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News 107. in northwestern Xinjiang region at least people, others

in northwestern Xinjiang region at least people, others. Officials say of, schools, and buildings in a Muslim area near China’s with and. measured 6.8 on the . and soldiers the for and. And authorities the .

(VOA February, 2003)


News 108

The from and governments the world in the today the of an international the use of in sport. The new - would the fight against all sports in all countries. Here is our sports H.P.

At the moment some have different for while others in . The world - is to and provide against . The of the agency D.T. that the isn’t but a major. He that where agreement .

The United States for its professional sports:,, ice-, and .

And some are not a - for a first.

(BBC March, 2003)


News 109

scientists in Italy said that of and, American the could help the of people , the second of in the United States. Scientists in New Hampshire and Chicago say their that regular can the risk of - in the, which often to .

(BBC March, 2003)


News 110

political of Venezuela’s opposition leaders Carlos Ortega, refuge in its in the Venezuelan capital Caracas. Mr. Ortega, who a - general against President Chavez, after and. of opposition around the to their Mr. Ortega. The Venezuelan Minister Luis Miquilena said the government him the country.

(BBC March, 2003)


News 1

The war against global terrorism is a different kind of war. Terrorist movements and terrorist states do not directly challengeArmies, or Navies, or Air Forces. Instead, they hit and run. They attack innocen t men, women and children. They hide in caves. Terrorists, said US Secretary of Defense Mr. Donald Rumsfeld, haveawonderfuladvantage. They can attack at any time, at any place, using any technique. To prevail, said Mr. Donald Rumsfeld, we have to fight differently as well. That is exactly what the US-led coalition is doing in Afghanistan. The coalition ismadeupof ninety countries, half of all the nations in the world, who are cooperating in a global war against terrorism. The war isbeingwon. In ten months Afghanistan hasbeentransformed from a country ruled by Islamic extremists and terrorists to one that, as Mr. Donald Rumsfeld putit, is on its way to be a free and self–sustaining nation where people are able to live without fear.

The US–led coalition went to Afghanistan not as conquerors but as liberators and, as Mr. Donald Rumsfeld said, we will stay there as long as it takes to see that the Afghan government, the transitionalauthority has the ability to providefor their own security and to develop an Afghan National Army and a police force and borderguards, so they can assure that they will not again become a terrorist training camp.

Well, the conflict in Afghanistan may be the first battle of the twenty first century, it will not be the last. Unfortunately, said Secretary of Defense Mr. Donald Rumsfeld, the terrorists who attacked us on September 11, intend to strike again. The war on terrorism, said Mr. Donald Rumsfeld, is like an iceberg, you are going to see just the top of it and a bulkof what is going on is going to be below the surface, and the task is to putpressureon the global terrorists wherever they are. As President George W. Bush said, there can be no peace in a world where differences and grievances become an excuse to target the innocent formurder. In fighting terror we fight for the condition that will make lasting peace possible and, said Mr. Bush, we’ll succeed.

(VOA September, 2002)


News 2

President Bush says he willseek congressional approvalfor action his administration maytake against Iraq. The President metwith congressional leaders Wednesday todiscuss ways to remove Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. VOA’s S.S. is at the White House. President Bush said that the US mustactto protect itself against threats from Iraq. The President told congressional leaders he hasstillnotdecidedwhether to use military force in Iraq. House minority leader D.T. says the President islookingfor an approach that willbeshared by US allies. This is the beginning of the building of a strategy with the American people, the C ongress, and the rest of the world that are dealing with what is the threat. The President willmeet with British Prime Minister Tony Blair Saturday, then Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien next Monday todiscuss Iraq’s weapons program.

(VOA September, 2002)


News 3

Secretary of State Colin Powell hasmade the case forurgent action against Iraq during sidelinemeetings at the Europe’s Summit in Johannesburg. Secretary Colin Powell said Wednesday there is evidence that Iraq is pursuing bannedweapons of mass destruction with increasing vigor. Mr. Colin Powell said he ispushing for the internationalcommunity to recognize the situation can not go on as ithasfor the last three years without any control over Iraq’s bannedweapons program.

(VOA September, 2002)


News 4

After ten days of sometimeshostile negotiations nations attending the World Summit on Sustainable Development haveagreed on a plan to fight world poverty and save the environment.

VOA’s C.M. reports from Johannesburg.

