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The Human Body

Читайте также:
  1. European Court of Human Rights (Европейский суд по правам человека).
  2. Fromm Е. The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness Издательство: Прогресс 1992 г.
  3. Human rights in the United Kingdom
  4. I admire this great Russian attempt at bettering the condition of humanity.


You are a person; you have a wonderful body with a head, stomach, back, chest, legs, arms, eyes and ears. Your body obeys you. When you want to sit down, you sit, when you want to stand up, you stand. If you want you can lie down or you can run. Now you are reading this sentence. Your eyes see the letters and your brain understands what words they make and what each word means. Your fingers turn the pages, you hear the sound of voices, you may answer questions.

It all seems so simple. But you probably do not realize what complicated things are going on in your body right now.

Try to answer the questions:

Why do you always inhale and exhale air and are unable to hold your breath for even a few minutes?

Why do you have to eat and drink several times a day and cannot live even a week without food and water?

What is inside you and how is your body built?

How do your heart, lungs, muscles and brain work?

Why do your legs not obey you sometimes, and why do your eyes grow heavy and close?

Why do you sometimes get sick and have to ask the doctor to come and put your body back in order again?....

What should you do that the parts of your body always work well and you become stronger and stronger each day?

These questions are about you and your body. Human body is a very complicated machine

Your entire body is covered with the skin. It is not transparent, so you cannot see what is underneath.

You know that under your skin you have muscles.

You know where your stomach and intestines are.

You know where your heart is and sometimes even hear it beating. You also know where your lungs are.

But inside your body other very important organs are hidden too - your liver, spleen, kidneys and glands.

You also have sense organs.These are your eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin.

Your body also contains a dense network of nerve fibers, all of these make their way to the most important organ in your body, your brain, which is safely concealed inside your head. And finally, deep inside your body are the bones of your skeleton.

Anatomy is science which deals with the structural organization of the body, and physiology studies body functions.


1. Наконец-то мы закончили школу, получили аттестаты зрелости и превратились в абитуриентов. Сейчас нам предстоит сдать экзамены в институт или университет. Сдали. Теперь ректор, деканы медицинского, исторического, экономического, юридического и филологического факультетов, а также профессора, доценты, доктора и кандидаты наук, работающие на кафедрах факультетов, будут читать нам - студентам - в аудиториях курсы лекций и проводить специальные семинары по медицине, истории и другим дисциплинам. В течение семестра нам придется штудировать многие тома литературы в университетской библиотеке. Во время каникул мы, может быть, пойдем в театр, цирк, консерваторию или кинотеатр на какую-нибудь комедию, драму или мелодраму.

2. Unum, duo, tres et mult(um) -

Ambulare lepus vult. Subito venator it, Statim lepor(em) occidit! Pif-paf, ti-ta-tu -Lepus meus moritur. Postquam dom(um) ill(e) affertur, Vivus ill(e) efficitur!


3. Religio, audio, audire, theatrum, elegantia, rosa, domus, memoria, laborare, publicus,
universitas, historia, fabula, fortuna, lingua, spectaculum, Germania, respublica, Britannia,
decretum, scaena, homo, Aristoteles, studere, pater, vita, aqua, femina, magister, victoria,
centaurus, Caesar, natio, rhetorica, medicamentum, arteria, major, caput, natura, poeta,
musica, littera, Asia, sol, status, aer, philologia, schola, aurora, credo, Caucasus.

4. Historia est magistra vitae. Aurora musis arnica. Littera est ministra linguae. In terra est
vita, in luna non est. In Europa sunt terrae: Graecia, Italia, Germania, Hispania, Russia,
Polonia. In silvis variae bestiae sunt. Terra incognita. Persona (non) grata. Tabula rasa.
Fortuna caeca est. Flora dea plantarum et Fauna dea bestiarum est. Terra est sphaera. Terra
et luna sunt planetae. Julia femma bona est. Duni spiro, spero! Amicitia vitam ornat.
Semper bene laborare debetis. Puellae magistram suam bene audiunt. Homo hommi lupus
est. Inter arma tacent Musae. Aegyptum Nilus imgat. О amice, salve! Elephantum e(x)
musca facere. Ignorantia non est argumentum. Aut cum scuto aut in scuto. Cogito, ergo
sum. Per aspera ad astra!


Parts of the body

Дата добавления: 2015-09-03; просмотров: 74 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Chapter 22| Label the parts ot the body. Choose from the following. Some have been done for you.

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