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One has to understand Bhagavad Gita as Arjuna understood it

And I declare that he who studies this sacred conversation worships Me by his intelligence. | Svayam rupah kada mahyam | Herein we find the history of the Bhagavad-gita traced from a remote time when it was delivered to the royal order, the Kings of all planets. | So in the Bhagavad-gita, everything is explained very scientifically, not, I mean to say, a sentimental explanation. No, logically, scientifically. | So all science of God is described in Bhagavad-gita. | Bhagavad-gita is the authorized book to teach people how to love Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. | To summarise the conclusions of Bhagavad-gita it may be said that, | Krsna purifies the devotee who constantly engages in hearing of Him | You should read Bhagavad-gita As It Is carefully verse to verse and word to word, and you will be benefited | But practically I have experienced that this Krishna Consciousness Movement or to present the philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita as it is can solve all problems of the world |

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  1. A New Way of Understanding the Problems of Parents and Kids
  2. A) Before listening, read the definitions of the words and phrases below and understand what they mean.
  3. According to this formula of qualification one who does not accept Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead--is unable to understand the Bhagavad-gita.
  4. B) Understand high-level business requirements
  5. Before listening, look at the words and expressions below that you will hear and make sure you understand them.
  6. Bhagavad Gita is part of Mahabharata
  7. Bhagavad-gita is the authorized book to teach people how to love Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


Our only purpose is to present this Bhagavad-gita As It Is in order to guide the conditioned student to the same purpose for which Krsna descends to this planet once in a day of Brahma, or every 8,600,000,000 years. This purpose is stated in Bhagavad-gita, and we have to accept it as it is; otherwise there is no point in trying to understand the Bhagavad-gita and its speaker, Lord Krsna. Lord Krsna first spoke Bhagavad-gita to the sun-god some hundreds of millions of years ago. We have to accept this fact and thus understand the historical significance of Bhagavad-gita, without misinterpretation, on the authority of Krsna. To interpret Bhagavad-gita without any reference to the will of Krsna is the greatest offense. In order to save oneself from this offense, one has to understand the Lord as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as He was directly understood by Arjuna, Lord Krsna's first disciple. Such understanding of Bhagavad-gita is really profitable and authorized for the welfare of human society in fulfilling the mission of life.

(BG Preface)

Bhagavad-gétä is a treatise, which is especially meant for the devotee of the Lord. The Lord wanted Arjuna to become the authority in understanding the Bhagavad-gétä. So we see that Bhagavad-gétä is instructed to Arjuna especially because Arjuna was a devotee of the Lord, a direct student of Kåñëa, and His intimate friend. Therefore Bhagavad-gétä is best understood by a person who has qualities similar to Arjuna's. (BG Introduction)

Bhagavad-gita is the widely read theistic science summarized in the Gita-mahatmya (Glorification of the Gita). There it says that one should read Bhagavad-gita very scrutinizingly with the help of a person who is a devotee of Sri Krsna and try to understand it without personally motivated interpretations. The example of clear understanding is there in the Bhagavad-gita itself, in the way the teaching is understood by Arjuna, who heard the Gita directly from the Lord.

(Bg 1.1 P Observing the Armies on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra)


Krsna is therefore the original spiritual master of the science of Bhagavad-gita, and Arjuna is the first disciple for understanding the Gita. How Arjuna understands the Bhagavad-gita is stated in the Gita itself. And yet foolish mundane scholars explain that one need not submit to Krsna as a person, but to "the unborn within Krsna." There is no difference between Krsna's within and without. And one who has no sense of this understanding is the greatest fool in trying to understand Bhagavad-gita.

(Bg 2.7 P Contents of the Gita Summarized)


Arjuna said: You are the Supreme Brahman, the ultimate, the supreme abode and purifier, the Absolute Truth and the eternal divine person. You are the primal God, transcendental and original, and You are the unborn and all-pervading beauty. All the great sages such as Narada, Asita, Devala, and Vyasa proclaim this of You, and now You Yourself are declaring it to me.


Here Arjuna expresses himself through the grace of Krsna. If we want to understand Bhagavad-gita, we should accept the statements in these two verses. This is called the parampara system, acceptance of the disciplic succession. Unless one is in the disciplic succession, he cannot understand Bhagavad-gita. It is not possible by so-called academic education. Unfortunately those proud of their academic education, despite so much evidence in Vedic literatures, stick to their obstinate conviction that Krsna is an ordinary person.

