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529. Задание {{ 529 }} ТЗ 529 Тема 1-11-0
Under fascists he... under an assumed name.
£ lived
£ were living
£ live
£ lives
R was living
530. Задание {{ 530 }} ТЗ 530 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: Bread
2: is
3: eaten
4: every
5: day
531. Задание {{ 531 }} ТЗ 531 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: the
2: letter
3: was
4: received
5: yesterday
532. Задание {{ 532 }} ТЗ 532 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: Nick
2: will be
3: sent
4: to
5: Moscow
6: next
7: week
533. Задание {{ 533 }} ТЗ 533 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: I
2: was
3: asked
4: at
5: the
6: lesson
7: yesterday
534. Задание {{ 534 }} ТЗ 534 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: Hockey
2: is
3: played
4: in
5: winter
535. Задание {{ 535 }} ТЗ 535 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: mushrooms
2: are
3: gathered
4: in
5: winter
536. Задание {{ 536 }} ТЗ 536 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: Petersburg
2: was
3: built
4: in
5: 1703
537. Задание {{ 537 }} ТЗ 537 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: this
2: bone
3: will be
4: given
5: to
6: my
7: dog
8: tomorrow
538. Задание {{ 538 }} ТЗ 538 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: I
2: am
3: given
4: some
5: juice
6: every
7: morning
539. Задание {{ 539 }} ТЗ 539 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: these
2: letters
3: were
4: brought
5: in
6: the
7: morning
540. Задание {{ 540 }} ТЗ 540 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: yesterday
2: he
3: was
4: advised
5: to
6: buy
7: to buy
8: the coat
541. Задание {{ 541 }} ТЗ 541 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: I
2: was
3: asked
4: at
5: the lesson
6: yesterday
542. Задание {{ 542 }} ТЗ 542 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: these
2: trees
3: were
4: plant
5: last
6: autumn
543. Задание {{ 543 }} ТЗ 543 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: we
2: were
3: invited
4: to a
5: concert
6: last
7: Saturday
544. Задание {{ 544 }} ТЗ 544 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: flowers
2: are
3: sold
4: in
5: shops
545. Задание {{ 545 }} ТЗ 545 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: yesterday
2: he
3: was
4: helped
5: by
6: his
7: friend
546. Задание {{ 546 }} ТЗ 546 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: I
2: will be
3: given
4: some
5: hot
6: tea
7: tomorrow
547. Задание {{ 559 }} ТЗ 559 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: He
2: can
3: not
4: be
5: dealt
6: with
548. Задание {{ 560 }} ТЗ 560 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: The
2: money
3: was
4: found
549. Задание {{ 561 }} ТЗ 561 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: This
2: plan
3: can
4: not
5: be
6: discussed
550. Задание {{ 562 }} ТЗ 562 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: She
2: was
3: asked
4: to
5: tell
6: everything
551. Задание {{ 563 }} ТЗ 563 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: It
2: can
3: not
4: be
5: explained
552. Задание {{ 564 }} ТЗ 564 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: The
2: room
3: has
4: not
5: been
6: slept
7: in
553. Задание {{ 565 }} ТЗ 565 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: The
2: first
3: World
4: War
5: was
6: followed
7: by
8: the
9: revolution
554. Задание {{ 566 }} ТЗ 566 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: This
2: text
3: will
4: be
5: retold
6: soon
555. Задание {{ 567 }} ТЗ 567 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: The
2: clock
3: is
4: broken
556. Задание {{ 568 }} ТЗ 568 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: The
2: film
3: has
4: already
5: been
6: seen
557. Задание {{ 569 }} ТЗ 569 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: The
2: picture
3: has
4: not
5: been
6: painted
7: yet
558. Задание {{ 547 }} ТЗ 547 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: I
2: shall be
3: taken
4: to
5: a
6: doctor
7: tomorrow
559. Задание {{ 548 }} ТЗ 548 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: We
2: are
3: taken
4: to
5: the
6: country
7: every
8: summer
560. Задание {{ 549 }} ТЗ 549 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: this
2: doctor
3: is
4: often
5: sent
6: for
561. Задание {{ 550 }} ТЗ 550 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is
1: this
2: film
3: is
4: talked
5: about
562. Задание {{ 551 }} ТЗ 551 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: There
2: house
3: is
4: still
5: being
6: build
563. Задание {{ 552 }} ТЗ 552 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: He
2: is
3: always
4: listened
5: to
564. Задание {{ 553 }} ТЗ 553 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: He
2: was
3: operated
4: on
5: last
6: week
565. Задание {{ 554 }} ТЗ 554 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: Sergey
2: can
3: not
4: be
5: relied
6: on
566. Задание {{ 555 }} ТЗ 555 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: The
2: text
3: have
4: already
5: been
6: translated
567. Задание {{ 556 }} ТЗ 556 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: The
2: letter
3: will
4: be
5: sighned
6: soon
568. Задание {{ 557 }} ТЗ 557 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: I
2: was
3: asked
4: to
5: come
6: in
7: a
8: few
9: days
569. Задание {{ 558 }} ТЗ 558 Тема 1-11-0
The right order of the words in the sentence is.
1: I
2: was
3: told
4: a
5: joke
6: yesterday
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