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A) Came in/ twenty five/ forty.

Читайте также:
  1. The twenty first

Литература: История английского языка, Т. А. Расторгуева

52. Your brother …… to be so credulous

|A) Ought not.

|B) Must not.

|C) Should not.

|D) Need not.

|E) Could not.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: Intermediate Language Practice by Michael Vince with Paul Emmerson


53. Don't come to my place tomorrow. I ……a composition the whole evening.

|A) Shall be writing.

|B) Will be writing.

|C) Will write.

|D) Must write.

|E) Should write.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: Intermediate Language Practice by Michael Vince with Paul Emmerson


54. Нe was the first man to bring Italian Renaissance style to Great Britain?

|A) Inigo Jones.

|B) Thomas More.

|C) Edmund Spencer.

|D) Shakespeare.

|E) Philip Sydney.

Тема: Литература


Литература: “The World literature” – encyclopedia


55. Antonym of the word “ to be away from”?

|A) To be present.

|B) Apart from.

|C) Close.

|D) Inside.

|E) Long way off.

Тема: Лексикология


Литература: Concise Oxford Thesaurus, Oxford University Press 1995, 2002


56. We have a nice flat….the centre…the town

|A) In/of.

|B) On/of.

|C) At/of.

|D) From/of.

|E) Of/at.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: Intermediate Language Practice by Michael Vince with Paul Emmerson


57. You…go there at once

|A) Need.

|B) Must.

|C) Shall.

|D) Could.

|E) Can.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: Intermediate Language Practice by Michael Vince with Paul Emmerson


58. You...in with me, if you don't want to

|A) Needn’t come.

|B) Can’t come.

|C) Mustn’t come.

|D) Couldn’t come.

|E) Shouldn’t come.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: Intermediate Language Practice by Michael Vince with Paul Emmerson


59. Choose the proper word: — people wear neither shoes nor stockings.

|A) Barefoot.

|B) Bare- armed.

|C) Bareleg.

|D) Bare-legged.

|E) Barefooted.

Тема: Практическая фонетика


Литература: English Pronunciation in use, J.Marks (Cambridge)


60. Express in one word: a "popular" paper for those who prefer entertainment to information.

|A) The Daily Express.

|B) The Times.

|C) The Daily Telegraph.

|D) The News.

|E) The Daily Mirror.

Тема: Практическая фонетика


Литература: English Pronunciation in use, J.Marks (Cambridge)


61. Use the necessary tense form: The tourists were told that the guide ……in five minutes.

|A) Would come.

|B) Shall come.

|C) Came.

|D) Will come.

|E) Comes.

Тема: Практическая грамматика


Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4


62. Choose the proper word: поговорить.

|A) To have a talk.

|B) To have a swim.

|C) To be against.

|D) To have a smoke.

|E) To have a spoke.

Тема: Практическая фонетика


Литература: English Pronunciation in use, J.Marks (Cambridge)


63. Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: to shout smb. down.

|A) Перекричать кого-то.

|B) Опустить вниз.

|C) Позвать кого-то.

|D) Громко позвать кого-л.

|E) Громко кричать кому-то.

Тема: Практическая фонетика.


Литература: English Pronunciation in use, J.Marks (Cambridge)


64. Choose the word close in meaning: to understand.

|A) Realize.

|B) Decide.

|C) Tease.

|D) Get.

|E) Arrange.

Тема: Практикум по ИЯ


Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)


65. Choose the right verb: Тhen the difficulty … to them.

|A) Was explained.

|B) Has explained.

|C) Had explained.

|D) Have explained.

|E)Is explained.

Тема: Грамматика


Литература: R. Murphy “Grammar in use”


66. Choose the right verb: Тhe young trees … properly …

|A) Were/looked after.

|B) Was/looked after.

|C) been/looked after.

|D) Has/looked after.

|E) Is/looked after.

Тема: Грамматика


Литература:R. Murphy “Grammar in use”


67. Choose the correct preposition: to change... a boat

|A) For.

|B) By.

|C) Of.

|D) With.

|E) At.

Тема: Английский язык


Литература: С. Мейрамова “Английский язык”Астана 2010


68. Choose the right verb he … very well here.

|A) Is remembered.

|B) Were remembered.

|C) Had remembered.

|D) Has remembered.

|E) Was remembered.

