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The F-111 entered the USAF in 1981. It is a supersonic all-weather attack aircraft with high variable-sweep wing (the first in production in the world).
The variable-sweep wings' limits are of 16° (extreme forward) and 72.5° (swept back). To take off the limit is 16°, for landing - 26°, and for the supersonic flight - 72°.
Basic features of the F-111 include also side-by-side seating for the pilot and right-seat navigator, large main gears with low-pressure tires for landing on soft strips, very great internal fuel capacity, and emergency escape by jettisoning the entire crew compartment, which has its own parachutes and can serve as a survival shelter or boat.
The aircraft is equipped with a terrain-following radar (TFR) (РЛС обеспечения полета с огибанием рельефа местности) which permits the plane to fly over hills, mountains and steep-sided valleys in blind conditions, in blizzards or by night, holding a steady 200 ft distance from the ground at high-subsonic speed.
According to the US press the aircraft possesses good maneuverability at low speeds and has short take-off and landing distances. This is possible due to auxiliary wing control surfaces: flaps, slats, spoilers and others.
The aircraft's tail unit includes a vertical fin and all-movable stabilizer.
Дата добавления: 2015-07-11; просмотров: 64 | Нарушение авторских прав