As the summit ended Wednesday many environmental activists were unhappywith, what iscalled, the implementation plan. They say that it doesnotmake a progress they hopedfor on issues such as global warming and increase in the use of renewableenergy sources. But UN Secretary General Kofi Anann says delegatesat the Summit haveagreedon, what he called, animpressiverange of commitments that, he believes, will makearealdifference in the fight to wipeoutpoverty and save the environment. ”

(VOA September, 2002)


News 5

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon says that for the first time he sees the chance for a breakthroughtoward peace with the Palestinians. In aninterview with Israeli television Wednesday Mr. Sharon said Israel couldnegotiate with Palestinians who, in his words, concluded that they can not achieve anything thru terrorism. But the Palestinian officials are quoted as saying the comments are only a cover for Israel’s militarycrackdown. Also Wednesday Mr. Sharon and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat met separately with the European Union envoy proposing steps to establish a Palestinian s tate by 2005. Mr. Arafat. says he accepts the plan inprinciple. R. D. reports from Jerusalem.

(VOA September, 2002)


News 6

Amnesty International isaccusing Britain of serious humanrightsabuses in the treatment of terrorist suspectssince the September, 11 attacks in the United States. And the lawyer for a Swedish citizen of Tunisianorigin suspected to plan to hijack a plane says hisclient will file an appeal seeking release onbail.

(VOA September, 2002)


News 7

The United States isbeginning a new diplomatic drive aimedatgetting the United Nations to adopt a toughresolution against Iraq. The initiative followed President Bush’s address to the UN General Assembly on Thursday. As our correspondent J. W. reports the American Secretary of State Colin Powell willholdurgent consultations with representatives of the other permanentmembers of the Security Council.

(BBC September, 2002)


News 8

The United States haswarned that itwillnotsupport President Putin of Russia if he carriesout his threat to attack Chechen rebelbases inside Georgia. A State Department spokesman said Washington will support Georgia’s territorialintegrity and will oppose any unilateralmilitaryaction by Russia in Georgia.

(BBC September, 2002)


News 9

Reports from Washington indicate that two American pilots who accidentallybombed Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan earlier this year aretoface criminal charges. The reports say one of the pilots willbechargedwithmanslaughter and the other with aiding and abetting him. Four Canadian soldiers werekilled in the incident, which causeduproar in Canada.

(BBC September, 2002)


News 10

The Chairman of one of Europe’sbiggest businesses ‘France Telecom’ hasresigned amid mounting losses. The telecommunications company haslost nearly seventy billion dollars worthofliability and M.B’s decision tostepdown came after the firmannounced losses for this year of more than 12 billion dollars. Now thousands of jobsareatrisk in Germany after the company tookstepstostop financially supporting its German subsidiary MobilCom.

(BBC September, 2002)


News 11

Israeli tankshaveentered the Palestinian town of R. in the Gaza Strip closetotheborderwith Egypt. One Palestinian waskilled and at least one otherpersonhasbeeninjured. Palestinian security officials say that atleast 25 armouredvehicles supported by helicopters wereinvolved in the operation. A missile isreportedtohavebeenfired by one of the Israeli helicopters.

(BBC September, 2002)


News 12

US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld says if the United States launches an attack against Iraq, it willtarget the government of Saddam Hussein and avoidcausingwidespreadharm to the Iraqi people. Speaking as he traveled to a NATO alliance meeting in Warsaw, Mr. Rumsfeld said that Iraqi people are hostages to a dictatorialrepressive government. Meanwhile, President Bush’s NationalSecurity A dvisor Condeleezza Rice said that if Saddam Hussein is removed from office, the United States will commititself to rebuilding Iraq. Ms. Rice said shewouldexpectIraqtomove toward democracy and maintainitsterritorialintegrity.

(VOA September, 2002)


News 13

An explosion in Jakarta near a warehousebelongingto the US Embassyhaskilled one person. A blast described as a small explosion ripped a car in Indonesiancapital at about 3.30a.m. t oday morethan a kilometer awayfrom the American Embassy. It is unclearwhether the blast was linkedto terrorist threats against US interests in Indonesia. Policesayapassenger in the car was slightlywounded by the blast and was apprehended. Two other passengers escaped.