Тема: Грамматика

Трудность: B

Литература: R. Murphy “Grammar in use”


69. Choose the proper English equivalent to: сравнять счет.

|A) To end in a shut out.

|B) To even to score.

|C) To score a goal.

|D) To end in a draw.

|E) To open the score.

Тема: Лексикология

Трудность: В

Литература: ”Лексикология английского языка” Москва 2006


70. ____ is generally associated with the article.

|A) The noun.

|B) The article.

|C) The attribute.

|D) The verb.

|E) The object.

Тема: Грамматика

Трудность: В

Литература: Ю. Голицынский “Грамматика английского языка”


71. Choose the word close in meaning: shore

|A) Coast.

|B) Sunset.

|C) Surface

|D) Horizont.

|E) Territory.

Тема: Английский язык


Литература:”English file”—elementary, student’s book


72. Choose the word opposite in meaning: human

|A) Cruel.

|B) People.

|C) Masterpiece.

|D) Abroad.

|E) Population.

Тема: Английский язык


Литература:”English file”—elementary, student’s book


73. Choose the word opposite in meaning: vacant.

|A) Engaged.

|B) Invited.

|C) Inter.

|D) Kept.

|E) Loose.

Тема: Английский язык


Литература:”English file”—elementary, student’s book


74. Use the necessary tense form: We didn’t know where our friends…

|A) Had gone.

|B) Were gone.

|C) Go.

|D) Are gone.

|E) Gone.

Тема: Грамматика


Литература: R.Murphy “Grammar in use”


75. Use the correct tense form: he said that he … the English courses.

|A) Attended.

|B) Attends.

|C) Attending.

|D) Is attending.

|E) Has attended.

Тема: Грамматика

Трудность: В

Литература: R. Murphy “Grammar in use”


76. Годы жизни английского писателя Алана Александра Милна:

|A) 1882-1956

|B) 1880-1936

|C) 1889-1978

|D) 1912-1940

|E) 1901-1987

Тема: Литература


Литература: Н.П.”История английской литературы”


77. The effect produced on the mind of feelings:

|A) Impression.

|B) Letter.

|C) Picnic.

|D) Temper.

|E) Obedience.

Тема: Английский язык


Литература:”English file”— student’s book(III)


78. _ shore.

|A) At.

|B) By.

|C) With.

|D) Of.

|E) On.

Тема: Английский язык


Литература:”English file”— student’s book(II)


79. Определить тип слога «note».

|A) I тип, условно открытый.

|B) IV.

|C) III.

|D) II.

|E) Iтип, абсолютно открытый.

Тема: Английский язык


Литература:”English file”— student’s book(I)


80. The close meaning: not at all

|A) Not in the least.

|B) Not in the less.

|C) Not rather.

|D) Not at the least.

|E) Not quite.

Тема: Английский язык

Трудность: B

Литература:”English file”— student’s book(II)


81. According to their …… simple sentences are divided into two-member or one – member sentences.

|A) Structure.

|B) Form.

|C) Model.

|D) Construction.

|E) Content.

Тема: Грамматика

Трудность: В

Литература: Ю. Голицынский “Грамматика английского языка”


82. Complete the following sentence. (mind the text “Hunting for a Job” by S.S.McClure): This is how I got…

|A) My first job.

|B) My first application.

|C) My first profession.

|D) My second job.

|E) My first invitation.

Тема: Литература

Трудность: В

Литература: Н.П.”История английской литературы”


83. В 1849 году Диккенс приступил к роману… который с самого начала имел огромный успех. Самый популярный из всех его романов, любимое детище самого автора, это роман более других связан с биографией писателя.

|A) Дэвид Копперфилд.

|B) Очерки Боза.

|C) Дэвид Копперфильд.

|D) Маленькая Доpрит.

|E) Домби и его Сын.

Тема: Литература

Трудность: В

Литература: Н.П.”История английской литературы”


84. Choose the correct variant: The higher educational institute of Kazakhstan include.

|A) Universities.

|B) Sports clubs.

|C) Schools.

|D) Kindergartens.

|E) Lyceums.

Тема: Английский язык


Литература: С.Мейрамова “Английский язык”Астана 2010


85. Choose the right verb: … I … this play?

|A) Have. Seen.

|B) Had. Had seen.

|C) Have. Saw.

|D) Have. Made.

|E) Have. See.

Тема: Грамматика


Литература: R. Murphy “Grammar in use”


86. A two-member sentence has two members- _________

|A) A subject and predicates.

|B) Predicates.

|C) Two predicates.

|D) Two subjects.

|E) Subjects.

