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Constructed (built)

На русский язык глаголы в страдательном залоге могут перево- * диться:

1.' Глаголами в страдательном залоге: глагол быть (был, будет) и краткая форма страдательного причастия:

The engineer was invited Инженер был приглашен

to the conference. на конференцию.

2. Возвратными глаголами на -ся:

The mine will be recon- Шахта будет реконструи-

structed. роваться.

3. Неопределенно-личным предложением (подлежащее в пере­
воде отсутствует; сказуемое выражено глаголом в 3-м л. мн. числа
действительного залога):

They were shown a new Им показали новый горный

cutter-loader. комбайн.

Если в предложении указано, кем (или чем) произведено действие, то употребляется предложный оборот с предлогами by или with, которые переводятся: с, с помощью, посредством или дополнением в творительном падеже без предлога.'

The delegation of the miners Делегация шахтеров была
was met at the station by встречена на станции

a group of students. группой студентов.

Underground mines and Шахты и рудники оборудо-
opencasts are equipped ваны новыми машинами.

with new machines.


1. а) Прочитайте вслух следующие слова:

[ае] — flat, 'manager, 'practical, me 'chanics, 'graduate, 'capital

[e] — bed,'bedded,'measure, de'fend,'pressure,'deputy, dealt,


[a:] — all.'score, a'ward, 'order, born

[i:] — 'even, seam, de'gree,'teacher

[a:] — hard, pass, class, draft, charge

[u:] — choose, soon, too, food

б) Прочитайте следующие слова и запомните их произношение:

academician [3,kaed3'miJ(3)n], diploma [dip'louma], elementary [xCli'mentan], senior ['si:nja], honour ['эпэ], deputy ['depjuti]

2. Прочитайте следующие слова и сочетания слов 1-2 раза про себя, затем
вслух и постарайтесь запомнить их.

choose [tju:z] (chose [tfouz], chosen relate [rrleit] v относиться, иметь от-

[Ч/ouzn]) v выбирать; choice л ношение

выбор safety ['seifti] л безопасность; mine

collect [ks'lekt] v собирать, коллек- safety безопасность труда при

ционировать горных работах; техника безо-

dangerous ['deindssrss] о опасный пасности, safety measures меры

deposit [drpDzit] л месторождение, безопасности, safe а безопасный,

залежь; bedded deposits пластовые надежный

месторождения seam [si:m] л пласт (угля); syn bed, layer;

describe [dis'kiaib] v описывать, изо- flat seam горизонтальный, полого-

бражать; description [drskripjsn] n падающий пласт; inclined seam на-

описание; descriptive а описатель- клонный пласт; steep seam круто-

ный падающий пласт; thick seam мощ-

facility [fa'silitij л (p/facilities) средст- ный пласт; thin seam тонкий пласт

ва; возможности; оборудование; state [steit] л состояние; государство,

устройства штат; а государственный; v заяв-

fire damp ['faisdaemp] л рудничный лять; констатировать; излагать

газ, метан success [sak'ses] л успех; удача; be a suc-

harm [ha:m] л вред; v вредить; harm- cess иметь успех; successful a

Ш а вредный успешный

to defend graduation paper (thesis) защищать дипломную работу (диссертацию)

to pass an entrance examination сдать вступительный экзамен

to get a higher education получить высшее образование

to do one's best (one's utmost, all one can, everything in one's power) сделать все

возможное, не жалеть сил to make contribution (to) вносить вклад в (науку, технику и т.д.)

3. а) Переведите прилагательные, образованные с помощью суффиксов -ful
и -less:

useful, successful, powerful, harmful; useless, powerless, harmless, sleepless

б) Заполните пропуски прилагательными, образованными от выделенных существительных:

1. Power stations are equipped with...machines.

2. A.M. Terpigorev's investigations in mine safety were a success. He
worked out a series of safety measures in gassy collieries. His... research
greatly improved the working conditions in mines.

3. The extensive use of scientific and technological achievements
makes it possible to develop all branches of production. The scientists are
working out new methods of mining... minerals.

