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And I declare that he who studies this sacred conversation worships Me by his intelligence.

Herein we find the history of the Bhagavad-gita traced from a remote time when it was delivered to the royal order, the Kings of all planets. | So in the Bhagavad-gita, everything is explained very scientifically, not, I mean to say, a sentimental explanation. No, logically, scientifically. | Prabhupada: Everyone will have to take Krsna's book first to prove their authority. | One has to understand Bhagavad Gita as Arjuna understood it | So in the Bhagavad-gita there is perfect instruction. And if we take it as it is and follow it, then we become perfect. | So all science of God is described in Bhagavad-gita. | Bhagavad-gita is the authorized book to teach people how to love Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. | To summarise the conclusions of Bhagavad-gita it may be said that, | Krsna purifies the devotee who constantly engages in hearing of Him | You should read Bhagavad-gita As It Is carefully verse to verse and word to word, and you will be benefited |

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  3. A Strange Conversation
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  6. B. studies D. to study











These Bhagavad Gita Study Guides are dedicated to our most beloved Spiritual Master, Our Father- His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada who has so mercifully given us His Bhaktivedanta Purports and their extended purports in the form of His Lectures, Conversation and letters, to save us from the unauthorized commentators of Bhagavad Gita and who is enthusing us to study them deeply. May He bless all of His students who have taken up this study seriously, with successful completion of the course and with its result- Complete submission to the will of Lord Caitanya.


Please see that the program for studying our literatures is also undertaken very seriously by all the devotees there. Every one of us must become thoroughly acquainted with our philosophy, so that our preaching work may be carried out. (Srila Prabhupada in a letter on 27th February, 1970)


In the Caitanya-Caritamrta it is said that nobody should be neglectful of the siddhanta because by siddhantic conclusion one becomes firm in Krishna Consciousness. So these siddhantic conclusions are being mentioned in all of my books, and the boys and girls in our Krishna Society should now give more attention for studying the books very attentively. (Srila Prabhupada in a letter on 17th February, 1970)


So, please study my books intensely and do not fail to chant sixteen rounds daily following the four regulative principles strictly. This will make everything perfect. (Srila Prabhupada in a letter on 4th January 1975)


By reading my books carefully, you will become enthused to distribute them more and more in greater quantities. (Srila Prabhupada in a letter on 22nd May 1975)


Be sure that all of the devotees there are very carefully following all of the regulative principles and chanting sixteen rounds daily and let them study the books deeply. (Srila Prabhupada in a letter of 5th June 1975)


The brahmanas must practice cleanliness, internally by chanting the Lord’s glories and externally by bathing regularly. In addition the brahmanas should study carefully, especially Bhagavad Gita, Isopanisad, The Nectar of Devotion and The Nectar of Instruction as well as all the paperbacks. Soon we will have yearly examinations for brahmanas based on these books and those who pass will be awarded Bhakti-Sastri titles. (Srila Prabhupada in a letter on 10th January 1976)

Generally, in India, they want to learn English. So, as soon as they learn English, they can read our books. At least, at the present moment, we haven't got. They're... Generally, in India, they want to learn English. So, as soon as they learn English, they can read our books. And Sanskrit is also... You have seen? We have given each word meaning, Sanskrit. The pronunciation. Oh yes. Here is the Bhagavad-gita As It Is.

Conversations 730912iv.lon


So you read carefully Bhagavad-gita. Everything is there. Every word, every line is so, I mean to say, instructive. It is simply... That is the basic principle of spiritual knowledge. Now we have presented. Every one of you should very carefully read. Every one of you must have one book and read it carefully and appear in the examination next Janmastami. You'll get designation, (laughs) Bhakti-sastri. Yes (Lecture Bhagavad-gita 2.26 Los Angeles, December 6, 1968)

In pursuance of these instructions of Srila Prabhupada, we are presenting this study guide to assist devotees in deeply studying Srimad Bhagavad-Gita. This study guide is entirely a compilation of various ways in which Srila Prabhupada has himself further explained Srimad Bhagavad Gita and its verses in his books, lectures, conversations and letters.

The test on Bhagavad Gita, part of receiving Bhakti Sastri degree from ISKCON, Inc., will have questions based mostly on this study guide. This is so as we as disciples of His Divine Grace, consider it adequate and feel pleasure in at least understanding and quoting Srimad Bhagavad Gita in the way Srila Prabhupada himself used it.


The method of this study guide will be as follows:

1. A separate Study Guide will be prepared for each Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita As It Is including the Introduction.

