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Subjective infinitive construction

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  2. Construction Data
  3. Construction of the rotary head on a mast head
  4. Constructions with the Participle
  5. Gerundial Construction
  6. Inf. constructions
  7. infinitive
NOUN (Common Case) or PRONOUN (Subjective Case) PREDICATE INFINITIVE
Doctor(s) I Passive Voice Indefinite (Active) V (to write)
  He to think (думати), to believe (думати), to know (знати), Indefinite (Passive) to be + V3 (to be written)
Dentist(s) She to suppose (вважати, допускати), to consider (вважати), Continuous (Active) to be + Ving (to be writing)
  It to see (допускати), to hear (слухати), to report (повідомляти) to say (говорити) Perfect (Active) to have + V3 (to have written)
Scientist(s) You Active Voice Perfect (Passive) to have been + V3 (to have been written)
  We to seem (здаватися), to appear (здаватися),      
  They to happen (траплятся)      

Речення з суб'єктним інфінітивним комплексом на у|зворот,оберт|країнську мову перекладаються здебільшого складно-підрядними реченнямиться із сполучником|із| “що”. Переклад слід починати з присудка, який в українській мові перетворюється на неозначено-особове або безособове головне речення. Перша частина комплексу (іменник або займенник) стає підметом підрядного речення, а інфінітив перекладається особовою формою дієслова, що стає присудком підрядного речення:

These doctors are known to be good specialists. Відомо, що ці лікарі гарні фахівці.
She is said to treat this disease. Кажуть, що вона лікує це захворювання.
He seems to have passed his examinations well. Здається, він успішно здав іспити.

У якості присудка також можуть вживатися такі|слідуючі| словосполучення: to| be| sure| напевно, to| be| certain| безумовно, to| be| likely| напевно:

They| are| likely| to| return| next| week|. Напевно, вони повернуться на наступному|такого| тижні.

Ex. 7. Read and translate the following sentences:

1. X-ray examination is considered to be very important in diagnosis. 2. He is supposed to discharge the patient from the hospital 3. The heart is considered to have been enlarged. 4. The patient is said to become well. 5. This drug is known to give a good effect. 6. This disease is said to have a chronic course. 7. The urgent operation was supposed to have saved the patient’s life. 8. The nurse seems to be very experienced. 9. The pain is considered to be caused by too hot or too cold food. 10. All drugs appear to be kept in drug cabinets. 11. Excessive smoking and alcohol consumption are known to produce mild gastritis or to aggravate existing gastritis symptoms. 12. One of the major aids in acute and chronic anemia as well as in shock, hemophilia and so on is known to be transfusion of blood. 13. The causes for hypersecretion or hyposecretion of growth hormone are known to involve tumors in the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland. 14. The most common thyroid disorders are considered to be hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. 15. The endocrine system was believed to be relatively independent and different from the nervous system, but a relationship between these systems is now recognized.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-11; просмотров: 76 | Нарушение авторских прав

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