(VOA September, 2002)


News 14

French troops aremoving to the IvoryCoast city of V. toprotectforeignerscaughtin astand-off between rebel and government forces. Among the foreign nationals are about 100 American children attending a missionary school. The IvoryCoast government sent troops and heavyarmor to the citySaturday after puttingdown a rebellion in the commercialcapital Abidjan the day before. R ebels continue toholdout in the northern cities B. and C. Although both sides havethreatened bloody battles, reports say they both seem to belookingfor a peaceful solution. State television reports the fightinghaskilled at least 270 people.

(VOA September, 2002)


News 15

Indian police say at least 15 people werekilled when a powerfulbombexploded in a truck in India’s northern U.P. State. Two other people wereseriouslyinjured. No group’sclaimed immediate responsibility for the blast. But theReuter’s news service quotes the police officials as saying thereisnoreasontosuspect that the incident was terrorist -related.

(VOA September, 2002)


New 16

President Bush says the United Nations musttakeactions against Iraq to dismantlesuspectedstockpiles of chemical and biologicalweapons that can be used in terrorattacks.

As VOA’s S.T. reports the President isstillcallingfor an international action and he presses US Congress for authoritytouseforce against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

President Bush wants a United Nations resolutionallowing any member state to use allmeans necessary includingforce if Iraq fails tocomplywith weapons inspection. In a n ation-wideaddress Monday, layingout his case for action against Iraq, the President said thelongertheworld waits, thestronger and bolder Saddam Hussein becomes.

If the international c ommunity does not act, President Bush says, he’ll lead his owncoalition to disarm Iraq. He wants Congress togivehim the authority touseforce if he concludes that diplomacyalone is not enough tocounter Iraqi threat.

(VOA September, 2002)

News 17

Militant group Hamaz isvowingrevenge for an Israeli attack in the Gaza Strip that killedatleast 14 Palestinians and woundednearly 100 others. As R.D. reports Hamaz leader A.A.R. isurging Palestinian groups tojoininawaveof terrorist attacks against Israel.

Hamaz says Israel willpayaheavyprice for the Israeli Army operation against T.U. longregarded as a stronghold of themilitant Islamic organisation. Hamaz leader A.A.R. calledon all Palestinian groups tojoininawaveof terror attacks against Israelis. He wasreactingto the Israeli Army operation in which amissilewasfiredinto a crowd. Palestinians say themissileattackaccountsfor most of the deaths and injuries Monday. Palestinians also say the Israelis firedmachine guns and a tankshell at a hospital where thedead and injuredwerebeingtaken after the fighting. Mr. R. says Palestinians muststrikeat every Zionist describing all Israelis asmurderers. The militarywing of Hamaz hascarriedoutsuicidebombings since 1994 that havekilledscores of Israelis and isthemainon the StateDepartment’slist of terrorist groups. A spokesmanfor the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat calledfor the internationalpeace–keepingforce to come to the rescue of the Palestinian people.

Israeli Army dismissedreports by Hamaz and Palestinian Authority officials that innocentcivilianshadbeentargeted in the incursion. In the statement the Israeli Army said that the operation hadbeenlaunched to destroyterroristinfrastructure in the area. The Army said the soldiers discoveredexplosives and bomb–making equipment and arrested one Palestinian militant leader. The Israeli Army said the missile fired during the raidwasaimedatarmed Palestinians whowereattacking soldiers with rifles and grenades.

(VOA September, 2002)


News 18

The US andFrancehavesentteams to Yemen to investigate an explosion on a French oil tanker amidconflictingreports about whether Sunday’s blast was accidental or terrorism. Some French officials say itistooearly to determine the cause. The company which ownsthetanker says the crew saw a small boat speedup to the ship justbeforetheexplosion. But Yemeni and US officials say the explosionmayhaveoccurred inside not outside the vessel. Nearly 2 years ago a terrorist attack on a US N avyship in the Yemeni port of Aden killed 17 sailors. US Officials blametheattack on Osama Bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda terrorist network.

(VOA October, 2002)


News 19

Atleast 2 policemen and one separatistguerrillahavebeenkilled in Indian- administered Kashmir aspollsopened Tuesday for the fourth and finalroundofvoting in StateAssemblyelections. VOA’s J.T. reports from our New Delhi bureau. Separatist militants madegood on theirpledge to disruptvoting in Kashmir’s elections attacking a pollingstation in D. 173 kilometers eastof Kashmir’s winter capital Jammu. Tuesday’s finalroundofvoting for Kashmir’s State Assembly elections hastaken place in 6 constituencies in D. district and another district in n orthern Kashmir. About 90000 securityforcepersonnelareonduty in D. – a rugged and remoteregion of the state, where separatist militants areespeciallyactive. Separatist militants havepledged to kill anycandidate s and voterstakingpart in the elections. Separatist political parties haveurgedto boycott. About 600 people havediedsofar in election violence since campaigning began in August.

