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Oral candidiasis

Oral thrush is an opportunistic infection of the oral cavity. It affects the most superficial part of the lining of the mouth that is caused by the yeast-like fungal organism, Candida albicans. Because yeast infection is due to Candida, it is referred to as candidiasis. Thrush is known as oral candidiasis.

Candida infection is not limited to the mouth; it can occur in other parts of the body as well. Thrush can affect anyone, though it occurs most often in babies and toddlers, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems. The following factors can increase your chances of getting thrush:

· Being in poor health

· Being very old or very young

· Having an HIV infection or AIDS

· Receiving chemotherapy for cancer or drugs to suppress your immune system

· Taking steroid medications

Thrush usually develops suddenly, but it may become chronic, persisting over a long period of time. A common sign of thrush is the presence of creamy white, slightly raised lesions in your mouth -- usually on your tongue or inner cheeks -- but also sometimes on the roof of your mouth, gums, tonsils, or back of your throat. The lesions, which may have a "cottage cheese" appearance, can be painful and may bleed slightly when you scrape them or brush your teeth. In severe cases, the lesions may spread into your esophagus causing:

· Pain or difficulty swallowing

· A feeling that food gets stuck in the throat or mid-chest area

· Fever, if the infection spreads beyond the esophagus

Oral candidiasis may be diagnosed based on the clinical signs and symptoms. Your dentist can diagnose thrush by examining your mouth. He or she looks for the distinctive white lesions on your mouth, tongue, or cheeks. Lightly brushing the lesions away reveals a reddened, tender area that may bleed slightly. A microscopic examination of tissue from a lesion can confirm the diagnosis.

Your dentist will have a specific treatment approach designed for you based on your age and the cause of the infection. Several good antifungal drugs are available for treating this infection. Some can be taken as a daily pill that is swallowed, while others are used as a mouth rinse or lozenge that is dissolved in the mouth four or five times daily. For people who wear complete dentures, the dentures must be disinfected by soaking them overnight, each night, for one week using a mild bleach solution.

The following can help you prevent thrush:

· Follow good oral hygiene practices. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day.

· Avoid mouthwashes or sprays. These products can destroy the normal balance of microorganisms in your mouth.

· See your dentist regularly. Especially if you have diabetes or wear dentures.

· Limit the amount of sugar and yeast-containing foods you eat. Foods such as bread, beer, and wine encourage candida growth.

· If you smoke, quit. Ask your doctor or dentist about ways to help you kick the habit.

Ex.11. Translate into English:

Слизова оболонка ротової порожнини, дріжджі, вражати будь-кого, ослаблена імунна система, протигрибкові препарати, слабке здоров’я, раптово, склепіння ротової порожнини, тривати довгий час, злегка кровоточити, складні випадки захворювання, поширюватися, клінічні ознаки, підтвердити діагноз, причина інфекції, ополіскував ротової порожнини, таблетки для розсмоктування, відбілюючий розчин, чистити зубною ниткою, носити протези.

Ex.12. Answer the following questions:

1.What is oral candidiasis? 2. What kind of organism is oral thrush caused by? 3. Who gets oral candidiasis? 4. What factors can increase your chances of getting thrush? 5. What are the commonest signs of thrush? 6. How do doctors diagnose oral candidiasis? 7. How is oral candidiasis treated? 8. What can help you prevent thrush?

Ex.13. Insert the missing prepositions (of, from, in, with, for):

Thrush is commonly seen … infants. It is not considered abnormal in infants unless it lasts longer than a couple … weeks. People who have diabetes and have high blood sugar levels are more likely to get thrush … the mouth because the extra sugar … your saliva acts like food … Candida. Taking high doses … antibiotics or taking antibiotics … a long time also increases the risk of oral thrush. Antibiotics kill some of the healthy bacteria that help keep Candida … growing too much. People … poorly fitting dentures are also more likely to get thrush.


Ex. 14. Find and write out sentences with modal verbs from the text “Oral candidiasis” and make them interrogative.

Pattern: Candida infection can occur in other parts of the body.

Can Candida infection occur in other parts of the body?

What parts of the body can Candida infection occur?

What kind of infection can occur in other parts of the body?

Candida infection can occur in other parts of the body, can’t it? etc.

Ex.15. Read the following text, divide it into logical parts and try to retell:

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