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Antheia-Olympia. Поступь нежная, легкий стан, Если б знала ты сердцем упорным

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  1. Antheia-Olympia

Поступь нежная, легкий стан,
Если б знала ты сердцем упорным,
Как умеет любить хулиган,
Как умеет он быть покорным.

Я б навеки забыл кабаки
И стихи бы писать забросил.
Только б тонко касаться руки
И волос твоих цветом в осень.

Я б навеки пошел за тобой
Хоть в свои, хоть в чужие дали...
В первый раз я запел про любовь,
В первый раз отрекаюсь скандалить


she is a self-generating dynamo


Любое из состояний - мысль Не нравится состояние - Поменяй мысль


replace power rooted in possession, privilege, or circumstance by power and uniqueness rooted in love, reflectiveness, reason, and creativity 21.06.13  
  Antheia-Olympia it is one of the most blessed_ things to give_ a home_ to an abandoned_ child



What about the cards? Should I be worried? Anna Draper: It’s all here. You’re definitely in a strange place. But here’s the Sun. Don Draper/Dick Whitman (points to Judgement card): That can’t be good. Anna Draper: It is. Don Draper/Dick Whitman: It’s the end of the world. Anna Draper: It’s the resurrection. Do you want to know what this means, or not? Don Draper/Dick Whitman: No, I don’t. I can smell the ocean. Anna Draper (points to the World card): This is the one. Don Draper/Dick Whitman: Who’s she? Anna Draper: Shes the soul of the world. She’s in a very important spot here. This is you; what you are bringing to the reading. She says you are part of the world. Air, water, every living thing is connected to you. Don Draper/Dick Whitman: It’s a nice thought. Anna Draper: It is. Don Draper/Dick Whitman: What does it mean? Anna Draper: It means the only thing keeping you from being happy is the belief that you are alone. Don Draper/Dick Whitman: What if it’s true? Anna Draper: Then you can change.      
    Father Gill: Peggy, sometimes I feel He called me to this parish to reach you. Peggy Olson: No, I didn’t know that. Father Gill: Well it’s true. Hell is serious and very real and unless you unburden yourself you cannot know peace. Peggy: I understand that, Father, but you’re upsetting me right now. Father Gill: That is your guilt, Peggy. All that God wants is for you to reconcile with him. Don’t, don’t you understand that this could be the end of the world and you could go to Hell? Peggy: I can’t believe that’s the way God is. Good night, Father.    
    you believe in God, I have seen that from the moment we met.    

he was pouring poison in her ear

Обретенный сад

Рабыня пагубного пристрастия

Oh my God I'm Heartly Sorry For Having Offended Thee And I Detest All My Sins Because I Dread The Loss Of Heaven And The Pains Of Hell But Most Of All

O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You and I detest all my sins, because I fear the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend You, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life. amen..


Весна Cвященная


She is definitely dressing for success

she seems so much more centered, self-assured, and focused on being a good woman now

she only functions well when she’s got self-confidence

it’s good to see her confident and self-assured in her life.


There is NO LIFE...in_ the void_ only death.



What are they?

Aragorn: They were once men. Great kings of men. Then Sauron the deceiver gave to them nine rings of power. Blinded by their greed, they took them without question, one by one falling into darkness. Now they are slaves to his will. They are the Nazgul, Ringwraiths, neither living nor dead. At all times they feel the presence of the Ring, drawn to the power of the One. They will never stop hunting you.


Antheia-Olympia Leo: YOU HAVE NOT HEARD A THING I SAID! 22.06.13  
  Antheia-Olympia you suffer so much fear and dount over it


Antheia-Olympia I look to myself to make it all right, and I want to do it. 22.06.13    
  Antheia-Olympia I look to myself to make it all right, and I want to do it. See the glory of Olympia restored. Reaching White Tower of Glory. Shimmering like perals, its baners caught high in the morning breeze. BE CALLED HOME BY THE CLEAR CALIING OF SILVER TRUMPETS 22.06.13  
    White Kingdom - my Dominion - one day my path will lead me there    


keep your honour. 22.06.13    
    forgive me - I did not see    
    All that you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you    

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVmjRfdmTLM LOTR - Aragorn and Arwen

one day you will face evil and you will defeat it.

