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Билет №1 Simple Sentence (SS)
Билет №2 The Principal Parts of the Sentence
Билет №3 Secondary parts
Билет №4 The Gerund
Билет №5 The Infinitive
Билет №6 Тhe Participle
Билет №7 Predicative Constructions with the Verbals
Билет №8 The Compound Sentence
Билет №9 The Complex Sentence. Nominal Clauses
Билет №10 The Complex Sentence. Attributive Clauses
Билет №11 The Complex Sentence. Adverbial Clauses
Билет №12 Tense and Aspect. Indefinite and Continuous
Билет №13 Tense and Aspect. Perfect and Perfect Continuous
Билет №14 Voice. The Passive Voice
Билет №15 Mood. The Subjunctive Mood
Билет №16 The use of the Subjunctive Mood in conditional sentences
Билет №17 Modal verbs. Can, may and their equivalents
Билет №18 Modal verbs. Must, have to, be to and their equivalents
Билет №19 Modal verbs. Should, would, shall, will, dare, need
Билет №1 Simple Sentence (SS)
1.1 Definition. A sentence is a unit of speech whose grammatical structure conforms to the laws of the language and which serves as the chief means of conveying a thought. A sentence is not only a means of communicating something about reality but a means of showing the speaker’s attitude to it.
1.2 Classification. The classification of SS is based on two principles:
(A) according to the purpose of the utterance;
(B) according to the structure.
According to the purpose of the utterance we distinguish 4 kinds of sentences:
The declarative sentence states a fact in the affirmative or negative form. In DS the subject precedes the predicate (pronounced with falling intonation) (!: English predicate can have only one negation).
He does not go anywhere.
The interrogative sentence asks a question. It is formed by means of inversion (unless subject is an interrogative word: Who is in the room? – no inversion).
There are 4 kinds of questions:
(a) General questions requiring the answer yes or no and spoken with a rising intonation. They are formed by placing part of the predicative (auxiliary or modal verb) before the subject.
Do you like art? Can you speak English?
Astonishment: Haven’t you seen him yet?
Rhetoric questions: Can you commit a whole country to their own prisons?
Special q. beginning with an interrogative word (falling intonation)
Where do you live? (order of words is as in Gen. question)
Who lives in this room? (Who – is a subject, order of words is as that of a statement)
(b) Alternative questions, indicating choice (1. rising intonation 2. falling):
Do you live in town or in the country?
(d) Disjunctive questions requiring the answer yes or no and consisting of an affirmative statement followed by a negative question, or a negative statement followed by an affirmative question (1. Falling 2. Rising intonation)
You speak English, don’t you?
An Imperative sentence serves to induce a person to do smth, so it expresses a command (falling tone: Come to the blackboard!), a request or invitation (rising tone: Open the door, please!).
An exclamatory sentence expresses some kind of emotion or feeling. It often begins with the words what and how, it is always in the declarative form (no inversion) (falling intonation: What a lovely day it is! How wonderful!)
According to their structure SS are divided into two-member and one-member sentences. A two-member sentence is complete when it has a subject and a predicate.
Fleur had easily established immediate contact with an architect.
A two-member sentence is incomplete when one of the principal parts or both of them are missing, but can be easily understood from the context. Such sentences are called elliptical: What were we doing? – Drinking.
A one-member sentence has only one member, which is neither subject nor predicate. This does not mean that the other member is missing, for the one member makes the sense complete. Used in descriptions and in emotional speech.
If the main part of a one member sentence is expressed by a noun, the sentence is called nominal. The noun may be modified by attributes.
Dusk – of the summer night.
The main part of a one member sentence is often expressed by an infinitive.
To die out there – lonely, waiting them, waiting home.
SS can be unextended (consisting only of the primary or principal parts) and extended (consisting of the subject, a predicate and one or more secondary parts: objects, attributes or adverbial modifiers). 1) Birds fly. 2) This big girl is a student. (attr)
Purpose of utterance
Declarative Interrogative Imperative
Affirmative Negative General Special Alternative Disjunctive Command Request
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Two-member One-member
Complete Incomplete Nominal Infinitive
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