Читайте также:
1. when you see something that you can't believe?
2. when you taste something you don't like?
3. when you see someone you know in a big crowd?
4. when you want someone to stop and help you?
5. when you are puzzled about something?
6. when you are afraid, but you don't want to show it?
7. when you want to warn others?
8. when you do something you're not proud of?
9. when you're extremely happy about something?
10. when you see something you don't approve of?
11. when you don't have a preference?
12. when you don't want people to know you're disappointed?
13. when you want to tell a secret and others are near?
14. when you want to say no?
15. when you want to show someone that you care about them? (2 answers)
There are two reasons for holding someone's hand. One reason is practical. Helping a child across a busy street is easier and safer if you hold the child's hand. The other reason is emotional. We hold someone's hand to show affection, sympathy, or support. People who are in love often hold hands.
When people hold hands, we say they are walking hand-in-hand. When people cooperate, we say they are working hand in hand. For example, the members of your class might work hand in hand to put on a play. Friends might work hand in hand to give a party.
Squeezing and rubbing each hand with the other is called wringing your hands. When you do this, you show that you are very worried about something. People wring their hands when there is nothing to do but to sit and wait.
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You close your hand tightly to make a fist. If you shake your fist at someone, you are showing that you are angry. It might mean that you are ready to fight.
When people want to show that they don't want to fight, they can put their hands up with the palms facing out. This means, "Calm down. I'm not going to hit you."
When a police officer catches a criminal, he or she often says "Hands up!" The officer wants to be sure that the criminal doesn't have a weapon. The criminal will respond by putting up his or her hands and saying, "I give up." (Note: you can say "put one's hands up" or "Put up one's hands.")
Дата добавления: 2015-09-03; просмотров: 70 | Нарушение авторских прав
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A. Read the paragraph and fill in the blanks. | | | B. Complete the paragraphs. |