Тема: Грамматика


Литература: R. Murphy “Grammar in use”


87. Choose the correct definition of the word: weather.

|A) a condition of wind, rain, sunshine, snow at a certain time.

|B) water falling from the clouds.

|C) a description of weather conditions.

|D) sitting in strong sunlight.

|E) A period of seven days.

Тема: English lexicology (лексикология)

Трудность: B

Литература: «Лексикология английского языка» Г. Амандыкова, Л. Кабышева.


88. The stylistic device based on the repetition of a syntactical pattern with the reversed order of words …

|A) chiasmus.

|B) detached construction.

|C) parallel construction.

|D) stylistic inversion.

|E) repetition.

Тема: Syntactical patterns

Трудность: B

Литература: Основа стилистики английского языка Ю.М.



89. Eliminate the extra word: act, primary, balcony, cast, pit.

|A) primary.

|B) act.

|C) balcony.

|D) cast.

|E) pit.

Тема: English lexicology (лексикология)

Трудность: B

Литература: «Лексикология английского языка» Г. Амандыкова, Л. Кабышева.


90. In 1849 Dickens wrote the novel …

|A) “David Copperfield”.

|B) “Dombey and Son”.

|C) “Oliver Twist”."

|D) “Little Doritt”.

|E) “Sketches by Boz”.

Тема: English Literature (литература)

Трудность: B

Литература: «История английской литературы» Н.П. Михальская, Г.В. Аникин.


91. Express in one word: the greatest of English churches.

|A) St. Paul’s Cathedral.

|B) Old Jack.

|C) French House.

|D) Old Bailey.

|E) Central Park.

Тема: Страноведение

Трудность: B

Литература: «Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в вузы» И. Цветкова.


92. The «Whig»’s another name …

|A) The Liberal party.

|B) The Social Party.

|C) The Labour Party.

|D) The Democratic Party.

|E) The French Party.

Тема: Страноведение

Трудность: B

Литература: «Great Britain» Ю. Голицынский.


93. _____ is a word expressing a quality of a substance.

|A) The adjective.

|B) The verb.

|C) The noun.

|D) The adverb.

|E) The object.

Тема: English Grammar (Английская грамматика)

Трудность: B

Литература: «Грамматика английского языка» Сборник упражнений. Ю. Голицынский.


94. What are the groups of tribes settled in Britain in 5 century?

|A) Anglo - Saxons.

|B) The Britons.

|C) The Normans.

|D) The Romans.

|E) The Scottish.

Тема: Страноведение

Трудность: B

Литература: «Great Britain» Ю. Голицынский.


95. _____ consists of principal clause and one or more subordinate clauses.

|A) Complex sentence.

|B) Compound sentence.

|C) Simple sentence.

|D) Interrogative sentence.

|E) Exclamatory sentence.

Тема: English Grammar (Английская грамматика)

Трудность: B

Литература: «Грамматика английского языка» В.Л. Каушанская, Р.Л. Ковнер.


96. Complete the following sentence: I was taken to Colonel Pope who was then an alert energetic man of….

|A) Тhirty nine.

|B) Тwenty eight.

|C) Тhirty five.

|D) Тwenty seven.

|E) Forty.

Тема: English literature

Трудность: B

Литература: Английская литература К.Васильев Unit 8 Hunting for a Job by S.S. McClure


97. Complete the following sentence: Pledger gave part of his pay for a ticket to…

|A) Chicago.

|B) New Jersey.

|C) New York.

|D) Texas.

|E) Boston.

Тема: English literature

Трудность: B

Литература: Английская литература К.Васильев Unit 18 PLEDGER’S WAY HOME (from The Great Midland by A. Saxton)


98. Stonehenge is found…

|A) In Southern England.

|B) In Western England.

|C) In East England.

|D) In North England.

|E) In the middle of England.

Тема: Country study

Трудность: B

Литература: Елтану (Страноведение) С.Мейрамова


99. Complete the sentence: The…returned to his room about half past five in the morning

|A) Stranger.

|B) Young man.

|C) Handsome boy.

|D) Uncle.

|E) Invisible man.

Тема: English language

Трудность: B

Литература: (Unit 22 THE INVISIBLE MAN (extract) by H. G. Wells)


100. Complete the following sentences: Alec’s duty was to pay wages….

|A) To his personnel.

|B) To her personnel.

|C) To their personnel.

|D) To our personnel.

|E) To one person.

