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Room Conversation with Devotees August 1, 1975, New Orleans

Читайте также:
  2. Garden Conversation June 10, 1976, Los Angeles
  3. Room Conversation(2) June 11, 1974, Paris
  4. Work in pairs. Fill in the gaps in the following paragraph with appropriate prepositions. Act out the conversation.
  5. Works by August Schleicher
  6. X 1 point) The following dialogue is in the wrong order. Rearrange it to make a natural flow of conversation.

Upendra: One question I have, Prabhupдda... When I heard about New Vrindaban... I've not been there myself, so I cannot say firsthand, but I've talked with devotees have been there.

Prabhupдda: Near.

Upendra: One would think because there's land and room for vegetables and there are so many cows that there would be a plentiful supply of milk, but I understand that they use powdered milk. The devotees use powdered milk there.

Prabhupдda: Why?

Upendra: Because they make all the milk into ghee and distribute it. And vegetables... I heard that at the temple that they use powdered milk. In Philadelphia I questioned the... That carpenter who made your table? He (indistinct).

Prabhupдda: Why powdered milk if there is sufficient milk?

Upendra: I don't know. I can't say firsthand, but from the man who lived there, one of the householders who lived there, he said powdered milk...

Prabhupдda: I don't think so.

Devotee (1): I have heard that.

Prabhupдda: No. This is not good. Ghee should be prepared where there is no more use. The Indian village, simply by keeping cows, they... Just like Nanda Mahдrдja was keeping cows. Similarly there are many villages. So the system is: they have got a big pan, and whatever milk is collected, put into that pan. It is being warmed (Ed: not boiled?). So they drink, the whole family members. They drink milk whenever they like. So whatever milk remains at night, they have to convert it into yogurt. The next day they use milk and yogurt also, as he likes. Then, after converting the milk into yogurt, still, it remains. It is stocked. So when there is sufficient old yogurt, they churn it and then butter comes out. So they take the butter, and the water separated from the butter, that is called whey? (Ed: Buttermilk?) Whey, yes. So they... Instead of dahl, they use this whey, for capati. It will be very healthy and tasty. And then the butter they turn into ghee. So where is the loss, (indistinct)? You require (indistinct).

Satsvarьpa: Only after the whole milk is consumed, then the other...

Prabhupдda: Milk you are collecting. So put in the pan. I have already explained. From milk stage to yogurt, yogurt to old yogurt, from old yogurt to butter, and then water, that whey. Then butter convert into ghee and whey, you can use, instead of drinking water, drink whey. Not a single drop of milk will be wasted, if you know how to do it. And you can take as much milk as possible, because ultimately it is going to be ghee. So if you start in the cities, nice restaurant, so ghee can be sold there. They'll pay for that. And they can prepare nice preparations, kachoris, samosa, sweetballs. Or milk, if you don't convert into yogurt, then naturally it will become... What is called?

Brahmдnanda: Curd.

Prabhupдda: Curd. So curd you can send to the city. They will convert into sandeзa, rasagullд and other preparations, and ghee. That is being done. In India the villagers, they do that. They are, keep cows. Convert them into curd or ghee, and ghee and curd sent to the city, they have got regular price for that. There is no question of waste of milk at any stage. One must know how to do it. So you can keep as many cows as possible and collect as much milk from them. You can utilize. And if some of the villagers trained up, they can open nice restaurant in the city. Utilize the ghee, curd, for making nice confectionary. () And you have got your sugar also.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 155 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Or Milk and Fruit Only | Srimad Bhagavatam 1.17.3 | Garden Conversation June 10, 1976, Los Angeles | Milk and Fruit. | Bhagavad-gйtд 3.17-20 New York, May 27, 1966 | Зrйmad-Bhдgavatam 1.3.14 Los Angeles, September 19, 1972 | Зrйmad-Bhдgavatam 6.1.21 Honolulu, May 21, 1976 | Зrй Caitanya-caritдmеta, Madhya-lйlд 20.142 New York, November 30, 1966 | Room Conversation(2) June 11, 1974, Paris | June 19, 1974, Germany |
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Similarly, we Indians, we give very, very importance to milk and milk products.| Evening Darзana July 8, 1976, Washington, D.C.

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