(VOA October, 2002)


News 20

Dock workers havecriticizedthemove by President Bush that couldlead to the reopening of West Coast ports. The portshavebeenclosed for the past week in a labordispute that hascost US businesses billions of dollars. M.S. reports from Los Angeles. The President is considering a move that could force the workersbackon the job. Management havesaid workers werestaging a slowdown, which the workersdeny. US Labor Secretary L.C. welcomes the President’s action.

(VOA October, 2002)


News 21

Indonesian police haveannounced that two Indonesian men beingquestionedaswitnesses to the bomb attack in Bali arenowbeingtreatedasformalsuspects to the bombing. The men weredetained on Tuesday after the identitycard of one of them wasfoundcloseto the night club where the carbombexplodedkilling nearly 200 people. Police said the retired Indonesian AirForce o fficerlivingon Bali was also beingquestionedinconnectionwith the attack. The announcement comes after Australia and Indonesia agreedtoset a jointinvestigation and intelligenceteam after a visitto Jakarta by the Australian Foreign Minister. From Indonesia R.G. reports.

(BBC October, 2002)


News 22

The US DefenceSecretary Donald Rumsfeld hasagreed to the use of military surveillance in thehuntfor the serialsniper who ’s killed 9 people in the Washington suburbs. Following an approachfrom the FBI at the weekend the Pentagon isprovidingmannedfixed–wingedreconnaissance aircraft capableofrelaying information quickly. The Pentagon stresses that the militarywillsimplybe supporting the law–enfocement agencies.

(BBC October, 2002)


News 23

Iraqiofficials say President Saddam Hussein haswon100%backing in a referendum on whether he should stayinpower. Theysaidturn–out was also 100%. Saddam Hussein was the only candidate and last time hewonmorethan 99% of the vote. The Iraqi government isdescribing the referendumas a challenge to the United States atatime when President Bush hasthreatened military attack. C.H. reports from Baghdad.

(BBC October, 2002)


News 24

The two parties intheGermangovernment – the SocialDemocrats and theGreens – have signed a new coalitionagreement after theirvictoryin last month’selections. Chancellor Schroeder said during its secondterminoffice the government would focusonemployment, education, and women’s, and family issues. The deal also commits the government tocutting the federalbudgetdeficit to zero by 2006.

(BBC October, 2002)


News 25

The centre–right coalition government in the Netherlands isontheverge of collapse after only 3 months inoffice. Two ministers lefttheirposts today, and there’vebeencalls from party leaders fortheentire government to resign and allow new elections tobeheld. The government isdividedoverarangeofissues, but the BBC correspondent in the Hague says the central problem hasbeenapowerstruggle between two members of the right–wing party, the LPF, set up by the murderedpopulistpolitician T.T. He was shotdead in May only 9 days before generalelections in which the LPF tookthesecondplace.

(BBC October, 2002)


News 26

Chechen separatists who havetakenover the building havebeenreleasing a few oftheirhostages. First one wasfreed, then, anhourlater, 6 wereallowed to leave. Russian television showedthemwalking calmly onebyone to waiting police. Foreign diplomats havebeenarriving amid reports that foreignersamong the hostages aretobereleased. From Moscow J.C. reports.

The negotiations havebeendelicate. The Russian authorities believethey’redealing with the heavily–armed group preparedtodie for their cause. But the Chechens appearready to make a significantconcession. They promise to release the 75 foreignhostages they’ve been holding, a number to include British, Australian, German and American citizens. That still leaveshundreds of Russians inside the theatre, a strongnegotiationcard for the Chechens. The cameracrew allowed insidefilmed female members of the Chechen group with whatlookedlike explosives strappedaround their bodies. The Chechens are still insisting they’ll blow the theatre up if their callsforanend of the war in Chechnya and the withdrawal of all Russian troopsaren’tmet.

(BBC October, 2002)



The United States Defence Department hasconfirmed for the first time that it’s using armedpilotlessaircraft to attack targets which threaten American and British patrols oversouthern Iraq. It says the drones, known as ‘ Predators’, carry missiles which are used to attack a rangeoftargets if Western coalition planes comeunderfire while enforcing the flightexclusionzone there.

