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Westminster Palace and traditions in Parliament

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Parliament works in Westminster Palace which since Edward the Confessor's times was kings' and queens' residence, then it was shared by Parliament but since the 16th century (Henry VIII) it is entirely in Parliamentary use. The House of Parliament is one building 280 m long, stretching along the Thames and overlooking it. Its width is 90 m. This building was erected in the middle of the 19th century, as the old one was destroyed by the Fire of London in 1834. Its architect was Charles Barry, his assistant and decorator — Augustus Pugin. It is a magnificent gothic-style carved-stone building with 1200 apartments, 100 staircases, 130 statues, 3,2 km of passages, 11 courtyards, 26 policemen, 34 doorkeepers, 250 people looking after the upkeeps of the palace.

Westminster Palace is richly decorated with statues of famous politicians of the past. So it is said in jest that British Parliament has the third House consisting of 130 statesmen immortalized in marble and bronze. When Parliament is in session Union Jack flies from the Victoria Tower by day and a light is burning on the Clock Tower with the famous Big Ben by night.

The 336-foot Victoria Tower is the largest and tallest square tower in the world. Through its archway the monarch enters for the State Opening of Parliament each November. More than 6000 Acts of Parliament are stored in the Victoria Tower.

The Clock Tower is one of the best known landmarks in the world. It is 320 ft high and is popularly called Big Ben, by the name of a four-faced bell clock striking the hours. Actually Big Ben is the name of the biggest of the 5 bells, the proper name for the tower being St. Stephen's Tower. Big Ben is 150 years old and it is the most accurate clock of its size in the world. There are two versions of the origin of the name. Some people believe that the tower got its name from Benjamin Caunt, a famous boxer. Others think that it was from Sir Benjamin Hall, an enormous Welshman who worked at the Palace when the clock was being built. There are 334 steps up to the belfry (the place where bells are) and 59 more up to the lantern at the top. Each number on the clock face is 60,9 cm long, the hour hand is 274,3 cm long, the minute hand is 426 cm long. It travels at 30,4 cm a minute. The weight of the Big Ben is 13,5 tons, the same as of 250-300 men. On the 11th floor there is a small prison cell which used to be for anyone who committed a crime inside the Houses of Parliament. In the past the clock used to be winded by hand (until 1913) and it took 30 hours a week to wind it. Now the job is done by an electric motor.

The State Opening of Parliament is a glamourous annual ceremony opening every new session of Parliament. The Queen's gilded coach parades from Buckingham Palace through Whitehall to Westminster, escorted by brilliantly uniformed and superbly mounted Household Cavalry. As the Queen enters the Houses of Parliament the air shakes with the booming of heavy guns, and all London knows that the processes that have so long protected England from oppression have once again been renewed with all their age-old ceremony.

The State Opening of Parliament is a procedure which is strictly scheduled, its every minute is significant. Yet when the Queen is seated on the throne there comes a long and awkward pause. Since the Civil War in the 17th century, a battle between King Charles I and Parliament over who should rule the country, when Oliver Cromwell defeated and abolished monarchy (Charles I was beheaded) and established a republic for 11 years, after the Restoration no monarch has ever been allowed into the House of Commons. So, sitting on a throne in the House of Lords, the Queen sends her representative, Black Rod, to knock on the door of the Commons to ask the 650 members of Her Majesty's House if they will go and listen to her speech outlining Parliamentary business of the new session. Black Rod is to cross the building to reach the opposite end of the Palace where the House of Commons is situated. The door is closed in front of him. He is to knock humbly 3 times. The door is opened and he announces the Queen's order. And ministers in pairs hurry after the messenger: the Prime Minister (the leader of the ruling party) with the Leader of the Opposition, ministers in power with the counterpart ministers of the Shadow Cabinet. But there are no seats for them in the House of Lords. So they crowd at the entrance and listen to the Queen standing at the door.

The State Opening Speech is drafted by the Queen's Government (Prime Minister) and describes what the Government intends to implement during the forthcoming session. During the next week or so the Government and Opposition debate aspects of the Queen's Speech in the House of Commons and vote on the amendments which the Opposition proposes. Since the speech is a statement of policy, defeat on any such vote would oblige the Government to resign.

The "throning" of a Speaker for the House of Commons is a tradition. He is generally elected by the common consent of all parties and is dragged from the floor of the House forcibly by two MPs. He puts up a great show of resistance. This ceremony dates back to the period before the Bourgeois Revolution, when the Speaker, as the representative of the Commons, had the unpleasant task of presenting its demands to the King. Sometimes he might lose his head for it or be thrown into the Tower.