Тема: English language

Трудность: B

Литература: Английская литература К.Васильев Unit 4 A Foul Play by R. Ruark


101. Put the adverb in the right place: The lecture has not begun. (Yet)

|A)The lecture has not begun yet.

|В) The lecture has yet not begun.

|C) The lecture has not yet begun.

|D) Yet the lecture has not begun.

|E) The lecture yet has not begun.

Тема: Adverb

Трудность: B

Литература: The Good Grammar Book. Swan.


102. Complete the following sentence: Alec called the boy to….

|A) His cabin.

|B) His cabinet.

|C) His car.

|D) His home.

|E) His office.

Тема: Practical English

Трудность: B

Литература: Practical English English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford) Unit 4 A Foul Play by R. Ruark


103. Even, I if had sat down to think might have guessed the secret. Bat for the fishers, I might have left my bones there. These sentences are from the text…

|A) The shipwreck.

|B) The invisible man.

|C) Hunting for a Job.

|D) Pledger’s way home.

|E) A Foul Play.

Тема: Practical English

Трудность: B

Литература: Practical English English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford) Unit 21


104. With the money he could afford to marry Lila…

|A) Rent a studio and stop being a student.

|B) Rent a flat and stop to go to university.

|C) Rent a studio and start new life.

|D) Rent an apartment and buy new car.

|E) Rent a studio and continue his education.

Тема: Practical English

Трудность: B

Литература: Practical English English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford) Unit 10 A Good Start


105. In the 18th century the English entered into…

|A) India.

|B) Canada.

|C) Africa.

|D) Poland.

|E) Asia.

Тема: Country study

Трудность: B

Литература: Елтану (Страноведение) С.Мейрамова


106. We distinguish between…parts of speech

|A) Notional and structural.

|B) National and international.

|C) National and traditional.

|D) International and industrial.

|E) Active and passive.

Тема: English Lexicology

Трудность: B

Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина


107. Complete the sentence: Andrew Manson, ….. has come to work in a small miner’s town in Wales.

|A) Is young inexperienced doctor.

|B) Is old experienced doctor.

|C) Is young experienced doctor.

|D) Is handsome doctor.

|E) Is young sociable doctor.

Тема: Practical English

Трудность: B

Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford) Unit 20 THE EXPLOSION from The Citadel by A. J. Cronin


108. Express in one word: a broad range of subjects

A) Subject studies.

B) Educational aids.

C) Tutorials.

D) School-based experience teaching practice.

E) Education studies.

Тема: English Lexicology

Трудность: B

Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина


109. Choose the suitable word: The south-eastern part of England is a low-lying...

|A) Land.

|B) Mountain.

|C) Lake.

|D) Valleys.

|E) Rocks.

Тема: Practical English, Countries and Nationalities

Трудность: B

Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)


110. Choose the correct form of the adverb: their car was moving... Than ours.

|A) Faster.

|B) Most fast.

|C) Fast.

|D) Fastest.

|E) More fast.

Тема: Practical Grammar

Трудность: B

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4


111. Choose the right verb: If I were you I... to the party before an exam.

|A) Shouldn't go.

|B) Goes.

|C) It goes.

|D) Go on.

|E) Should go.

Темa: Practical grammar

Трудность: B

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4


112. Choose the word opposite in meaning: hard working

|A) Lazy.

|B) Well- bred.

|C) Kind.

|D) Talented.

|E) Active.

Тема: Practical English

Трудность: B

Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)


113. Choose the word close in meaning: to clap

|A) To applaud.

|B) To wear scent.

|C) To hold.

|D) To make one's way.

|E) To attend.

Тема: English Lexicology, Synonyms

Трудность: B

Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина


114. Choose the right verb: The furniture... out of the room.

|A) Was taken.

|B) Has taken.

|C) Were taken.

|D) Is taken.

|E) Had taken.

Темa: Practical grammar

Трудность: B

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy


115. Choose the correct preposition: University teaching combines lectures given........professors.

|A) By.

|B) With.

|C) At.

|D) To.

|E) On.

Тема: Practical grammar

Трудность: B

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy


116. Express in one word: a wool producing country in Britain.

|A) The Cheviots.

|B) Moors.

|C) The Fens.

|D) The Cambrians.

|E) The Scott country.

Тема: Country study.