This is the day.

And you think you are the one who can stop evil?

And you think you are the one who can save yourself?

one day you will face evil and you will defeat it.

This is the day.






Cold be heart and hand and bone. Cold be travellers far from home...They do not see what lies ahead, when sun has failed and moon

reverse abt myself







Antheia-Olympia LET THE GRACE OF VALOUR PROTECT YOU. 23.06.13  
    or you will linger on in darkness, fear and doubt


honor your alligeance 23.06.13    
    I have trusted myself this far and I have not led myself astray - forgive me, I was wrong to despair.    
  Antheia-Olympia LOOK TO MY COMING AT FIRST LIGHT 23.06.13  
  Antheia-Olympia your path is in front of your feet, you cannot falter now. 23.06.13  
    wax and wane to grow bigger and stronger and then to become smaller or weaker again    


он не вникает в твою суть и относится неуважительно 23.06.13  
  Antheia-Olympia значит ты еще не доконца уверилась в своей теории он не вникает в твою суть и относится неуважительно не надо ему ничего доказывать


Jesus offers you freedom from pain in this life. 24.06.13    
  Antheia-Olympia неповторимое живое ядро вселенной, единственное истинное 24.06.13  
  Antheia-Olympia он - единственное и неповторимое живое ядро вселенной, единственное истинное воплощение Высшей Воли 24.06.13  
    all of his demons having effectively destroyed his life    
but there was nothing bridging those scenes to show us how he got to that point. 24.06.13    
  Antheia-Olympia she got that moment of freedom or self-actualization 24.06.13  
  Antheia-Olympia the only unpardonable sin is to believe that god cannot forgive you    

I like to think, that moment of Don and Sally having that look, a lot of us never get there with our parents. And that in itself is something. Does it stick in what sense? Can a man change his entire fabric? I don't know. But he definitely has recognized something, and he should get points for that. As long as people feel that he has at least begun — not a reform, but certainly a recognition of the problem, which is a huge thing for this man. Huge. I will not pretend like it didn't happen. Will he pretend like it didn't happen? I don't know.





I guess you don’t really think about it too much. You deal with the script at hand. It’s a complex show that we’re making and there’s a lot of things you have to consider for every episode, so luckily for that you don’t have a lot of time to dwell on the what-ifs, you know?


Going back to your punchability: A big part of it comes down to Pete’s sneer, otherwise known as his bitch face. Do you work on that face in front of a mirror, or is it an expression you just use in daily life?

Actors don’t work on things in mirrors, I don’t think. You just play the moment, and Peter is bitter. Especially in relation to this girl. I’m thinking of that scene where she calls him and he’s so pissed and has that look on his face through it all, and he’s just very bitter. He feels like he’s being kind of used and abused and taken for granted. If you have those emotions inside of you, they come out on your face.



Do you feel like it comes out in your real life, too, or is it a look that you’ve worked on?

Well, Peter has specific mannerisms. And I’ve developed those through the five seasons we’ve shot. I fall into those more simply when I’m playing Peter. My sneer in real life is probably more subtle and less bitchy.


Well, I think there’s the obvious thing which I’ve been saying since the first season, which is that [Don]’s charming and roguishly handsome and he says things in a way that is really cool and he’s usually sometimes cold but always kind of succinct and has cool one-liners. Whereas Pete kind of has this self-hating whininess about the way he kind of expels those emotions of his. And I think someone’s whiny petulance tends to make people cringe and dislike them.


What is this “permanent wound” Pete is talking about?