Having being chosen the Speaker is carefully segregated. He is aloof from any political involvement, he lives in a big gothic house inside the Palace of Westminster, earns good money and retires with a peerage and a pension. His job requires a special temperament — phlegmatic but firm, as his main job is to keep fair play between the parties and between back-benchers and front-benchers, to protect the House from outside influences, and this can justify much of the pomp. He insists that MPs call each other "honourable members", bow to him on entering and leaving and address all their speeches to him. But all too often the Speaker's role degenerates into having to control childish squabbles and "unmanaged" debates with outbreaking of anger or uproar.

Red Line. There are 5 rows of benches running the length on either side of the Speaker. Her Majesty's Government sitting to the right of the Speaker and Her Majesty's Opposition sitting to the left of him have always held face-to-face debates. Sometimes those debates became so heated that MPs crossed swords with each other and fights began. Therefore a rule was imposed prohibiting members from crossing the space marked on the floor by red lines. This space is the width of two drawn swords. The red line in front of each front bench still marks the limit beyond which an MP may not approach the opposite side. If he steps on the lines the speaker immediately calls him to order and he is to apologize.

Ladies in the Gallery were allowed since 1762 but Sheridan's wife could hear her husband speak only dressed up as a man. A separate screen gallery was built for ladies. The question of segregation was finally settled by the enemy bomb which destroyed the House of Commons in 1941. Today men and women sit together in the Strangers' gallery which is open from 5.30 p. m. to about 10.30 p. m. on weekdays except Friday (from 9.30 a. m. to 3 p. m.)

Guy Fawkes. Before the official Opening of Parliament at the beginning of each session vaults (underground chambers, cellars) of the House of Lords are searched by the Queen's Body Guard. This ceremony commemorates the unsuccessful attempt to blow up King James of England and his Parliament by Guy Fawkes and other conspirators on November 5, 1605.

Talking. British people are rather critical about their Parliament. They admit that for any visitor to the either of the two Houses it becomes as clear as the Emperor's clothes that all that most members do about power is to talk about it. Talk is their business, and how they talk! They talk apparently to no one. The noble lords go on addressing the noble lords, they address this house, the "Right Honourable Member" or "Mr Speaker, Sir"; but Mr Speaker is chatting to a passing member, the Right Honourable Member left half an hour ago, and this house has just realized it's time for a drink and is emptying quickly through the swing doors. But never mind, the words still roll out. Parliament was once described as a "talking- shop". 40000 words are said on its every working day. Most of the speeches are not intended to influence thought or action. Even angry Parliamentary debate has the same effect upon national events as a slammed door has upon domestic arguments. 9/10 of what goes on at Westminster is an elaborate piece of play-acting. When the time comes the Whips and the Speaker will see to the fact that the vote should go with the Government.

But there is another side of the work of Parliament. By speeches Parliament limited monarchs, tamed tyrants, averted revolutions. In fact an MP can say whatever he likes, raise whatever problem, thus leaving no closed zones or white spots. The problem may be rejected, talked to death but can not be concealed from public. Parliamentary democracy is the main factor of the stability of the British political system. They joke that British Parliament can do anything but turn man into woman.

Hats off, strangers! The sitting of each House is preluded by processions of the Lord Chancellor and the Speaker into their Houses. Inspector of the police (Sergeant-at-arms)' announces "Hats off, strangers! Speaker in Chair". Strangers and MPs bow to the Speaker. Prayers are then read by the bishop on duty for that day. The prayers include a petition that members may lay aside "all private interests, prejudices and partial affections", so that the public wealth, peace and tranquility of the Realm may be maintained. The Speaker wears a horsehair wig, black silk robe, knee breeches and buckled shoes. He is attended by a uniformed Sergeant-at-arms who is also bearer of the Mace.

Forms of address: Dear Speaker, Sir; the Honourable Member — to MPs; the Right Honourable Member — to ministers, the Honourable and Learned — to the Queen's council lawyers (advisers to the Crown).

Some terms for MPs: front-bencher, back-bencher, the Chief Whip of the Government, the Chief Whip of the Opposition, Father of the House, Baby of the House, Leader of the House, Maiden speech.

Holidays. A session of the House of Commons lasts for about 160-170 days (in the House of Lords it is shorter) with several intervals during its work. By present custom, a session is divided into 5 periods: from November (when the session is opened) till Christmas (about 3 weeks), from January till Easter (2 weeks), from Easter till Whitsun (2 weeks), from Whitsun till the end of July or late August (2 months).


Дата добавления: 2015-09-03; просмотров: 48 | Нарушение авторских прав

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