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Match the definitions below with the words in the list.

Читайте также:
  1. A look through the descriptions of things you can do with music and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold type.
  2. A) Brainstorm the words which come to your mind when you think of flight.
  3. Abbreviations of words
  4. B) Now read through the ads below quickly and find the answers to these questions.
  5. B) Think of situations or microdialogues consisting of a statement (or a question) and a reply to it using the words mentioned above.
  6. B) Use the word combinations from the box given below.
  7. Beyond words: ritual exchanges and codes of conduct.


  celebrity a view held as probable
  circulation b belonging to the present time; of the present day
  commercial c to pay regularly in order to receive a magazine, newspaper, etc.
  coverage d a part of a newspaper (supposed to be written by the editor) giving an opinion on some question of day (rather than news)
  current e periodical publication with articles on current events, new books, art, etc.
  documentary f to express; give an idea of
  editor g the way in which a particular piece of news or event is reported
  editorial h an advertisement on television or radio
  event i the title of a newspaper report printed in large letters
  headline j a continuing story about a group of people that is regularly on television
  opinion k the number of copies a newspaper sells each day
  periodical l a film that gives facts and information about a subject
  reflect m a well-known person on television, film or in the press
  review n a magazine about one topic, that appears once a month, three times a year, etc.
  soap o the person who decides what goes in a newspaper or magazine
  subscribe p thing that happens (usu. important)


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