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Unit 11.Implements for Harvesting Сrops


11.1.Обратите внимание на разнообразие способов чтения буквосочетания ough.

[ᴧf]: rough, tough;

[au]: plough;

[ou]: though, dough;

[ɔ:]: thought, bought, fought, ought;

[u:]: through.


Слова, выделенные в тексте жирным шрифтом, являются глаголами или глагольными производными; запишите их в неопределенной форме и переведите.

Активная лексика

baler упаковщик

сereal [síәriәl] хлебный злак

сhopper тяпка, коса́рь (нож)

сrop сельскохозяйственная культура

hay сено

grain зерно, хлебные злаки

ground земля, почва

kernel зерно, зёрнышко

nutritious [nju:tríʃәs] питательный

root корнеплод

silo [sáilou] силосная яма

spoilage порча


Найдите к английскому слову русский эквивалент.


1.Mower a.грабли

2.plough b.вилы

3.spade c.борона

4.hoe d.сажалка

5.rake e.косилка

6.pitchfork f.лопата

7.planter g.тяпка

8.harrow h.мотыга

9.chopper j.плуг


11.5.Какое слово не вписывается в тематический ряд?


1.Planter, harrow, plough, spade, mower, combine.

2.Apples, plums, cucumbers, apricots, pears, cherries.

3.Potatoes, cabbage, sugar beet, carrots, tomatoes, nuts.

4.Radio, lights, engine, wiper, brakes, heater.

5.Spade, tractor, hoe, rake, pitchfork, chopper.


Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1.What agricultural machines are thе most important ones on the fields?

2.What other machines can you name?

3.What steps does hay harvesting require? (Use a gerund-form in your answer.)

4.Where is hay stored in winter?

5.What kinds of fruits are harvested by agricultural machines?


Most cereal crops are harvested by using a combine – a machine that removes the fruiting heads, beats off the grain kernels and cleans the grain as the combine moves through the fields.

Hay harvesting usually requires several steps. First, the hay is cut close to the ground with a mower. After drying in the sun most hay is baled. In baling the pickup baler lifts the hay to the conveyor that carries it to the baling chamber which compresses the hay into bales weighing up to 57 kg or more and ties each bale with heavy twine or wire. A machine called a field chopper cuts down green hay or field-cured hay for use as animal feed. After being cut down the hay is stored in a silo and allowed to ferment. This type of animal feed is nutritious and resistant to spoilage.

Specialized machinery is also used to harvest large root crops such as potatoes and sugar beet and to harvest fruit and vegetables. Some mechanical fruit-pickers which are used to harvest tree fruits, such as plums, cherries and apricots, shake the fruit tree causing the fruit to fall on to a raised catching frame that surrounds the tree. Nut crops can also be harvested in this manner.

Use of agricultural machinery reduces the amount of human labor needed for growing crops.


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