2. Each Study Guide will include:

a. A suggested daily schedule of studying selected verses from the chapter and the recommended lecture by Srila Prabhupada on those verses. This schedule will be followed in the temple. The students who are not able to come to the temple may follow the same schedule on their own.

b. The main verses to remember in that chapter (according to the ones used more often by Srila Prabhupada)

c. References to all the verses (either sanksrit or its translation) of the chapter used by Srila Prabhupada elsewhere in his recorded teachings sub-categoried under various headings for easy assimilation.

d. Transcription of Lectures by Srila Prabhupada on the verses of the Chapter. This is so that students studying Bhagavad Gita As It Is at home can also listen to corresponding lectures at their own time and go through the corresponding lecture transcript and keep up to the temple class schedule. If there are more than one lectures on a particular verse, then only one lecture needs to be played in the class, but we will try to provide most of the multiple lecture transcriptions as in most lectures on the same verse Srila Prabhupada usually covers different angles. Those transcripts can then be read at one’s own time for further understanding from Srila Prabhupada.

e. Main concepts referred to by Lord Krishna or Srila Prabhupada in that chapter will also be included as stand-alone topics. A comprehensive research will be included from Srila Prabhupada’s teachings on that particular topic so that the students will get a clear understanding of the topic from different angles and its application by Srila Prabhupada in various times, places, circumstances and persons as far as possible.

We expect that the students have the original Bhagavad Gita As It Is(not the current changed version) and the audio recordings of His Divine Grace’s al lectures on the Bhagavad Gita As It Is. If not, then these may be purchased at the temple.


3. The format of the BG Classes will be as follows:

a. 7.00 – 7.05 pm – Jaya Radha Madhava by Srila Prabhupada

b. 7.05 – 7.10 pm – Recite the suggested verses to remember so as to try to learn them.

c. 7.10-7.15 pm - Reading of the particular day’s verses, transliteration, word to word meanings, translations and purports as to be lectured on by Srila Prabhupada. To be read by that day’s class leader.

d. 7.15 – 7.45 pm – Audio Lecture by Srila Prabhupada on the set of verses designated in the study guide for that day.

e. 7.45 – 7.50 pm – That day’s class leader speaks on what he has heard from Srila Prabhupada today in the following format:

i. The main point of today’s lecture by Srila Prabhupada in 1-2 lines

ii. Maximum 5 subsidiary points made by Srila Prabhupada in 1-2 lines each

iii. Verses referenced by Srila Prabhupada and for what reason

iv. Examples and analogies used by Srila Prabhupada and why

f. 7.50-8.00 pm – Other students in the class, if any, give their opinion of why the main points or subsidiary points etc. as stated by the class leader were not correct or need to be replaced with another point(s) giving reasons for the change. This is optional for all.

g. Next day’s class leader is designated from among the other students. If one is studying this at home, one can work with another student(s) at home with whom one can discuss the last step from 7.45- 8.00 over phone. Discussion is extremely important.


4. Every Sunday will be QA sessions at the temple. So any questions over the week that remains to be answered for a student will be answered there. We are minimizing the opportunities for asking questions from the speaker as we want to encourage self study and asking questions from Srila Prabhupada directly by inquiring from him directly and by reading/hearing from him regularly. Questions will also be answered automatically by Lord Krishna in the heart if one is chanting 16 rounds and following 4 regulative principles as instructed by Srila Prabhupada. We wish to discourage dependence on someone else for inquiring questions of philosophy. We discourage dependence not inquiry and discussion, as dependence ought to be on Srila Prabhupada to make one think independently. Srila Prabhupada is perfectly capable of answering questions of all his students and is willing to do so. That is why he has written his Bhaktivedanta purports with so much care and attention. He has himself instructed that…


Prabhupäda: All questions are answered in the Bhagavad-gétä. You read Bhagavad-gétä thoroughly, and you will get all answer, all problems solved. Unfortunately, the so-called politicians and scholars, they misinterpret Bhagavad-gétä and ruin their career and misguide others. That is going on. All rascals are doing that. "This word means this," as if Kåñëa left this word to be explained by a rascal. This is going on. He does not think of his position, that at any moment he will be kicked out of this platform of so-called leadership, so-called educated teacher, and he is commenting on the words of Kåñëa. This is going on. He does not understand his position, that "What I am?"

Reporter: Is the teacher always necessary? I mean, many meditation groups or yoga groups say that...

Prabhupäda: Yes. Why you are asking? Anything you want to learn, you must go to a teacher. How you can learn independently?

Reporter: I mean just, say, by reading the Bhagavad-gétä.

