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Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:
Prefixes and term-elements:
dia- (through)
diapedesis діапедез, проникнення клітинних елементів крові через інтактні судинні стінки назовні
dis- (dys-) (negative meaning)
to appear з’являтися – to disappear зникати
extra- (beyond)
extra-articular позасуглобовий
Ex. 3. Read and translate the following words:
A. Diameter; dialysis; diaphragm.
B. Dislike; discharging; disable; disagree; dismiss; discard; disintegrate; disruption; displace.
C. Extracellular; extracranial; extraordinary; extrabronchial; extracorpuscular.
Ex. 4. Familiarize yourself with the following material:
Prefixes and term-elements:
hyper- (above; excessiveness)
hyperabsorption гіперабсорбція
hypo- (under; deficiency)
hypoactive гіпоактивний
il- (im-, in-, ir-) (lack of)
attentive уважний – inattentive неуважний
correct правильний – incorrect неправильний
Ex. 5. Read and translate the following words:
A. Hyperplasia; hypertrophy; hyperglicemia; hypertension; hyperactive; hypersecretion; hyperthyroidism; hyperplasia; hypervitaminosis.
B. Hypodermic; hypoglycemia; hypothalamus; hyposecretion; hypothyroidism; hypoglycemic; hypodermic.
C. Inorganic; indefinite; illegal; ineffective; inattentive; incorrect; indirect; irregular; impossible; inelasticity.
Ex. 6. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:
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