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Determine correspondence of titration methods and their secondary standards (working solutions).

Пояснювальна записка | Determine correspondence of titration methods and their standard substances. | Answer: Formulas of dissolved salts in fresh water:________________________ | Answer:_________________ |

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  1. A diverse educational system: structure, standards, and challenges
  2. A) Explain their meanings;
  3. A) Read the following comments from three people about their families.
  4. A. Match the words with their definitions
  5. A. Translate the terms in the table below paying attention to their contextual meaning.
  7. About himself and other people, including their feelings. He is, in
A B C D Neutralization Complexonometry Iodometry Permanganatometry   Na2S2O3 (Sodium Thyosulfate) HCl (Hydrochloric acid) Na2EDTA (trilon B) KMnO4 (potassium permanganate) Answer: А - _______; В - _______; С - _______; D - _______.


8. This figure demonstrates the curve of titration of _______ (weak or strong) _________ (acid or base) by _________ (weak or strong)____________ (acid or base).

9. Calculate ionic power µ (or I) of solution, contained 0,02 M CaCl2 in 1 L.

1. 0,05   Answer:____________________
2. 0,03
3. 0,06
4. 0,09


10. Note relative specific reagent of Fe2+ cation

  Sodium Bismuthate NaBiO3Zinc-Uranyl-Acetate     Answer:___________________
  Potassium ferrocyanide K3[Fe(CN)6]
  Potassium ferricyanide K4 [Fe(CN)6]
  Ammonium Hydrophosphate (NH4)2HPO4.


11. To propose the buffer mixture, using proposed reactants (possible more than one true variant)

  HCl, CH3COOH   Answer:_______________________________   _______________________________
  NH4Cl, LiCl, CH3COONa


12. ppm concentration is shown:

  Quantity of soluble substance in equivalents per 1 000 L of solution;   Answer:______
  Quantity of soluble substance in grams per 1 000 grams of solution;
  Quantity of soluble substance in grams per 1 000 000 grams of solution;
  Quantity of soluble substance in mol per 100 g of solution.


13. Note the most sensitive reactions for the next cations:

A. B. C.   NH4+ Na+ K+ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Zinc-Uranyl-Acetate Zn(UO2)3(CH3COO)8 Nessler’s reagent K2[HgI4]+KOH Sodium hydrotartrate NaHC4H4O6 Potassium hexanitritocobaltate (III) Na3[Co(NO2)6] Alkalis at heating Potassium hexahydroxostibiate K[Sb(OH)6] Answer: А - ______;   В - ______;   С - ______.



14. To note heterogeneous systems, formed at mixing of solutions by pairs

KOH; HCl; H3PO4; Al(OH)3


Answer:________- _____.


15. To write reaction of Ni2+ Chloride and Dimethylglioxime (Chugaev’s reagent) C4H8N2O2 in ammonia medium (pH=9) (in molecular form) excess of ammonia thiocyanate in molecular form (coordinative number of Co3+ is 6) and to calculate the sum of coefficients in this reaction (remember, that absence of coefficient before formula means figure 1):


__________ + ___ ____________ → _____________________ + __ ______________



Sum of coefficients: ______


16. It is necessary for preparation of amphoteric sediment:

  To precipitate of hot concentrated solutions;   Answer:____________  
  To precipitate of cold diluted solutions;
  To precipitate of hot diluted solutions;
  To precipitate of cold concentrated solutions.


17. Red-Ox potential of system CrO42-/Cr3+ in acidic medium at pH=1 and concentrations of [CrO42-]=0,1 M; [Cr3+]=0,01 M is (E0 = +1,36 V):

  + 1,456 V;   Answer:____________  
  + 1,222 V;
  + 1,486 V;
  + 1,782 V.


18. Determine mass of MgSO4·7H2O (M=246,47 g/mol) for gravimetric determination of Magnesium content in the form of sediment MgNH4PO4 (M=137,35 g/mol):


Solution: _________________________________________________________________________






19. Note the name of this phenomenon


←? Answer:_________________


20. Calculate solubility (in mol/L and g/L) of SrCO3 (SP= 5,60·10-10, M(SrCO3)= 147,63 g/mol) in the solution of ionic power 0,05 M (activity coefficients – see Appendix).


