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Floral design is the art of using plant materials and flowers to create a pleasing and balanced composition. Evidence of refined floristry is found as far back as the culture of Ancient Egypt. Floristry, flower arranging, floral arrangement, floral design or floral arts are all the names denoting the art of creating flower arrangements in vases, bowls and baskets, or making bouquets and compositions from cut flowers, foliage, herbs, ornamental grasses and other botanical materials. Floristry refers to the cultivation of flowers as well as their arrangement and selling. However, the floral industry is the basic drive behind floristry.
Basic varieties of flowers sold in florist shops include abundant varieties of roses, tulips, irises, orchids and lilies. Fashion sometimes plays a role in floristry; what is considered the flower that everyone needs to have today can change very quickly.
Floral business is seasonal and is heavily influenced by the following holidays and events: Christmas, Valentine's Day, Victory Day, Mothers' Day, Easter, weddings and funerals. These occasions make up the largest part of the business, with the sale of house plants and home decor being a smaller, but more constant, part. Flowers for personal enjoyment as well as those selected to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, thank-you's are also a significant portion of a florist's business. The floral business has been impacted significantly by the corporate and social event world as flowers play a large part in the decor of special events and meetings. Centerpieces, entryways, reception tables, bridal bouquets and stage sets are only a few examples of how flowers are used in business and social event arenas.
There are many styles of floristry. Many nations have their own style of floral arranging. Ikebana is an oriental style of floral design that features simplicity and purity of lines and colours. In contrast, European style emphasizes colour and variety in mass gatherings of multiple flowers. These designs are often done as low mounds, or taller vase arrangements that are all-sided (360°). Many florists that follow this design style usually do not use carnations. High Style is a form of design originating from the United States. These designs often include a 'less is more' motto. Flowers that are popular among High Style florists include many rare tropical flowers and also more popular flowers such as carnations.
The craft of floristry involves various skills. These include selecting flowers that will look good together (based on principles of design or general instinct), knowing how to cut, treat, and arrange flowers and other stock plants so they will remain fresh as long as possible, and selling them, which involves knowledge of customer requirements and expectations. Floristry requires a certain creative flair and imagination combined with the knowledge of how to apply scientific and business practices. Knowing how to create original and bespoken floral arrangements, floral tributes, wreaths, bouquets, corsages, boutonnieres/'buttonholes', artificial arrangements and other more complicated arrangements is also important. Wreaths for example can be made of many different types of flowers and plants, and often include ribbon and artificial product.
IV Answer the questions:
1. What are the names used to denote the floral art?
2. What is floral design?
3. What flowers are mainly sold in florist shops?
4. What is floral business influenced by? How does the corporate and social event world impact the floral business?
5. Does floral business depend on fashion? In what way?
6. What styles of floristry do you know? What is the difference between oriental and western styles of floral design?
7. What skills are needed for the craft of floristry?
8. What influences the choice of flowers that will look good together?
9. What kinds of floral arrangements exist?
10. What floral arrangement includes ribbon?
V Complete the sentences with the words from the text:
1. Flowers play a large part in the ….. of special interior premises.
2. ….. is characterized by rare tropical flowers and carnations.
3. ….. often includes ribbon and artificial product.
4. Floristry requires a certain ….. and imagination.
5. ….. flowers are also a significant portion of a florist's business.
6. Designs of ….. style often include a 'less is more' motto.
7. Flower compositions are made of cut flowers, ….., herbs or ….. grasses.
8. Floristry refers to the cultivation, ….. and selling flowers.
9. Flowers can be arranged in ….., bowls and ……
10.... is characterized by the variety of colours and flowers.
VI Find the English equivalents to the words:
штучні квіти, садівництво, забезпечувати якісне навчання, відповідати вимогам, очікування споживачів, розрізняти рослини, розширювати навички, листяний орнамент, створення букетів, декоративні рослини, квіти на знак подяки, букет нареченої.
VII Make up sentences with the terms:
balanced composition, creating flower arrangements, cultivation, colour, shape, design and display, qualitative education, floral tributes, corsages, wreaths, treat, principles of design, European style, anniversaries, stage sets.
VIII Give definitions to the words and word-combinations:
horticulture, interior landscaping, wreath, bouquet, corsage, principles of design, High Style, European style, oriental style, floral design.
IX Translate the sentences into English:
1. Квітковий дизайн – це мистецтво створювати красиві та збалансовані композиції з квітів.
2. Квіткові композиції можуть складатися з живих квітів, трав, листяних орнаментів або штучних матеріалів.
3. Найпоширенішими квітами, які продаються у квіткових крамницях, є троянди, тюльпани, гвоздики, ромашки, іриси, гербери, нарциси та ін..
4. Мода впливає на квітковий бізнес так само, як і на інші сфери нашого життя.
5. Квітковий дизайн в східному стилі вирізняється простотою і чистотою ліній і кольору.
6. Мистецтво квіткового дизайну потребує різних навичок, всебічних глибоких знань та творчого відчуття.
7. Знання, необхідні для кар’єри у квітковому бізнесі, включають вміння створювати оригінальні квіткові композиції, що базуються на знаннях основних принципів дизайну: балансу, гармонії, кольорів, ліній, форм та культурних відмінностей і потреб.
8. Одним із видів оформлення квітів є вінок, до складу якого окрім різних квітів і рослин можуть входити стрічки та інші штучні елементи.
X Speak on the topic using the following words and word combinations:
floral design, balanced composition, flower arranging, making bouquets and compositions, cut flowers, foliage, herbs, ornamental grasses, abundant varieties, holidays and events, styles of floristry, floristry craft skills, principles of design, original and bespoken floral arrangements, qualitative education and training, opportunity to study.
I Read and learn:
1. poppy
2. indecent
безтактовний, вульгарний, непривабливий
3. divergent
той, що відхиляється у різні боки, що розходиться
4. ivy
5. fidelity
6. pansies
7. haughtiness
високомірря, надмінність, гордовитість
8. chastity
цнотливість, невинність
9. virtue
доброчесність, гідність
10. devotion
відданість, сильна прихильність
II Read the text and define the main idea of it:
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FLORAL DESIGN | | | VI Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. |