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Читайте также:
  1. Active vocabulary
  5. Cell Phone Vocabulary
  7. Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary
good-looking slim experienced broad-shouldered to be handy with smth. to have much in common view on smth. to be fond of smb., smth. to go in for smth. upbringing she is good at cooking she is clever with her hands to run the house joint venture company to take after fair-haired even-tempered to be in a good mood to be deeply attached to smb. to get on well - миловидний - стрункий - досвідчений, кваліфікований - широкоплечий - уміти робити щось - мати багато спільного погляд на... - любити когось, щось - займатися чим-небудь - виховання - вона добре готує - у неї вмілі руки - вести господарство - спільне підприємство - бути схожим, вдатися в когось із батьків - світловолосий - урівноважений - бути в гарному настрої - бути глибоко відданим комусь - бути в добрих стосунках, ладнати один з одним


3. Answer the following questions:


1) What is your first name? What is your surname?
2) How old are you?

3) When is your birthday?

4) Is your family large? How many persons are there in your family?

5) Have you got any brothers or sisters?

6) What are your parents? Where do they work?

7) How long have your parents been married?

8) Do they have much in common?

9) Do you spend a lot of time with your family?

10) What sort of things do you do together?

11) Do you go out with your parents?

12) Who runs the house in your family?

13) What are your household duties?

14) What is your father’s hobby?

15) Can you describe your mother?


4. Match the given Ukrainian words with their English equivalents:

1) племінниця а) husband

2) двоюрідний брат b) twins

3) вітчим c) aunt

4) дядько d) cousin

5) родич e) niece

6) тітка f) half-sister

7) племінник g) uncle

8) чоловік h) stepfather

9) близнюки i) nephew

10)зведена сестра j) relative



5. Complete the following sentences using the words from the right-hand column:

My father’s wife is my.... aunt

My parents’ son is my.... cousin

My parents’ daughter is my.... father

My mother`s husband is my.... brother

My mother`s father is my.... sister

My father`s sister is my.... grandfather

My mother`s brother is my.... uncle

My father`s mother is my.... niece

My mother`s sister is my.... grandmother

My uncle`s son is my.... nephew

My aunt`s son is my.... mother

Peter is his uncle`s....

Ann is her aunt`s.....



6. Translate into English:

1) Ваша родина велика? - Так.

2) Із скількох осіб вона складається? - Моя сім’я складається з п’яти осіб.

3) Чи є у вас брати та сестри? - Так, у мене є сестра та брат.

4) Хто веде господарство? - Бабуся. Мама та сестра допомагають їй.

5) Ваш батько робітник? - Ні, мій батько інженер. Він працює на заводі.



7. Read and dramatize the following dialogues:

A: I have just finished secondary school and I want to work at a factory.

B: That is a very good idea. You may learn to be an operator of the electronic computers like myself. It is a very good profession.

A: What can you tell me about the factory where you work?

B: Our factory is very big. It is equipped with modern machines.

A: It must be very pleasant to work at such a factory.

B: Certainly it is.

A: What are your wages? (How much do you earn?)

B: My wages are rather high. I’ve a qualified operator of the electronic computers.

A: Please tell me, what do you do after working hours? Do you have time for the cinema, theatre or concerts?

B: Of course, I do. I go to the theatre on my days off. I like music very much and I often go to concerts. Besides I study English.

A: Do you know English well already?

B: No, I can’t say that I do. But I try to study it regularly and I hope that soon I shall be able to speak English well.


* * *

A: Now, I’d like to know about your family.

B: Oh, my family is a very large one. I have a father, a mother, grandparents, two sisters and a brother.

A: Do you all live together?

B: Yes, we do, and it’s a remarkable thing, by the way, that we practically never quarrel.

A: Besides your immediate relatives you must also have some uncles and aunts and some cousins.

B: Yes, several. Every now and then they come to see us at our place or we go to see them.

A: I wonder who does the cooking and looks after the house.

B: It’s all in the hands of my mother. Of course, my sisters help her. Now tell me something about your family.

A: Well, as a matter of fact there is little to tell. I am an orphan and before I got married I used to live quite alone.

B: So you are married! You have never told me anything about it!

A: I got married two years ago. Didn’t you hear about it?

B: Do you have any children?

A: Yes, we have a fine little girl. Her name is Ann. Come and see us some time.

B: Thank you ever so much. You also by all means come and see us. I’ll be so glad to introduce you to all the members of my family.

A: I’ll come by all means. I’ll be so glad to know them all.

8. Read the newspaper article and match the comments (1-10) made by people with the parts (a-k) of George’s story:


Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 441 | Нарушение авторских прав

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