric measuring instruments електричні вимірювальні прилади

6. artificial fibres штучні волокна

7. to erect створювати (будувати)

8. to lay the foundation закласти основу

9. in honour of на честь

10. to conclude trade agreements or укладати торгові або мирні угоди

peace treaties

11. principality князівство


II Reading skills.

1. Read and remember:

1. an ancient city древнє, стародавнє місто

2. to be situated бути розташованим

3. sight вид

4. one should not fail to see не можна не подивитись

5. considerable значний

6. success успіх

7. industrial промисловий

8. scientific науковий

9. outstanding progress значний прогрес

10. institution of higher education вищий учбовий заклад

11. include включати


2. Read and translate the following text:


Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It is one of the oldest cities of Eastern Europe. It is situated on the picturesque banks of the Dnipro River. It is one of the greenest cities in the world; it has 18 square meters of greenery for a person. Kyiv today is a large industrial scientific and cultural centre, the home of the nation’s commerce and finance, the main centre of its legal system and the press, it is the seat of the government and the Verkhovna Rada. The population of Kyiv is more than 3 million people.

Kyiv is an ancient city. Its history goes back to the 5th century A.D. But it is not only its old age and long history that draw crowds of tourists. Kyiv includes a unique and extreme combination of historic values and traditions with modern styles and ways of life. The capital of Ukraine is a huge monument itself, which has been erected by the collective wisdom and creative efforts of many generations. There are a lot of sights in Kyiv. One should not fail to see St. Sophia Cathedral, the monument to Bogdan Khmelnytskyi, St. Andrew Church, the Golden Gate, the monument to Prince Volodymyr, Maryinskyi Palace, the National University, the monument to Taras Shevchenko, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, etc.

The cultural achievements of Kyiv’s inhabitants are considerable. The city is often the site of art festivals and exhibitions, a lot of films are shot there, and a large number of books is published. The performances staged at the Taras Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre, and the Lesya Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre enjoy invariable success. There are also lots of other theatres in Kyiv. One can visit numerous museums such as the State Museum of Ukrainian Arts, the State Historical Museum, the State Museum of Western and Eastern Arts, the Museum of Folk Architecture and ethnography, etc.

Kyiv is a well known industrial and scientific centre. Its industries manufacture complex automatic lathes, excavators, sea and river ships, motorcycles, electric measuring instruments, planes, machine tools, artificial fibres and diamonds, hundreds of types of consumer goods.

There are a lot of institutes in Kyiv. They number a lot of outstanding scientists and research workers who made outstanding progress in nuclear physics, chemistry and other branches of science.

No wonder that Kyiv is called the city of students. The Kyiv National University, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design and many other institutions of higher education train specialists in various fields.


3. Find the answers to the questions:

1. What political and legal establishments are situated in Kyiv?

2. How old is Kyiv?

3. Does Kyiv include a unique and extreme combination of historic values and traditions with modern styles and ways of life?

4. What historical monuments can be seen in Kyiv?

5. What are the cultural achievements of Kyiv’s inhabitants?

6. What products do the Kyiv’s enterprises manufacture?

7. What institutions of higher learning train specialists in various fields?

4. Complete the sentences:

1. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine and the seat of …

2. Kyiv lies on the both …

3. Among many places of interest there is …

4. The population of Kyiv is …

5. One can visit…

6. Kyiv includes a unique…


5. Translate into English:

1. Київ – одне з найкращих міст у світі.

2. Розкинутий на мальовничих схилах Дніпра, він весь потопає в зелені

1. садів і парків.

2. Історія України тісно пов’язана з Києвом.

3. Хрещатик – головна вулиця Києва.

4. Київ відомий своїми архітектурними пам’ятками старовини.

5. Колись Золоті ворота були головним в’їздом до міста.

6. В стародавні часи Київ був столицею великої та могутньої держави

7. Київської Русі.

8. Собор Святої Софії знаходиться на Софіївській площі.


6. Match the following words:

1. picturesque a) надзвичайно

2. ancient b) значний

3. extremely c) визначний

4. huge d) мальовничий

5. consumer goods e) наукові працівники

6. outstanding f) давній

7. considerable g) величезний

8. research workers h) споживчі товари

9. nuclear physics i) металоріжучі верстати

10. machine tools j) ядерна фізика

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