Трудность: B

Литература: Елтану (Страноведение) С.Мейрамова


117 Choose the correct definition of the word: the greengrocer's

|A) A place where we buy carrots.

|B) A place where we buy papers.

|C) A place where butter is sold.

|D) A place where we buy cream.

|E) A place where mobile-phones are sold.

Тема: Practical English

Трудность: B

Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)


118. Choose the correct word: a journey in which a short stay is made at a number of places

|A) Tour.

|B) Voyage.

|C) Hitch-hiking.

|D) Cruise.

|E) Excursion.

Тема: Practical English

Трудность: B

Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)


119. Choose the correct word: traveling by getting free rides in passing automobiles and walking between rides

|A) Hitch-hiking.

|B) Excursion.

|C) Cruise.

|D) Tour.

|E) Voyage.

Тема: Practical English

Трудность: B

Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)


120. Eliminate the extra word: coal, printing, iron, steel, tools

|A) Printing.

|B) Tools.

|C) Coal.

|D) Iron.

|E) Steel.

Тема: Practical English

Трудность: B

Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)


121. Express in one word: The lowest of the balconies

|A) Shows.

|B) Dress-circle.

|C) Stalls.

|D) Gallery.

|E) Boxes.

Тема: English Lexicology

Трудность: B

Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина


122. Eliminate the extra word: act, balcony, cast, compulsory, pit

|A) Compulsory.

|B) Cast.

|C) Act.

|D) Balcony.

|E) Pit.

Тема: English Lexicology

Трудность: B

Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина


123. Choose the right variant: Among the various branches of General Linguistics the most obscure in content is undoubtedly…

|A) Stylistics.

|B) Style.

|C) Morphology.

|D) Lexicology.

|E) Language.

Тема: Стилистики английского языка.

Трудность: B

Литература: Основа стилистики английского языка Ю.М.


124. Many pronouns are characterized by ___ syntactical use

|A) Double.

|B) Singular.

|C) Plural.

|D) Two times.

|E) Twice.

Тема: Theoretical grammar

Трудность: B

Литература: Теоретическая грамматика английского языка, М.Я.Блох (издание пятое)


125. Choose the correct definition of the word: gallery

|A) The top floor of seats in a theatre.

|B) A piece of platform.

|C) The wall of a house.

|D) A small house.

|E) A stage.

Тема: Practical English

Трудность: B

Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford)


126. Choose the word opposite in meaning: to be loose on smb

|A) To be tight on smb.

|B) To be dressed in.

|C) To fill.

|D) To go with.

|E) To close.

Тема: English Lexicology, Antonyms

Трудность: B

Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина


127. Choose the word close in meaning: to issue

|A) To publish.

|B) To come out.

|C) To print.

|D) To read.

|E) To carry.

Тема: English Lexicology, Synonyms

Трудность: B

Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина


128. Choose the suitable word: The West End is famous for its.......

|A) Avenues.

|B) Library.

|C) Ponds.

|D) Clocks.

|E) Gates.

Тема: Country study

Трудность: B

Литература: Елтану (Страноведение) С.Мейрамова


129. Choose the proper English equivalent to: с нетерпением ожидать

|A) To look forward to.

|B) To wait with pleasure.

|C) To look after.

|D) To look throught.

|E) To expect smth.

Тема: Лексикология

Трудность: С

Литература: ”Лексикология английского языка” Москва 2006


130. Choose the word close in meaning: eager.

|A) Anxious.

|B) Magic.

|C) Energy.

|D) Grace.

|E) Instant.

Тема: Лексикология

Трудность: С

Литература:”Лексикология английского языка” Москва 2006


131. Choose the word or the word – combination closest in meaning: to be good at a subject

|A) To have good command of a subject.

|B) To know good at a subject.

|C) To be well at a subject.

|D) To know well at a subject.

|E) To be good command at a subject.

Тема: Лексикология

Трудность: С

Литература: ”Лексикология английского языка” Москва 2006


132. Choose the word close in meaning: beastly

|A) Nasty.

|B) Quickly.

|C) Stuffy.

|D) Hardly.

|E) Kindly.

Тема: Стилистика


Литература:”Основы стилистики английского языка” Москва 2006


133. Unassimilated word is

|A) Affiche.

|B) Café.

|C) Buffet.

|D) Ballet.

|E) Placard.

