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Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian and comment on the use of the Past Continuous.

The General Notion | Tense, Time, Pronoun and Place Changes | Indirect Questions | Indirect Orders and Requests | The Subjunctive Mood in Indirect Speech | Comment on the grammatical categories of the verbs in bold type. | Translate the following sentences into English using the Present Indefinite. Comment on its use. | THE PRESENT PERFECT | Fill in the gaps with the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect. Comment on their use. | Our teacher has been explaining the grammar rule to us for ten minutes. |

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  1. A contrastive analysis of English and Ukrainian morphological stylistic means
  2. A good thesis sentences will control the entire argument.
  3. A The following are dictionary definitions of different types of markets.
  4. A) Give the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.
  5. A) Make sentences in bold type less definite and express one's uncertainty of the following.
  6. A) Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences to make a summary of what Carl says.
  7. A) Read and translate the text.
Model. He was writing the letter then.
Він писав тоді листа.
was writing is the form of the Past Continuous Active which denotes an action in progress at a definite moment in the past.

1. In 1982, when oil prices were rising, I published an article saying that ‘Agriculture Will Replace Oil’.

2. Soon the clouds were releasing their moisture so quickly it became the most torrential rain ever known.

3. Never before had the boy walked so far and he was beginning to lose all sense of distance.

4. They were taking their after-luncheon coffee in the library when the telegram arrived.

5. The hill was becoming steeper and steeper; he was gaining speed in spite of his brakes.

6. The animals were making such a noise and the birds were wheeling and singing overhead.

7. ‘Hullo,’ she said, looking up. ‘I’d forgotten you were coming.’

8. He needed a copy of the key. He made sure the office looked undisturbed and at eight o’clock was waiting for the opening of a retail locksmith in Edgware Road.

9. Five minutes later he was passing through the gate of the great courtyard.

10. Today she was wearing a purple silk dress with a high collar and a row of pearls.


Exercise 34.

Fill in the gaps with:

(a) the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous. Comment on their use.

1. They … (to have) three meals a day.

2. They … (to have) breakfast at that time.

3. He said he … (to see) a patient then.

4. He said he … (to see) everything quite clear.

5. The sign … (to mean) ‘stop’.

6. She always … (to mean) to visit us, but she never did.

7. Jane … (to smell) the flowers.

8. The soup … (to smell) delicious.

9. The doctor … (to feel) the patient’s pulse at that moment.

10. Some of the parents … (to feel) the school wasn’t doing enough about bullying.

(b) the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous. Comment on their use.

1. Alan … (to apply) for a visa several times before he got one.

2. I … (to leave) when the telephone rang.

3. She wrote that she … (to come) the next Friday.

4. Nancy … (to play) the piano when she was a child.

5. When he came in his brother … (to watch) TV.

6. Julius Caesar … (to invade) Britain in 55 BC.

7. Ron … (to fix) the brakes on the car while Pete … (to mow) the lawn.

8. Sheila … (to find) the document, … (to sit) in the armchair and … (to begin) reading it.

9. Usually Paula … (to be) calm, but that day she … (to be) so nervous.

10. What they … (to do) when you entered the room?

(c) the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous or TO BE GOING TO + Infinitive. Comment on their use.

1. They said if the weather … (to be) good they would go for a walk.

2. We knew that she … (to leave) on the 14.55 train.

3. There was a strange noise. It was clear that the building … (to collapse).

4. She said that after Martin … (to walk) another five metres, he would see the bridge.

5. Dr Mortimer couldn’t come the next Sunday as he … (to see) his patient.

6. They looked at a sullen gray sky. It … (to rain).

7. Sue said she would be peeling potatoes while Bob … (to gather) some wood.

8. The next meeting … (to be) on 27th June, so they had plenty of time to get ready.

9. Mary said that if Dave … (to ask) for help, she would do her best to settle the problem.

10. When she asked him why he hadn’t cleaned his room, he said he … (to do) it later.


Exercise 35.

Translate the following sentences into English using the Past Indefinite,
the Past Continuous or TO BE GOING TO + Infinitive. Comment on their use.

1. Коли Джонсон повернувся, Ненсі все ще переглядала папери.

2. Небо було сіре, дув холодний вітер і було зрозуміло, що йтиме сніг.

3. У 1840 році англійці випустили першу марку в світі.

4. Поки Джейн друкувала контракт, Пол виправляв помилки.

5. Том збирався обговорити ту справу з Пітером наступного понеділка.

6. У дитинстві він грав на гітарі.

7. Ми збиралися зайти до Мартіна, але він зателефонував і сказав, що зустрічається з клієнтом о 10-й годині.

8. Ми написали контрольну, здали роботи і пішли додому.

9. Вона зателефонувала мені, і ми домовилися зустрітись наступного дня.

10. Дороті куштувала яблучний пиріг, коли прийшов Роджер. Він завжди приходив у найневдаліший час!


Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 78 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Translate the following sentences into English using the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous. Comment on their use.| THE PAST PERFECT

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