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B) Comment on the fragments above.

Читайте также:
  1. B) Make up dialogues discussing the points above.
  2. B) Think of situations or microdialogues consisting of a statement (or a question) and a reply to it using the words mentioned above.
  3. C) Comment on the character of the landlady. Prove your statement.
  4. Comment on the following quotations.
  5. Comment on the following quotations.
  6. Comment on the following statements.

ХIII. Speak individually or arrange a discussion on the following:

1. Why is it that people go to the theatre? What do they look for there?

2. What is your favourite theatre and why?

3. The fragment above (Ex. XII B) describes the case when "the imagination of the spectator begins to be haunted so that long after he has left the play-house the actors are still with him..." Is the experience familiar to you? After what play did you have it last time?

4. What is the romantic side of the theatre?

5. What is the educational role of the theatre? Do you agree with Priestley (see the fragment in Ex. XII B) that the theatrical art appeals rather to the spectator's imagination and feelings than to his intellect? Give your reasons.

XIV. Try your hand at teaching. 1. Say what you would do in the teacher's position:

Michael, a bright, young, soon-to-be fifth-former, con­fessed to his teacher that in his view school was no fun, the teachers were no good, summer should last forever and dogs were lucky because they didn't have to go to school. The teacher protested that school was important. But Michael, who didn't share the teacher's opinion, answered with a one-word question "Why?".

2. Respond to the following modestly. Here are a few possible ways of beginning answers:

Oh, it was nothing. The real credit should go to.... I had very little to do with it. It wasn't difficult at all, really. Thank you, but it's not really all that good. Oh, you're exaggerat­ing, I played only a small part in the whole thing. It was very much a team effort. You're very kind, but really anyone else could do it.

S c e n a r i o

A.: I've never seen such an attractive and talented class of children. I think you, as their teacher, deserve the highest praise.


A.: I'm sure they are splendid, but I don't agree that you don't deserve any credit. I know you planned the lovely dec­orations in their classroom, for a start.


A.: I'm sorry, I just can't believe it had nothing to do with you. And even if they had the original idea, I'm sure you guided them in their work.


A,: Oh, come on, it can't have been easy and I don't agree that anyone could have done it

(From Making Polite Noises by Hargreaves and M. Fletcher. Lad" 1979)

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