He did. At certain points he did. There was that scene with the skis, where he gets these skis and he realizes that the success and acknowledgment he’s been craving has arrived. It is in front of him in the form of his colleagues giving him business, and clients trying to reach out and impress him. And what Matt said was, "There it is, there’s the thing you wanted in life, and it doesn’t complete you. It doesn’t fulfill you. It’s not that great." And whenever that happens in you life, you start looking for something else to complete you, at least Peter does, and that’s where his affair with this girl comes in: It’s okay, I’m not gonna feel complete through work, I don’t feel completed from fatherhood, I don’t feel completed from acknowledgment from my colleagues. Maybe love, maybe some new fling will give me that sense of fulfillment. And Matt said something really interesting. We did a panel last week and he said something about success, about how we look at success in our society and we think that’s easy. But success isn’t easy. Success is really hard and it’s painful, and it takes a lot out of you, and I think that’s a big part of it. You have to make a lot of sacrifices, sometimes do things you don’t wanna do and be a person you don’t wanna be. You have to maybe be a pimp or you have to maybe steal or you have to be ruthless, and those steps that get you to a place of success in your life, the things you have to do to get there, they change you. Just like Joan having sex to have her partnership. Well, that’s gonna be with her for always. She’ll get the success, but it comes at a price, and it’s not easy, it’s not simple, it’s not happy. It’s hard and it takes something from you. It alters you.


You don’t get the success without paying the price and that price is often your character or your integrity.

Everyone keeps wondering when Pete and Peggy’s kid is going to resurface. Do you and Elisabeth Moss ever hypothesize about the baby’s whereabouts? Do you have theories?

Nope. We don’t. I mean, we really leave the plot points ambiguous because we’re always excited to see where it goes. You don’t wanna have hopes or expectations because, truthfully, Matt has such great ideas and we really trust him.

Hell’s bells, Trudy



I mean, fear is not something that you really engage too much in while you’re acting.


It’s more emotional harm to one’s psyche. That five minutes before you walk onto a stage to do a performance that you haven’t done before is a much more paralyzing fear, a fear to your core that is really indescribable and yet overcome-able.

I enjoy watching the other actors that act across from me, and I learn a lot about my flaws and my mistakes by watching what I do, so I do watch sometimes



On this week's season finale, Pete begged his mistress to run away with him, and she looked at him with shimmering sad eyes and deflected the offer. It was a pathetic display on Pete's part, and his weird love proclamation seemed both premature (they barely know each other) and immature (that's a little-boy way of thinking about romance). It also seemed a lot like when Don fled to his mistress's arms and begged her to run away with him, in exactly the same fashion. In "Nixon vs. Kennedy," Rachel Menken takes Don's proposition as an insult. "You don't want to run away with me," she says, "you just want to run away." Beth is Pete's Rachel Menken — a symbol of who he didn't become, but someone he thinks he's like. Pete's drawn to Beth's sadness because he thinks it's like his own, just as Don's drawn to Rachel's sense of alienation, because he thinks they have that in common. But Beth isn't suffering from suburban ennui like Pete thinks, and Rachel tells Don that she's "not that Jewish." The men don't really see these women. They see themselves in these women.

Peggy is the audience's stand-in — the pilot is set on her first day of work, and we learn about these characters the way she does, and we trust her judgement. She's a prism, refracting Don's behavior so it looks more forgivable, refracting Pete's so it seems more abhorrent.

"Whatever" is not more kind than "no," it's just more conflict-avoidant.

Neither man is well-suited to intimacy or tenderness because they share a similarly painful, loveless background. Pete grew up a Wasp in tennis whites and denial, and Don grew up on a farm fantasizing about the hobo code, but a lack of affection knows no economic bounds. Pete hates his parents, is unmoved by his father's death, and has a brother whom his folks treated completely differently. Same goes for Don. That primary absence of familial love and stability haunts the men into adulthood, souring their relationships, convincing them they don't really deserve happiness, and making aspects of their current lives seemingly invisible. "You have everything, and so much of it," Peggy tells Don in season three's "The Fog." But Don can't see a shred of it. "I have nothing, Don," a defeated Pete confessed in this season's "Signal 30." That's more like it.