Тема: English Lexicology

Трудность: C

Литература: English Lexicology, Г.Б.Антрушина


134. The words with contrasted meanings.

|A) Antonyms.

|B) Characteristics.

|C) Dominants.

|D) Deerces.

|E) Synonyms.

Тема: Лексикология

Трудность: С

Литература: ”Лексикология английского языка” Москва 2006


135. They had gathered in treasurer of every sat from all over the country and arranged them admirably. The jewel of the show was of course, the great Titian. These sentences are from the text.

|A) “Fair Of Face”.

|B) “A Good Start”.

|C) “Success Story”.

|D) “The Dinner Party”.

|E) “Caged”.

Тема: Литература

Трудность: С

Литература: Н.П.”История английской литературы”


136. Choose the word close in meaning: to wear.

|A) To have smith on.

|B) Slim.

|C) To close.

|D) A to be tight.

|E) To fit.

Тема: Лексикология

Трудность: С

Литература: ”Лексикология английского языка” Москва 2006


137. Choose the word opposite in meaning: to be loose on smb.

|A) To be tight on smb.

|B) To close.

|C) To do with.

|D) To be dressed in.

|E) To fill.

Тема: Лексикология

Трудность: С

Литература:”Лексикология английского языка” Москва 2006


138. Choose the proper English equivalent to: отчаяние.

|A) Despair.

|B) Up sell.

|C) Awful.

|D) Complaint.

|E) Horror.

Тема: Английский язык


Литература:”English file”— student’s book(I)


139. Choose the word close in meaning: to sparkle.

|A) Shine.

|B) Overcast.

|C) Drizzle.

|D) Pour.

|E) Storm.

Тема: Английский язык


Литература:”English file”— student’s book(I)


140. Choose the plural form of the noun: … are wild animals.

|A) Deer.

|B) Deers.

|C) The deers.

|D) A deer.

|E) The deer.

Тема: Английский язык

Трудность: С

Литература: С. Мейрамова “Английский язык”Астана 2010


141. Choose English equivalents to the following Russian one: дела шли все хуже и хуже.

|A) Things went from bad to worse.

|B) Things go from bad to worse.

|C) Things became from bad to worse.

|D) Business went from worse to the worst.

|E) Things are worse.

Тема: Лексикология

Трудность: С

Литература: ”Лексикология английского языка” Москва 2006


142. Jules Verne was born…

|A) 8 February, 1828.

|B) 24 March, 1905.

|C)15 May, 1873.

|D) 6 April, 1883.

|E) 30 June, 1899.

Тема: English literature (Английская литература)

Трудность: C

Литература: Краткая литературная энциклопедия в 9 т. Т. 1.


143. Find the correct variant of indirect question: Peter said to his friends: “When are you living Moscow?

|A) Peter asked his friends when they were leaving Moscow.

|B) Peter wanted to know when his friends are leaving Moscow.

|C) Peter wished to know that his friends were leaving Moscow.

|D) Peter said to his friends when they were leaving Moscow.

|E) Peter wondered when his friends are leaving Moscow.

Тема: English Grammar (Английская грамматика)

Трудность: C

Литература: «Грамматика английского языка» Сборник упражнений. Ю. Голицынский.


144. The branch of linguistics which deals with the origin and development of words is …

|A) Lexicology.

|B) Syntax.

|C) Etymology.

|D) Phonetics.

|E) Morphology.

Тема: Linguistics (Лингвистика)

Трудность: C

Литература: «Лексикология английского языка» Г. Амандыкова, Л. Кабышева.


145. Choose English equivalent: Это не уважительная причина

|A) That’s not a very good excuse.

|B) This is not convenient excuse.

|C) It’s unpleasant sorry.

|D) That is not a worthy pardon.

|E) It is not a good explain.

Тема: English lexicology (Лексикология)

Трудность: C

Литература: «Грамматика английского языка» Сборник упражнений. Ю. Голицынский.


146. The English language is divided into … main layers.

|A) 3.

|B) 2.

|C) 4.

|D) 5.

|E). 7.

Тема: English Grammar (Английская грамматика)

Трудность: С

Литература: «A course in theoretical English grammar» M.Y. Blokh.


147. He is said to be “a born writer”.

|A) Oscar Wilde.

|B) Jack London

|C) Charles Dickens.

|D) Charlotte Bronte.

|E) Daniel Defoe.

