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  1. Ex.16. Compose the dialogue on halitosis treatment.

Halitosis is an oral health condition characterized by consistently bad breath. The bad smell is usually caused by chemical molecules containing sulphur. These are produced when bacteria that live in the mouth break down protein in the diet. There are just as many causes of bad breath as there are sources of bacteria in the mouth. Halitosis may be caused by certain foods, poor oral healthcare, improper cleaning of dentures, periodontal disease, xerostomia (dry mouth), tobacco products, certain medical disorders etc.

Diet. When a person does not brush or floss their teeth thoroughly, food particles may remain in the mouth. These particles may rot and cause foul odors. In addition, food particles over time can promote the growth of bacteria, which can also cause foul odors. The bacteria can also lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Foods with strong odors also affect the air a person exhales. Foods commonly known to contribute to bad breath include onions and garlic, exotic spices (such as curry), some cheeses, fish, and acidic beverages such as coffee. Foods are absorbed into the bloodstream and then transferred to the lungs, causing noticeable odors when exhaled.

Dry mouth. Bad breath can also be caused by decreased flow of saliva, which is a vital part of the digestive process and removes odor-causing particles in the mouth. Also called xerostomia, dry mouth may be caused by medications, breathing through the mouth, or salivary gland problems.

Tobacco products. In addition to causing bad breath, smoking or chewing tobacco-based products can stain teeth, irritate gum tissue, and exacerbate tooth decay.

Medical disorders. Certain medical disorders may cause bad breath, for example: gum or periodontal infection, throat infection (pharyngitis or tonsillitis), local infection in the respiratory tract, chronic sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, diabetes, liver or kidney disease, etc.

Dentures or dental appliances. Dentures or dental appliances, such as braces, can contribute to bad breath. Most often it is due to food particles that are not properly cleansed from the appliances. Loose-fitting dentures can contribute to sores and localized infections in the mouth, which can cause bad breath.

Morning breath. Overnight, bacteria accumulate in the mouth, causing bad breath that is commonly referred to as 'morning breath.' Some people breathe through their mouth at night, which can cause dry mouth and worsen morning breath.

Many individuals with bad breath may be unaware they have it, or their symptoms may only be temporary. The odor often depends upon the source or underlying cause of the bad breath. Some common symptoms of bad breath include: bad breath smell, bad taste or taste changes, dry mouth, and a coating on the tongue.

Specific treatment for halitosis will be determined by your physician or dentist based on health of your mouth; cause or origin of the condition; extent of the condition; your tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies; your opinion or preference.

Ex.9. Find in the text the equivalents for the following words and word-combinations:

Джерело бактерій, часточки їжі, тимчасовий, слина, слинні залози. розлад кишково-шлункового тракту, процес травлення, неприємний присмак, сухість у роті, походження, уподобання, виразки у роті, погіршувати, інфекція горла, найпоширеніші симптоми, всмоктуватися у кровотік, ретельно чистити зуби зубною щіткою, залежати від, наліт на язиці.

Ex.10. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the scientific name for bad breath? Give definition for halitosis. 2. What is the bad smell usually caused by? 3. What are the possible causes of halitosis? 4. Do foods with strong odors affect the breath? If yes, explain how. 5. What food items contributing to bad breath do you know? 6. How can decreased flow of saliva cause bad breath? 7. What kinds of medical disorders may cause bad breath? 8. What can breathing through the mouth at night lead to? 9. What are the most common symptoms of bad breath? 10. Who can prescribe specific treatment for halitosis? 11. What is the treatment for halitosis based on?

Ex.11. Insert the missing words:

1. The odor often depends upon the ________ or underlying cause of the bad breath. 2. Bad breath can also be caused by decreased flow of _______. 3. When a person does not brush or floss their teeth thoroughly, food __________ may remain in the mouth. 4. Certain medical _________ may cause bad breath. 5. Foods with strong __________ also affect the air a person exhales. 6. Halitosis is an oral health __________ characterized by consistently bad breath.


Ex.12. Insert the missing prepositions (of, for, by, on, against):

The most widely-known reason to clean the tongue is … the control … bad breath. Methods used … bad breath, such as mints, mouth sprays, mouthwash or gum, may only temporarily mask the odors created … the bacteria … the tongue, but cannot cure bad breath because they do not remove the source … the bad breath. In order to prevent the production … the sulfur-containing compounds mentioned above, the bacteria … the tongue must be removed, as must the decaying food debris present on the rear areas of the tongue. Most people who clean their tongue use a tongue cleaner (tongue scraper), or a toothbrush.


Ex.13. Supply the necessary words given below:

Tooth decay and ______ disease are the main causes of ____ breath. Make sure you have regular dental ____________ and see a dental ___________. Brush your teeth _______ a day and after meals with a toothpaste that inhibits ____________, and try using a _____________. Look for mouthwashes that ____________ oil and water components, which may be more ___________ because bacteria and sulphide compounds are more easily dissolved in oil than water. Smoking is one of the most common _________ of bad breath, especially because it can lead to gum __________. Stop _____________ if possible.

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