Solution:_________________________________________________________________________   _________________________________________________________________________________   _________________________________________________________________________________ Answer:_________



21. What sediment is the best choice for gravimetric determination of zinc (II):

  ZnSe (SP=1·10-31)   Answer:____________  
  ZnCO3 (SP=1,45·10-11)
  ZnS (SP=2·10-25)


22. Determine note of molarity (M):

Answer: Molarity is_______________________________________________________________



23. Calculate pH of 0,01 N (NH4)2CO3 (pK1 (H2CO3) =6,35; pK(NH4OH) =4,75).

Solution: _________________________________________________________________________




Answer: ___________


24. Calculate titr T of 15% H2SO4 solution (density d=1,102 g/cm3, M=98,00 g/mol):

  6,0497 g/mL; Answer:_____________
  0,3490 g/mL;
  0,1653 g/mL;
  0,1790 g/mL.


25. Calculate pH of buffer solution, contained 1 mol CH3COOH and 0,01 mol CH3COONa in 1 L (pKacid =4,75).

  Solution: _________________________________________________________________________   _________________________________________________________________________________   Answer:_________________


26. Calculate Redox potential of solution, contained 0,1 N К2CrO4 and 0,1 N CrCl3 per 1 L at рН=1 (Eo = + 1,33 V).


Solution: _________________________________________________________________________   _________________________________________________________________________________   Answer:_________________


27. Indicators of complexonometry are:

  Weak organic bases and bases; Answer:_____________
  Strong organic acids;
  Red-Ox systems;
  Weak ligands, formed color compexes with metal cations.


28. Equivalent mass of H3PO4 (A=98,00 g/mol) for neutralization method:

  98,00 g-eq/g; Answer:_____________
  49,00 g-eq/g;
  32,67 g-eq/g;
  13,75 g-eq/g;
  190,22 g-eq/g.


29. Put in the sentence a missing words:

  ______________ indicators are oxidation-reducing pairs, where oxidized and reduced forms differ   in color.


30. Determine the correspondence between titration system and the best indicator:

  Titration system   Indicator Answer:   A-____________;   B-____________;   C-____________.
A.     B.     C.     0,1 N hydrochloric acid HCl by 0,1 N Sodium hydroxide NaOH (pHeq=7,00) 0,1 N acetic acid CH3COOH by 0,1 N Sodium hydroxide NaOH (pHeq=8,87) 0,1 N hydrochloric acid HCl by 0,1 N Ammonium hydroxide NH4OH (pHeq=5,73)   Alizarin yellow R (pT=11,3) Thymol Blue (pT=1,7) Phenol red (pT=5,8) Bromophenol blue (pT=4,1) Litmus neutral (pT= 7,1) Thymol blue (pT=8,9) Cresol red (pT=8,2) Phenolphthalein (pT=9,6)  



Факультет Екології і біотехнології

Напрям підготовки (спеціальність) 0514 – Біотехнологія

(6.051401 – Екобіотехнологія)

Форма навчання денна (англійською мовою)

Семестр 3 Курс 2

ОКР «Бакалавр»

Кафедра аналітичної і біонеорганічної хімії та якості води

Дисципліна Аналітична хімія

Викладач _____ (Войтенко Л.В.)


Завідувач кафедри (Косматий В.Є.)

«0 9» грудня 2009 р.

Студент 2 курсу 2 групи факультету екології і біотехнології


(прізвище, ім’я, по-батькові) (підпис)

Дата проведення іспиту – „03” лютого 2010 року.

Білет № 5

1. Put in the sentence a missing words:

Detectible minimum (m) is the _____________ quantity of substance or ion, which can be detected by given reaction at certain conditions.


2. Note specific qualitative reagent of Co2+ cations:

  NH4SCN in acetone   Answer:______________________
  Yellow blood salt K4[Fe(CN)6]
  Red blood salt K3[Fe(CN)6]
  Dimethylglioxime (Chugaev’s reagent) C4H8N2O2


3. To point the correspondence of the compound formulas and type of the analytical reagents (ammonium-phosphate classification): (possible more than one true variant)

A. B. C.   Specific Selective Group     (NH4)2HPO4 Potassium hexanitritocobaltate (III) Na3[Co(NO2)6] Nessler’s reagent K2[HgI4]+KOH H2SO4 Sodium hydrotartrate NaHC4H4O6 HCl Answer: А - ________;   В -_________;   С - ________.


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Answer:________________________| Process accompanied rapid precipitating and in resulting contaminated a sediment (see figure), is named (answer as one word)_____________________.

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