4. Fire damp does much harm to the health of miners. It is the most
... of all the gases in the mine air.

4. Прочитайте следующие сочетания слов. Переведите их:

entrance examinations training of specialists

graduation paper coal seam

coal deposits assistant manager

mine surveying exploitation of deposits

mine safety bedded deposits

description of diagrams transport facilities

acomplete description two-volume textbooks

of the quarry thick-seam mining

flat-seam mining steep-seam mining
thin-seam mining

5. Определите значения выделенных слов по сходству их корней с корнями
соответствующих слов в русском языке:

mining mechanics; descriptive courses; elementary practical train­ing; the best lecturer; lectures on historical geology; a particular interest; an interesting subject; a first-class diploma; the department of Mining Transport; as a result; gassy collieries; the problem of fire damp; the state of mechanization; mining machinery; methods of coal gasification

6. Прочитайте текст А и скажите, разработке каких научных проблем
A.M. Терпнгорев уделял особое внимание:

ТЕКСТ А А.М. Terpigorev (1873-1959)

Academician A.M. Terpigorev is a well-known mining engineer who successfully combined his practical experience with scientific research. He was bom in 1873 in Tambov. In 1892 he finished school with honours1 and decided to get a higher education. He chose the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg, passed all the entrance examinations successfully and became a student of the Mining Institute.

At the Institute he studied the full range of subjects2 relating to metallurgy, mining and mining mechanics.

At that time students' specialization was based on3 descriptive courses and elementary practical training. One of the best lecturers was A. P. Karpinsky. His lectures on historical geology were very popular.

During his practical training Terpigorev visited mines and saw that the miners' work was very difficult. While he was working in the Donbas he collected material for his graduation paper which he soon defended. The Mining of flat seams in the Donbas was carefully studied and described in it.

In 1897 Terpigorev graduated from the Institute with a first-class diploma of a mining engineer.

His first job as a mining engineer was at the Sulin mines where he worked for more than three years first as Assistant Manager and later as Manager.

From 1900 till 1922 Terpigorev worked at the Yekaterinoslav Min­ing Institute (now the Mining Institute in Dnepropetrovsk).

In 1922 he accepted an offer to take charge of the mining chair at the Moscow Mining Academy and moved to Moscow. From 1930 he headed the chairs5 of Mining Transport and Mining of Bedded Deposits at the Moscow Mining Institute.

Academician Terpigorev took a particular interest in mine safety. As a result of his investigations a series of safety measures in gassy collieries was worked out. For some time he was working on the problem of fire damp, the most harmful and dangerous of all the gases in mines.

His two-volume work Coal Mining and Mine Transport Facilities is a full description of the state of mechanization and the economy of the Donbas. His other works are about mining transport facilities, mecha­nization of coal mining and mining machinery. He is one of the pio­neers in scientific methods of coal gasification.


1 finished school with honours — окончил школу с отличием

2 full range of subjects — широкий диапазон дисциплин

3 was based on — базировалась

4 to take chaise of (smth.) — руководить, осуществлять контроль (над чем-л)

5 headed the chairs — возглавил кафедры


Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста.

1. After school Terpigorev decided to work in a mine.


2. Terpigorev collected material for his graduation paper which dealt
with mining thick seams in the Donbas.

3. For more than three years Terpigorev worked at the Sulin mines.

4. In 1922 Terpigorev accepted an offer to take charge of the mining
chair at the Moscow Mining Institute.

5. He investigated the problems of mine safety.

6. He was one of the first to work on the problem of gasification of

8. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. When and where was Terpigorev born?

2. What institute did he graduate from?

3. What material did he collect while he was working in the Donbas?

4. Where did Terpigorev work from 1900 till 1922?

5. At what institute did Terpigorev head the chair of Mining Bedded

6. What did Terpigorev take a particular interest in?

7. What works by Terpigorev do you know?

8. What problems do Terpigorev's works deal with?

9. What was the result of his investigations on mine safety?

9.«) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты следующие слов • сочетаний слов.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 79 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Б) Расскажите о себе, используя слова и выражения из а). | ТЕКСТ Б Mining and Geological Higher Education in Russia | Practical training diploma paper | ТЕКСТ В | Времена группы Perfect (Совершенные времена) | ПРОШЕДШЕЕ СОВЕРШЕННОЕ ВРЕМЯ (THE PAST PERFECT TENSE) | Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие | Mining Education in Great Britain | А) Прочитайте вслух следующие предложения. | Выполните задание по следующему образцу. |
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Mining Schools| Б) Расскажите о своем обычном распорядке дня.

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