And yet Pete is Pete, and Don is Don, and Pete is wimpy and Don is stoic. Don moves through the world with a rare kind of panache — and it's not just Pete who can't live up to that standard. The fundamental difference between the two goes deeper than that, though, and it's that Don is driven where Pete feels entitled. Both characters' lives change after they're mistaken for "Don Draper." The Don we know created that moment by seizing dog tags and never correcting anyone. For Pete to be incorrectly identified, all he had to do was sit there, and a mailroom courier just handed him a package. Dick decided to be Don, but it just sort of happened to Pete. And that's how each of them sees the world: Don thinks it's something to be seized, while Pete knows his biggest moments only happen when other people make mistakes.


It's a pleasure to watch a show that carries itself with confidence down to the smallest gesture. Mad Men proved that it was that kind of show throughout season five.

Свети, воплощай ту радугу, которая у тебя в душе

Ты - свет.

their repentance is our salvation

раскаяние; сожаление; покаяние

спасение; средство спасения

Макаров спаситель

психоан. освобождение от грехов; освобождение от страданий

рел. вечная жизнь; вечное блаженство

хим. сольватация

общ. the salvation спаситель

рел. Deliverance from the power and effects of sin избавление от греха; The agent or means that effects salvation спасение души; In Christian Science, the realization of the supremacy of infinite Mind over all bringing with it the destruction of the illusion of sin, sickness, and death торжество безграничного Разума над грехом, болезнями и смертью


Это благодатное чувство когда ты приходишь утром в пустой зал и заполняешь его своими идеями и чувствами


can walk through the doorway of his past into a realm of self-knowledge


внутренняя, наполненная глубоким смыслом жизнь

Peggy is both an independent woman and a human being who wants to be loved. Don is both Don Draper, womanizing ad man, and Dick Whitman, confused, love-starved adolescent.



most adults are not quite so hobbled by tortured pasts



hobble, toddle, totter, stumble along, dot and go one, paddle


limp, hobble, halt, walk with a limp, hop, dot and go one


hobble, hopple


stumble, falter, trip, hobble, blunder, reel


limp, walk with a limp, hobble, hitch





seems like she's now essentially the head of Creative in New York.

I wouldn't land on what that is, because I don't know. But it was a deliberate choice to put her in that pantsuit and it was a deliberate choice to put her in Don's office.


Peggy's story for this season was that she doesn't have any choices. She's had a meteoric rise, especially for a woman, in her career, but she was forced to buy an apartment she didn't want. She was in a relationship, an unconventional relationship, that didn't have the ring that she wanted, but might have children. That did not work out. And she's in a relationship with a married man that she has no control over. What we were working for the whole season was to basically say, the story of this season is that Peggy doesn't have any choices.


No, she's got really bad taste in men. She really does. yeah, she's not a very good picker.

I would like her to have it all, too, but drama is based on conflict, and I think her not having a man is, at least on this show — it's a blind spot for her and it's also a product of her ambition. There is a price to pay at that time, for this woman, in working that hard. I mean, you look at Joan. Joan doesn't have a man either. I think one of the reasons that those characters resonate is that that may not necessarily have changed very much.

Yes — 1968 was a climax of bad news where the actual state of insecurity and hopelessness and powerlessness and the defeat of idealism was constant, and I wanted that to be both Don's internal story and the story of the people experiencing it. At a certain point, the events are so big that you can't escape them, and what does that produce?


Well, my feeling was is it drives us closer together. It made Don [change]. It drove everyone towards their family. It drove everyone towards their children, which is a big theme in the season, from Roger's mothers death onward. It's about that parent/child relationship, and why it might be the only saving grace for people in this much pain. Maybe it's the only thing that matters.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-13; просмотров: 30 | Нарушение авторских прав

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