(BBC October, 2002)


News 28

North Korea says it’swilling to address American concernover its nuclear weapons programme if Washington agrees to a non–aggressiontreaty. The country’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement that suchatreaty would be a realisticsolutionto the nuclear issue. It wentontosay that the treaty should also guarantee North Korea’s sovereignty and itsfree economic development. The statement is the fullestresponse from Pyongyang over the issue. Washington hascalledfor an immediate end to the n uclear programme and says it’smobilising international pressuretoback its demand.

(BBC October, 2002)


News 29

This week marksthe beginning of theholymonth of Ramadan, atimeoffasting, prayer, and familyactivitiesforMuslims around the world. In America, too, Muslimswillbeobserving Ramadan securingtheknowledge that they live in a country where all people arefreetopractice their faith. Many people arescarcelyaware that thereare several million Muslims in the US. In fact, Islam isoneofthefastestgrowingreligions in the US today, with morethan 1200 mosques and 400 Islamicschools. American Muslims havealsoestablished more than 400 associations and 200 publications. Anestimated 200000 Muslims operatebusinesses in the US and thousandsserve in the US ArmedForces. Like people everywhere, Americans havenotalwayslivedupto their highest principles. But there canbenoquestion that Americans havelongbeencommittedto religious freedom. The first settlements in America wereestablished by people fleeingreligiouspersecution in their homeland.

(VOA November, 2002)


News 30

Andat the top of the news US voters willcastballots today in national mid–termelection that will decide whether Democrats maintaincontrolover the Semate, Senate that is, or thebalanceofpower in Congress swingstowards the Bush’s Republican Party. The entire of US House of Representatives isuptoelection Tuesday, and isonethird of the Senate. Voters will also choosegovernors in 36 of the 50 states. Democrats narrowlyhold the Senate, while Republicans haveaslimmajority in the House. Tillupto campaign President Bush hasurged voters tokeephispartycontrol of the entire legislature.

(VOA November, 2002)


News 31

Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein says he willconsidercooperating with the new UN disarmamentresolution if itdoesnotthreaten US military actions. VOA’s D.D. reports the US hopestopresent a new resolution to the SecurityCouncil by the end of the week. The administration beganitsquestfor a new resolution with the September, 12th UN address by President Bush in which he said the UN riskslosingitspoliticalrelevance if it failstoenforce its own disarmament resolutions on Iraq and also warned the US wasprepared to act on itsown if the UN failed. US officials havebeenfrustrated by the slowpace of deliberations in the Council. Spokesman Boucher said the administrationwithitspending new draft hasgonealongwaytoward accommodating the concerns of other member countries and that itisnowtime for the SecurityCouncil to act.

(VOA November, 2002)


News 32

News reports quoting US officials say the CentralIntelligenceAgency has used a remotecontrolairplane that killed the top Al-Qaeda operative in Yemen. Officials say themanknown as A.A. and 5 other Al-Qaeda members died in thestrike. Intelligence officials believe hewasbehind the 2000 suicidebombing at the US SS (steamship) “Cole” and a similarattackon a French oil tanker in October.

(VOA November, 2002)


News 33

And the State Department hascongratulatedTurkey’s Justice and Development Party onitsbigelectionwin Sunday. VOA’s R.W. reports thefirsttaskfacing the new party istodecide which of itsmembers will be Prime Minister. The AKP says itsexecutiveboard will meet on Tuesday todiscuss who willbeputforwardfor Prime Minister afteritsoverwhelmingvictoryatthepoll.

The AKP is thefirstTurkish party in morethanadecade that will beabletogovern alone withouttheneed to form a cumbersomecoalition. Theonly other group toenterthelegislature is the staunchlysecular Republican Peoples’s Party, which obtained 19% of the vote.

(VOA November, 2002)


News 34

Iraq’s Parliamentary Speaker S.H. told the 250–member body the resolution is provocative, deceitful, and a preamble for war. He said the resolution seekstocreate a crisis and pavestheway for aggression rather than for peace. Mr. H. wasspeaking to the openingsession of the emergency meeting of Parliament called by President Saddam Hussein toconsider Security Council resolution unanimouslyapproved last Friday. The Head of Iraq’sArab and International Relations Committee S.A. told Parliament to reject the resolution and handthematteroverto President Saddam for finaldecision. The finaldecision on Iraq’s positionwillbedetermined by President Saddam thru his RevolutionaryCommandCouncil. ArabLeagueSecretary General A. said Monday he believes Iraq willcooperate with the new resolution. High–levelsources in the ArabLeague have told VOA Mr. Saddam hasalreadydecidedtoaccept the terms of the resolution, which callson Iraq toallow UN weapons inspectors fullaccess to all sitesthroughout the country including Saddam Hussein’s 9 presidentialpalaces.