Bg 10.12-13 P The Opulence of the Absolute


As described in the Fourth Chapter, the parampara system of disciplic succession for the understanding of Bhagavad-gita was lost, and therefore Krsna reestablished that disciplic succession with Arjuna because He considered Arjuna His intimate friend and a great devotee. Therefore, as stated in our Introduction to Gitopanisad, Bhagavad-gita should be understood in the parampara system. When the parampara system was lost, Arjuna was again selected to rejuvenate it. The acceptance of Arjuna of all that Krsna says should be emulated; then we can understand the essence of Bhagavad-gita, and then only can we understand that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Bg 10.14 P The Opulence of the Absolute


Now here is the Arjuna's understanding, that "I accept You in total." Now some rascals are proclaiming that all the Bhagavad-gitas, they are, most of them are interpretation. But Arjuna says that "I accept everything what You have said." So whom you will accept, Arjuna or some rascal who is speaking that "There are so many interpolation. They can be rejected"? Whom you will accept as authority? Arjuna says that "I accept whatever You have said in toto." If you accept Arjuna because he has heard from Krsna, then you accept Krsna or you understand Krsna.

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Just like Arjuna. Arjuna was merciful, "Let them enjoy. I don't want to kill them." Krsna said, "You must kill. You must kill. Why you are deviating from your path? You must kill." Therefore he taught him Bhagavad-gita, just to induce him to kill. But he was merciful, "No, they have done so much wrong to me, never mind. They are my relatives. I excuse. I don't want to fight." Yes. This is Bhagavad-gita. You see? Arjuna is more merciful than Krsna. Krsna wanted to see them all killed because they were, I mean to say, offender to the devotee. Last time, Krsna says, "Arjuna, you fight or not fight, it is already settled. They are not going back home. They will be killed here. If you like, you take the credit. That's all. It is already settled." Then Arjuna understood that "My Lord is so persistent. (laughter) Why shall I resist Him? All right, I will do what He says."

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Another point is that disciplic succession does not mean one has to be directly a disciple of a particular person. The conclusions which we have tried to explain in our Bhagavad-gita As It Is is the same as those conclusions of Arjuna. Arjuna accepted Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and we also accept the same truth under the disciplic succession of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Things equal to the same thing are equal to one another. This is an axiomatic truth.

(Letter to: Kirtanananda -- Los Angeles: 25 January, 1969)


No, no, anyone who knows the subject matter, he will be able to explain. Not necessarily the author is required to be present there. (break)...to study from a medical man, I never said you have to study from the author. Or one who understood the author's purpose. Just like we are explaining Bhagavad-gita as it is. Not that one has to learn directly from Krsna. One who has understood Krsna, from him. That is parampara system.

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9. Therefore we are presenting Bhagavad Gita As It Is:

There are other descriptions of this säta-prahariyä bhäva in the Caitanya-bhävagata, Chapter Nine, which mentions that Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu blessed a maidservant named Duùkhé with the name Sukhé. He called for Kholävecä Çrédhara, and showed him His mahä-prakäça. Then He called for Muräri Gupta and showed him His feature as Lord Rämacandra. He offered His blessings to Haridäsa Öhäkura, and at this time He also asked Advaita Prabhu to explain the Bhagavad-gétä as it is (gétära satya-päöha) and showed special favor to Mukunda.

(CC Adi 17.18 p)


This verse, therefore, advises that everyone become a member of the Äryan civilization and accept the instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One should conduct his social, political and religious affairs according to His instructions. We are spreading the Kåñëa consciousness movement to try to establish a society the way that Kåñëa wants it. This is the meaning of Kåñëa consciousness. We are therefore presenting Bhagavad-gétä as it is and kicking out all kinds of mental concoction. Fools and rascals interpret Bhagavad-gétä in their own way. When Kåñëa says, man-manä bhava mad-bhakto mad-yäjé mäà namaskuru [Bg. 18.65]—"Always think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer your homage unto Me"—they comment that it is not Kåñëa to whom we must surrender. Thus they derive imaginary meanings from Bhagavad-gétä. The Kåñëa consciousness movement, however, strictly follows bhägavata-dharma, the instructions of Bhagavad-gétä and Çrémad-Bhägavatam for the complete welfare of human society. One who misinterprets Bhagavad-gétä, twisting out some meaning for his sense gratification, is a non-Äryan. Therefore commentaries on Bhagavad-gétä by such persons should be immediately rejected. One should try to follow Bhagavad-gétä as it is.