Prabhupäda: Reading Bhagavad-gétä is also taking lesson from the teacher. Teacher—Kåñëa is personally the teacher, and you read Bhagavad-gétä means you take lessons from teacher, the supreme teacher….

(Room Conversation with Reporter March 9, 1975, London)


You should all read very carefully Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita, and you should be able to answer all questions like this, and only in rare cases approach me. But it is important that our students must be able to answer all questions for becoming preachers.

(Letter to: Aniruddha 14 November, 1968)


Study Bhagavad-gita As It Is and Srimad-Bhagavatam and continue to help your god-brothers in developing Krishna Consciousness. So develop your preaching abilities in this way, and this will be the most successful and appreciated endeavor.

Regarding the answers which you gave to Bilas Vigrahadas, they were all correct. When you study very carefully all of the literature which is available, especially Bhagavad-gita As It Is, you will have in your grasp answers to all questions that may be put to you. Please encourage the others to read this Bhagavad-gita at least one chapter every day.

Please convey my blessings to the others at your temple. I hope that this finds you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

(Letter to Upendra 6 January, 1969)


Every one of you must regularly read our books at least twice—in the morning and evening, and automatically all questions will be answered.

(Letter to: Ranadhira 24 January, 1970)


I am very glad to know that you are reading our literatures and you are very thoughtful about them. I am always happy to answer your questions, but you should practice to get the answers from your husband and try to find them out by reading further in our books. All questions will be clarified if you simply read our books very thoroughly and follow the simple process of devotional service as we have given it to chant regularly and rigidly observe the rules and regulations. This is our principle that the spiritual science becomes revealed to the devotee from within the heart according to the degree of his surrender to Krsna. You are a very hopeful student and intelligent devotee, so you continue to pursue your devotional activities patiently and Krsna will open your path of Krsna consciousness so you will progress more and more.

(Letter to: Ekayani 25 July, 1970)

Utilize your time for advancing in Krishna consciousness by reading our books. We have got sufficient stock, and if you simply go on reading them, chanting regularly 16 rounds, engaging yourself 24 hours in Krishna's business, then all of your questions will be answered automatically, because Krishna promises to His sincere devotee that He will give him the intelligence to understand Him.

(Letter to: Dasarha 4 March, 1972)


If you have further questions you may write me or consult with the devotees in the temple. Actually I have already answered all questions in my books such as Bhagavad-gita, so kindly read them and chant Hare Krishna Mantra.

(Letter to: Brian Fleming 6 March, 1974)


If you read all our books, Bhagavad- gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and others, you will get all the answers to your questions. Still I shall be very glad to answer besides that.

(Letter to: Alfred Ford 16 July, 1974)


I am very glad to see that such a young boy as yourself you are taking serious interest in this Krishna Consciousness Movement. Please continue in this way. Our process is something universal. It cannot be checked by any means. Anyone in any place, in any country can chant Hare Krishna. If it is possible to go to the temple, then take advantage of the temple. A temple is a place where by one is given the opportunity to render direct devotional service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. In conjunction with this you should always read my books daily and all your questions will be answered and you will have a firm basis of Krishna Consciousness. In this way your life will be perfect.

(Letter to: Hugo Salemon 22 November, 1974)


In this way you have to understand, by studying carefully the philosophy. We have got so many books now and I want all of my disciples to read them carefully. Soon we shall be instituting Bhakti-sastri examinations and all brahmanas will have to pass. So utilize whatever time you find to make a thorough study of my books. Then all your questions will be answered.

(Letter to: Upendra 7 January, 1976)


This will ensure that while trying to study Bhagavad Gita As It Is, one will also develop one’s personal relationship with Srila Prabhupada, the external manifestation of the Supersoul. Hence this emphasis on learning BG directly from him via this kind of study guide where Srila Prabhupada’s statements are compiled together. If the unanswered questions are pressing, then during Sunday QA sessions they can be asked.


5. After the completion of every chapter, there will be a test on it. The marks from those tests will be accumulated with the final examination for the final consideration of the Bhakti Shastri Degree.


Please give your feedback on the study guides so as to correct errors in these hurriedly compiled editions.


Acknowledgement goes to Gaurangasundar Dasa, Bhakta Rajesh, Bhakta Avinash, Bhakta Prakash and Bhakta Ashok for helping in the research and compilation of this Study Guide.


Nimai Pandit Das


May 28, 2009


And I declare that he who studies this sacred conversation worships Me by his intelligence.

(Bg 18.70)









OF INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………..…….12






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