Iraq has been told if itrejects the resolution, the US wouldbewilling to act unilaterally, if necessary, to disarm Iraq. Iraq has untilFriday to decide whethertoaccept the resolution.

(VOA November, 2002)


News 35

Prime Minister Blair usedhisannualForeignPolicyAddress at a London Bank Monday night to explain how his governmenthandlesthethreats of new attacks by the Al-Qaeda terroristnetwork. He spoke as intelligenceanalystswarned of possible terrorist strikes before year’send in Britain or elsewhere in Europe. Mr. Blair says the dilemma for his government and the people of Britain istomaintainvigilance without crippling the economy and social life. Mr. Blair says modern–dayterrorism knows noboundsofgeography or scale, as evidence by the attacksagainst the US last year, and the recent Bali bombblast, and the Moscowtheatresiege. The Prime Minister said the worldcommunity also must realize that the Israeli–Palestinian conflictisarousing much of, what he called, the passion and anger that Islamic terrorists exploit. Mr. Blair isurging the new Middle East peacenegotiations, preferably before the end of this year.

Until this happens, this issue hangslikeadarkshadow over our world chilling our relations with each other, poisoning the understanding of our motives, and providing the cover under which the fanatics build their strength. ”

(VOA November, 2002)


News 36

The ColombianRoman Catholic Bishop who heads the Latin American Bishop Conference hasbeenkidnapped outside Bogota. Policesay gunmen seizedMonsignor J.R.H. and another priest Monday as theyheadedto the town of P. toperformareligiousceremony. The Commander of the Colombian Army JCRA isofferinga35-thousand-dollarreward for information leading to the release. The Army blamestheincidenton the Rebel Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, the nation’s largest guerrilla force.

(VOA November, 2002)


News 37

Russia isboundtokeepfighting rebels based in the mountains of Chechnya until all guerrillashavebeendriven from the region. Russia’s Defense Minister S. Ivanov said Monday the troopswillcontinue to fightsthetargets in operation in Chechnya. The announcement cameshortlyafter Chechen separatist President A. Maskhadov said heremainsready for peace talks with Russian President V. Putin. President Putin again ruledoutanynegotiations with Mr. Maskhadov toendthewar in the breakaway republic.

(VOA November, 2002)


News 38

There wasmoretalkon Russia and Chechnya in Brussels. That came as Russia reached an agreementwith European Union officials ontheeasingof travel rules to the Russian Baltic region known as Kaliningrad. VOA’s R.W. has the story.

Kaliningrad hasbeencutofffrom the rest of Russia since the Soviet Union disintegration in 1991. Russians livingintheenclave have been able to travel to Russia itself thru Lithuania and Poland withoutvisas. But thatwillchange when those two countries join the EU. EU rules requirethemtostrengthen border controls and issuevisasfor most non–EU citizens including Russians. But Russia hasprotestedstrenuously that its citizens shouldnothavetoobtainvisasto travel between different parts of their country. The EU and Russia weredeadlockedon the issue until Monday when afterdoubtinalineof negotiations they finally struckacompromise that willallow Russians traveling between Kaliningrad and Russia to use a special document akintoamultipleentry visa. Danish Prime Minister Andres Fogh Rasmussen, whose country holds the EU’s rotatingpresidency, says the deal satisfies Russian concerns and the EU requirements.

(VOA November, 2002)


News 39

In focus today Nepal. The smallSouthAsian nation of 23 million people landlockedbetween world’s two most populated nations, India and China, isfacingaguerrilla war by Maoist rebels who wanttoabolishthemonarchy and establish a Communist system in their poorcountry. S.A. reports.