(SB 6.16.43 p)


This instruction by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to His father and mother, who are eternally connected with Him, is especially intended for persons eager to return home, back to Godhead. One should never think of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as an ordinary human being, as nondevotees do. Kåñëa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, personally appeared and left His instructions for the benefit of all human society, but fools and rascals unfortunately think of Him as an ordinary human being and twist the instructions of Bhagavad-gétä for the satisfaction of their senses. Practically everyone commenting on Bhagavad-gétä interprets it for sense gratification. It has become especially fashionable for modern scholars and politicians to interpret Bhagavad-gétä as if it were something fictitious, and by their wrong interpretations they are spoiling their own careers and the careers of others. The Kåñëa consciousness movement, however, is fighting against this principle of regarding Kåñëa as a fictitious person and of accepting that there was no Battle of Kurukñetra, that everything is symbolic, and that nothing in Bhagavad-gétä is true. In any case, if one truly wants to be successful, one can do so by reading the text of Bhagavad-gétä as it is. Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu especially stressed the instructions of Bhagavad-gétä: yäre dekha, täre kaha 'kåñëa'-upadeça [Cc. Madhya 7.128]. If one wants to achieve the highest success in life, one must accept Bhagavad-gétä as spoken by the Supreme Lord. By accepting Bhagavad-gétä in this way, all of human society can become perfect and happy.

(SB 10.3.45p)


We don't manufacture knowledge. Therefore we are presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is, as it is. The Bhagavad-gita is already perfect. Why shall I interpret with my imperfect senses?

(Lecture Bhagavad-gita 1.13-14 London, July 14, 1973)


How to read? Evam parampara-praptam, through the disciplic succession. As Krsna said, you have to accept that teaching through the disciplic succession, not concocted meanings. "Oh, I am a very good scholar. I passed my DHC or MAC or MA. I can comment on Bhagavad-gita in my own way." That is rascaldom. That is not understanding of Bhagavad-gita. Bhagavad-gita means you must understand what Krsna says. That is understanding. But generally, it is done, "Kill Krsna. There was no Krsna. There was no battlefield. There was no Mahabharata. I have my concoction about Krsna." This kind of commentary and understanding of Bhagavad-gita has spoiled the whole world.

(Lecture Bhagavad-gita 4.13 Bombay, April 2, 1974)


Here is the real thing, Bhagavad-gita, the Supreme Personality of Godhead speaking personally about Himself. Why should we interpret?Does it mean that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the supreme authority, left something unexplained to be interpreted later on by some rascals? No. But the rascals dare; they interpret. That is cheating. That is another fault. There are 640-45 editions of Bhagavad-gita. Simply cheating.

(Lecture Bhgavad-gita 1.13-14 London, July 14, 1973)


So we should always remember that we are reading Bhagavad-gita and we should understand it as it is. We should not make any interpretation. That is a wrong thing. And if there was some necessity of interpretation, we should not think that Krsna left the matter for being interpreted by in later age by some scholar? Oh, He could have disclosed it Himself. He was quite competent. No. There is no question of interpretation. We have to understand Bhagavad-gita as it is. If we cannot understand, that is a defect in me, not in the Bhagavad-gita. So we have to find out the defect in me.

(Lecture Bhagavad-gita 4.3-6 New York, July 18, 1966)


Most of you know this book, Bhagavad-gita. It is very famous book of knowledge. And we are presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is. This Krsna consciousness movement means to present Bhagavad-gita as it is, without any adulteration.

(Lecture Bhagavad-gita 4.13 New York, April 8, 1973)


It is a not fictitious thing, just like rascal commentators, so-called, they say, "Kuruksetra means this body." It is not that. As it is. Try to understand Bhagavad-gita as it is. Kuruksetra, dharma-ksetra. It is a place of religion.

(Lecture Bhagavad-gita 1.1 London July 7, 1973)


Surrender to Krsna and follow His instruction; your life will be perfect. Because you follow the perfect instruction, therefore you are also perfect. Simple process. To become perfect, we have to follow the perfect instruction.

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Prabhupada: Everyone will have to take Krsna's book first to prove their authority.| So in the Bhagavad-gita there is perfect instruction. And if we take it as it is and follow it, then we become perfect.

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