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References. 1. Who Makes It? Clark's Sector Model for US Economy 1850-2009

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  1. References

1. "Who Makes It? Clark's Sector Model for US Economy 1850-2009". Retrieved 29 December 2011.

2. Bell, Daniel. The Coming of Post-Industrial Society. New York: Harper Colophon Books, 1974.

3. Ahead of the curve, Schumpeter, The Economist, Feb 3rd 2011

4. For example, James Weinstein, 'Studies on the Left: R.I.P.', Radical America: An SDS Magazine, vol.1, no.3 (Nov-Dec, 1967), p.2.

5. Godin, Seth. Linchpin (2010)

6. The American States in the Postindustrial Economy. The State and Local Government Review. on the web: http://www.jstor.org/pss/4355128

7. Work in the Postindustrial Economy of California. (2002) On the web http://www.russellsage.org/publications/workingpapers/workpostindcalif/document

8. 1999 Forward to "The Coming of the Post-Industrial Society" by Daniel Bell

9. Targ, Harry R. "Global Dominance and Dependence, Post-Industrialism, and International Relations Theory: A Review." International Studies Quarterly. 20. 3 (1976): 461-482.

10. Wright, James D. “The Political Consciousness of Post-Industrialism.” Contemporary Sociology. 7. 3 (1978): 270-273.

11. Banks, Alan and Jim Foster. “The Mystifications of Post-Industrialism.” Appalachian Journal. 10. 4 (1983): 372-378.

12. Romer, Paul. The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics entry for "Economic Growth". on the web http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/EconomicGrowth.html

13. Czarnitzki, Dirk; Hall Bronwyn H. (Berkeley); Oriani Raffaele; The Market Valuation of Knowledge Assets in US and European Firms. On the web at http://elsa.berkeley.edu/~bhhall/papers/CHO05_mktval.pdf

14. Dunham-Jones, Ellen. “New Urbanism as a Counter-Project to Post-Industrialism [The Promise of New Urbanism].” Places. 13. 2 (2000): 26-31.

15. Barnes, T et al. “Vancouver: Restructuring narratives in the transnational metropolis.” Canadian urban regions: trajectories of growth and change. Eds. L Bourne et al. (2011): 291-327.

16. Golden, Miriam & Michael Wallerstein. “Domestic and International Causes for the Rise of Pay Inequality: Post-Industrialism, Globalization and Labor Market Institutions.” The Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, UCLA (2006).

17. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/guest_contributors/article6251188.ece Kevin Spacey makes an economic case for the arts(subscription required)

18. Gibson, Donald E. “Post-Industrialism: Prosperity or Decline?” Sociological Focus. 26. 2 (1993): 147-163.

19. Veneris, Yannis. The Informational Revolution, Cybernetics and Urban Modelling, PhD Thesis, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 1984. This thesis explored trends and theories (general economic and regional), and developed a large scale dynamic simulation model of the transition from an industrial to an informational economy.

20. Veneris, Yannis. Modeling the transition from the Industrial to the Informational Revolution, Environment and Planning A 22(3):399-416, 1990. [1]

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