With the world’s highest mountain Everest and spectacularscenery and wildlife, Nepal hasbeen a popular tourist destination. But now the country is thefocus of a violentrebelmovement. Almost 7000 people havedied since 1996 when the Maoists launchedabloodyinsurgency. Maoists now hold about aquarterofthecountry and areincreasing their control ofrural areas. Most of these Maoists are young people from peasantfamilies of D.L.Hindus and makeup 20% of Nepal’spopulation. Several leaders of these Nepalese Maoists comefromlowermiddleclass families. Many of them areeducated and wereinfluencedby leftist ideas while studying in India and other countries. Although the movement wasinitiallyinspiredby the revolutionary notions of thelate Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedon, many analysts today say the rebelsarebuildingon popular discontent in the country.

(VOA November, 2002)


News 40

A curfewhasbeenenforced overnight in the northern Nigerian city of K. after riots over the Miss World beauty contest in which at least 12 people werekilled and more than 200 hurt. Heavy security hasrestored a degreeoforder after street battlesinvolving Muslim youthprotesting the pageantbeingheld next month in Nigeria. P.S. reports.

With a curfew imposed, a degreeoflawandorder has returned to K. following escalating violence sparkedby a controversial story in a national newspaper. The article said that if the ProphetMuhammad were alive, he wouldtake a Miss World contestantashiswife. This hasbeeninterpreted by many Muslims to be extremelyoffensive.

(BBC November, 2002)


News 41

Israeli forceshaveentered the town of Bethlehem inresponseto a Palestinian suicideattack on a bus in Jerusalem on Thursday. Israeli soldiers havetakenuppositions around Christianholysites in the centre of the city. S.W. reports.

The Israeli operation beganintheearlyhours. Troops entered the town fromthesouth and eastsurrounding houses and making arrests. One detachment of soldiers headedfor M. Square securing the entranceto the Church of Nativity. The Church, which marks the traditional birthplaceofChrist, was the sceneofa lengthysiege earlier this year after Palestinian gunmentookrefuge there during

an earlier Israeli incursion. Israeli military and political sources said the action’sbeingtakentodisrupt the infrastructure of the extremist groups, who’vekilled hundreds of Israelis overthepast two years in shootings and suicide bombings.

(BBC November, 2002)


News 42

The authorities in Ecuador havedeclared a state of emergency in the Andian city of R.B., where a powerful explosion atanammunitiondepot on Wednesday killed at least 7 people and injuredhundredsmore. Ecuadorian President A.N. said that the moveshouldhelpchannel funds to the emergency services, whichare s trugglingtocopewith a large number of injured. The mayor of R.B. said that notasinglehouse in the city wasleftwithout a broken window.

(BBC November, 2002)


News 43

North Korea isreportedtohaverefusedentry to international experts who want to check the use of fueloilsupplied by international consortium. Diplomats in Japan said the decision hadbeenconveyedintheletter to the consortium, the Korean P eninsula Energy Organisation, by the authorities in Pyongyang. It’sprovided North Korea with fuel since 1994 in exchange for the freezing of its nuclear programme. But the agency stopped the oilshipments after North Korea hadreported the mission that it secretlyoperated a uranium enrichment programme.

(BBC November, 2002)


News 44

Russia and China haveurged the United States and North Korea to normalisediplomaticrelations and calledfor the Korean P eninsulatobekeptfreeof nuclear weapons. The call came inthejointdeclaration by the Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Jiang Zemin. T.W. reports.

After anhour-long meeting in Beijing Presidents Putin and Jiang appealed to the US and North Korea toestablishcloserties. They also said a nuclear–free North Korea wasimportantforthedestinyof the world and thesecurityof the region. Both China and Russia havestronglinkswith North Korea. Pyongyang’s relations with the United States havebeenstrained since October when North Korea reportedlyadmitted that it works secretly todevelop nuclear weapons inbreachof the 1994 A greementtofreeze its nuclear programme. Inresponse Washington hashalted deliveries of fuel oil to Pyongyang.

(BBC December, 2002)


News 45

A high–level conference opens in Germany today toassessprogresstowardspeace and reconstruction in Afghanistan. A year after the fall of the Taleban and the internationally - backedsettlement that made Hamid Karzai President. Security islikelytobe the dominant issue. On Sunday American planes bombedanareaof Western Afghanistan after US soldiers cameunderfire during a battle between Afghan militias. A.C. reports from Bonn.

Thistimelastyear officials in Bonn werecelebratingtheestablishment of the post–conflict government in Afghanistan. Security willinevitablybeatthetopof the agenda. Although UN force patrols the capital Kabul, therehavebeen several outbreaks of fighting between the rivalwarlords in the provinces indicating that President Hamid Karzai hasonlylimitedauthorityacross Afghanistan. With extremepovertystillwidespread, Afghanistan’s economic recovery will also be a major focus of the talks. Effortstoreconstruct theshattered infrastructure have been slow.