Тема: English Literature (Английская литература)

Трудность: С

Литература: “История английской литературы”. - М.: Издательство Академии СССР, 1958


148. The conjunction is a part of speech which …

|A) denotes connection between objects and phenomena.

|B) expresses various emotions without naming them.

|C) gives emotions to other words.

|D) expresses some circumstances.

|E) expresses attitudes of speakers.

Тема: English Grammar (Английская грамматика)

Трудность: С

Литература: «A Grammar of the English language» В.Л. Каушанская, Р.Л. Ковнер.


149. The fixed type of word accent belongs to …

|A) Kazakh.

|B) Russian.

|C) English.

|D) French.

|E) Spanish.

Тема: Языкознание (фонетика)

Трудность: С

Литература: «Основы науки о языке» А.Ю. Мусорин.


150. Parliamentary elections must be held

|A) 5 years.

|B) 3 years.

|C) 4 years.

|D) 2 years.

|E) 6 years.

Тема: Страноведение

Трудность: С

Литература: «General Elections in the UK» Nicholson M.


151. The meeting place for Parliament is …

|A) Westminster Palace.

|B) City.

|C) The East End.

|D) Hyde Park.

|E) The West end.

Тема: Страноведение

Трудность: С

Литература: «Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в вузы» И.Цветаева.


152. In the 1893 the Welsh University was founded, every year there is the National Welsh Eisteddfod….

|A) Singers competition.

|B) Writers competition.

|C) Dramatists competition.

|D) Speakers competition.

|E) poets competition.

Тема: Country study

Трудность: C

Литература: Елтану (Страноведение) С.Мейрамова


153. The greatest engineering cunning by Christopher Wren is …

|A) spires of Churches.

|B) bridges in London.

|C) the project of Big Ben.

|D) heavy timber constructions.

|E) railway equipment.

Тема: История английского языка

Трудность: С

Литература: «On a Grander Scale: The Outstanding Life and Tumultuous Times of Sir Christopher Wren» Lisa Jardine.


154. The tribes who had settled in Britain spoke …

|A) old Germanic tribal dialects.

|B) old French tribal dialects.

|C) old Scandinavian tribal dialects.

|D) old Greek tribal dialects.

|E) old Canadian tribal dialects.

Тема: История английского языка

Трудность: С

Литература: «Great Britain» Ю. Голицынский


155. Choose the correct expression in one word: Difficulty in digesting food.

|A) indigestion.

|B) stomach.

|C) cholera.

|D) treatment.

|E) jaundice.

Тема: English lexicology (лексикология)

Трудность: C

Литература: «Лексикология английского языка» Г. Амандыкова, Л. Кабышева.


156. So many % of the English vocabulary are loan words.

|A) 70%.

|B) 40%.

|C) 50%.

|D) 60%.

|E) 30%.

Тема: English lexicology (лексикология)

Трудность: C

Литература: «Лексикология английского языка» Г. Амандыкова, Л. Кабышева.


157. Complete the sentence: One day trip..and learned on my table. He was about…and looked….

A) Came in/ twenty five/ forty.

|B) Come in/twenty nine/ forty.

|C) Coming in/twenty/ forty one.

|D) Come/thirty/ fifty.

|E) Come in/twenty five/ forty.

Тема: Practical English

Трудность: C

Литература: English File, Clive Oxenden (Oxford) Unit 19 NO STORY by O. Henry


158. Joe and Delia got acquainted at a friend’s house, where some art and music students had gathered, to discuss art and music and the newest plays. This sentence from the text….

|A) A service of love.

|B) The invisible man.

|C) Hunting for a Job.

|D) Pledger’s way home.

|E) A Foul Play.

Тема: English literature

Трудность: C

Литература: Английская литература К.Васильев “A service of love” by O. Henry, Unit 13


159. Choose the right sentence with the indirect speech: the teacher says "you don't prepare your homework regularly".

|A) The teacher says that we don't prepare our homework regularly.

|B) The teacher says to them that they don't prepare their homework regularly.

|C) The teacher says us we don't prepare our homework regularly.

|D) The teacher says to us that we don't prepare our homework regularly.

|E) The teacher says that you don't prepare your homework regularly.

Темa: Practical grammar

Трудность: C

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy


160. Use the necessary tense form: She says that she... already...the book.

|A) Has/ found.

|B) Were/ found.

|C) Will/ find.

|D) Had/ found.

|E) Was/ found.

Темa: Practical grammar

Трудность: C

Литература: The Good Grammar book, M.Swan, Round up 4, Essential Grammar in use, R.Murphy


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