Читайте также: |
19. How many percent of iron is contained in the sample by mass 0,28 g, if after its dissolving in sulfate acid H2SO4 in oxygen-free atmosphere for titration of obtained solution was used 49,7 mL 0,0897 N KMnO4.
20. Calculate solubility (in mol/L and g/L) of BaSO4 (SP= 1·10-10, M(BaSO4)= 233,40 g/mol) in the solution of ionic power 0,05 M (activity coefficients – see Appendix).
Solution:_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Answer:_________ |
21. Calculate mass of NiSO4∙7H2O (M=280,89 g/mol) for gravimetric analysis in the form of Ni(OH)2 (M = 92,73 g/mol).
Solution: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Answer: ___________ |
22. Determine the correspondence between titration system and the best indicator:
Titration system | Indicator | Answer: A-____________; B-____________; C-____________. | ||
A. B. C. | 0,1 N hydrochloric acid HCl by 0,1 N Sodium hydroxide NaOH (pHeq=7,00) 0,1 N acetic acid CH3COOH by 0,1 N Sodium hydroxide NaOH (pHeq=8,87) 0,1 N hydrochloric acid HCl by 0,1 N Ammonium hydroxide NH4OH (pHeq=5,73) | Alizarin yellow R (pT=11,3) Thymol Blue (pT=1,7) Phenol red (pT=5,8) Bromophenol blue (pT=4,1) Litmus neutral (pT= 7,1) Thymol blue (pT=8,9) Cresol red (pT=8,2) Phenolphthalein (pT=9,6) |
23. Calculate pH of 0,01 N Na2CO3 (pK1 (H2CO3) =6,35; pK2(H2CO3) =10,33).
Solution: _________________________________________________________________________
Answer: ___________
24. It is necessary for preparation of amorphous sediment:
To precipitate of hot concentrated solutions; | Answer:_____________ | |
To precipitate of cold diluted solutions; | ||
To precipitate of hot diluted solutions; | ||
To precipitate of cold concentrated solutions. |
25. Calculate pH of buffer solution, contained 0,1 mol CH3COOH and 1 mol CH3COONa in 1 L (pKacid =4,75).
Solution: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Answer:_________________ |
26. Calculate Redox potential of solution, contained 0,01 N К2CrO4 and 0,01 N CrCl3 per 1 L at рН=3 (Eo = + 1,33 V).
Solution: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Answer:_________________ |
27. Calculate dissociation degree α of 0,01 N NH4OH (K dis=1,76×10-5)
Answer:__ α =______
28. Equivalent mass of Cu2+ (A=63,55 g/mol) cation for iodometric determination is:
63,55 g-eq/g; | Answer:_____________ | |
31,78 g-eq/g; | ||
16,71 g-eq/g; | ||
13,75 g-eq/g; | ||
125,10 g-eq/g. |
29. Note ionic and coordinative bonds in the complex of EDTA and metal ion:
OOC - | CH2 | CH2 | -COONa | |
N-CH2-CH2-N | ||||
NaCOO- | CH2 | CH2 | -COO |
30. Calculate concentration of solution, contained 0,006 g of solute in 100 g of solution.
6 ppm; | Answer:_____________ | |
0,6 ppm; | ||
60 ppm; | ||
600 ppm; | ||
0,006 ppm. |
Факультет Екології і біотехнології
Напрям підготовки (спеціальність) 0514 – Біотехнологія
(6.051401 – Екобіотехнологія)
Форма навчання денна (англійською мовою) Семестр 3 Курс 2
ОКР «Бакалавр»
Кафедра аналітичної і біонеорганічної хімії та якості води
Дисципліна Аналітична хімія
Викладач _____ (Войтенко Л.В.)
Завідувач кафедри (Косматий В.Є.)
«0 9» грудня 2009 р.Студент 2 курсу 2 групи факультету екології і біотехнології
(прізвище, ім’я, по-батькові) (підпис)
Дата проведення іспиту – „03” лютого 2010 року.
Білет № 4
1. Put in the sentence a missing words:
Analytical chemistry includes two parts: _________________________ and __________________ analyses. |
2. Note specific qualitative reagent of Mn2+ cations is:
Sodium Bismuthate NaBiO3 in nitrate acid medium | Answer:____________________ | |
Yellow blood salt K4[Fe(CN)6] | ||
Red blood salt K3[Fe(CN)6] | ||
Dimethylglioxime (Chugaev’s reagent) C4H8N2O2 |
3. To point the correspondence of the compound formulas and type of the analytical reagents (ammonium-phosphate classification): (possible more than one true variant)
A. B. C. | Specific Selective Group | (NH4)2HPO4 Potassium hexanitritocobaltate (III) Na3[Co(NO2)6] H2SO4 Nessler’s reagent K2[HgI4]+KOH NaBiO3 + HNO3 (diluted) HCl | Answer: А - ________; С - ________; В -_________; D - ________. |
4. To point the correspondence of names of analytical glassware:
A. B. C. D. | Electrical balance Dessicator Convection drier Centrifuge | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Answer: А - ____; В -____; С - ____; D - ____, E -____.
5. Calculate equivalent mass of K2CrO4 (M=194,20 g/mol) for RedOx titration in acidic medium:
194,20 g/g-eq; | Answer:____________________ | |
97,10 g/g-eq; | ||
64,73 g/g-eq; | ||
32,37 g/g-eq. |
6. To propose the reagent for the separation of cations:
K+, Na+
| |||
Solution:_______ Cation | Sediment:_______ (chemical formula) |
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Answer: Formulas of dissolved salts in fresh water:________________________ | | | Determine correspondence of titration methods and their secondary standards (working solutions). |