(BBC December, 2002)


News 46

Reports from the United States say the Roman Catholic Church in Boston isconsideringtheunprecedented step offilingforbankruptcy. The archdioceseisfacing more than four hundred lawsuitslaunched by people who say they were sexually abusedinchildhood by priests. Bankruptcy protection would suspend all these actions and prevent any new ones beingfiled while the Church reorganises its finances.

(BBC December, 2002)


News 47

The new Archbishop of Canterbury R.W. officially takesuphisappointment today becoming the spiritualhead of the world’s 60 million Anglicans at the ceremony in St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. Dr. R. hasalreadyangered conservatives in the Church by speakingoutinsupportof stable homosexual relationships and ofthepromotion of women priests totherankofbishops.

(BBC December, 2002)


News 48

United Nation’s weapons inspectors in Iraq havebeguninvestigating Saddam Hussein’s Scud MissileProgramme. From the plant in Baghdad B.B. reports.

In the past Al.K. isknowntohavemadeguidance and controlsystems for Scud missiles, which werefiredby Iraq during the Gulf War at Israel and Saudi Arabia. Under UN’s rules Saddam Hussein isnowonlyallowedshort-range missiles but the recent British government dossieron Iraq claims he has illegally heldonto 20 muchmorepowerful Scuds witharangeof 400 miles, or 650 kilometres, inordertothreaten his neighbours and even British militarybases on Cyprus.

(BBC December, 2002)


News 49

The British government istodayreleasing a detailed reporton, what it says, the widespreadtorture and murder of thousands of opponents of the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. The Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said the aimistoremind the world that the abusesof the Iraqi government extendfarbeyond its pursuit of weapons of mass destruction.

(BBC December, 2002)


News 50

The three–mancrew of the French minisubmarine is waiting to see if weather conditions willlet them divedownto the wreck of the oiltanker ‘Prestige’ off the northwest coastof Spain. The submarine arrivedin the port of Vigo yesterday. The French team planstomakeaseriesofdives to see if the tanker isstillleakingoil.

(BBC December, 2002)


News 51

The United States says ithasasolidbasis for saying Iraq does have weapons of massdestructioneventhough UN inspectors haveyettofind any of them. A White House spokesman said Thursday it has intelligence information proving that Iraq has banned weapons. Iraq meanwhile says the declaration that it must turnover by Sunday willnotlist any of these banned chemical, biological or nucleararms, and UN weapons inspectors areexpectedtoresume their search Saturday after takingatwo–daybreak while Iraq observes theendof the Muslim holymonth of Ramadan.

(VOA December, 2002)


News 52

President Bush says fighting terrorism is globalinnature and all countries should work together. He made the comment Thursday during the White House meeting with Kenyan President D.M. and Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi intheaftermathof the last week’stwin terror attacks in Kenya. Mr. Bush said if terrorists couldstrikein Kenya, they couldstrike in Ethiopia and Europe or elsewhere. And he called the leaders of the two Horn-of-Africa countries steadfastallies in the war against terror. And they pledgedtokeepsharing information with the United States and tokeepworking to cutofffunding for terrorists.

(VOA December, 2002)


News 53

Hospital officials in the GazaStrip say Israeli forces have killed seven Palestinians in the B. refugeecamp. Witnesses say Israeli troops and tanks pushedinto the camp earlier today sparkinggunfires before destroying a house. Meantime on Thursday Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Osama Bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda network isoperating in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon.

(VOA December, 2002)


News 54

Macedonia says Al–Qaeda terrorists mighthavebeenbehind the Thursday bombing of its consulate in Karachi, Pakistan that left 3 people dead. The Macedonian ForeignMinistry called the assault a professionally prepared terrorist attack and said a message left on the wall of the blastidentified the attackersas Al–Qaeda members.

(VOA December, 2002)


New 55

Meanwhile other American law–makers are speakingout about the twelve–thousand–pagereport Iraq submitted Saturday to the UN. Baghdad says it shows it has no weapons of massdestruction. Senator J.L., a Connecticut Democrat, told the Fax News Sunday television program that he hasdoubts.

President Bush said in his radioaddress Saturday that the report willcomment a closestudy. He acknowledged it will take some time to determine its honesty and completeness.

(VOA December, 2002)


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