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Unit 1. Tourism industry.

Читайте также:
  1. Unit 2. Applying for a job in tourism.

1. Read the text and translate it.

Tourism is not a single industry, but rather a group of related enterprises that are joined together in the common purpose of providing services for the travelling public. Among them are transportation companies – air, ship, rail and bus; the accommodation companies – hotels, motels, camping grounds and marinas; catering services – restaurants, bars, night clubs and food stores; and the wide variety of stores and entertainment that contributes to the amusement of the tourist.

The entire field of tourism pulls a lot of positions together into a single entity – travel agents, tour operators, guides and so on.

A majority of the jobs in tourism, regardless of which part of the industry they concern, have one common denominator: contact with the public, including both the positive and negative aspects of dealing with ordinary human beings.

Anyone who chose a career in tourism should enjoy working with people and be tolerant.

In many of the jobs in which it is necessary to deal with the public, language skill is necessary or desirable. People who hold jobs of this kind include travel agency employees, ticket and reservation agents, airline flight personnel, front-desk employees in hotels, tour conductors or guides, waiters, barmen, and so forth.

The degree of language skill may vary, from using special terms in catering service to speaking fluently among travel agents and tour guides. The degree of language skill may also vary according to the location of the job. Greater skill is required in tourist destination areas than in market areas. In the latter, travel personnel usually work with their own nationals.

The tourist industry differs from many others in that it employs more women than many other kinds of business. Many successful travel agents are women who have established independent enterprises after gaining experience elsewhere in the industry.

2. Look through the text and find the English equivalents for:

самостоятельная индустрия группа родственных предприятий общая цель предоставлять услуги компания, занимающаяся предоставлением жилья туристам площадка для кемпинга прибрежный кемпинг службы общественного питания языковые навыки администратор руководитель тура официант говорить бегло место назначения место паломничества туристов большинство работать с рядовыми гражданами быть терпимым место совершения выгодных покупок отличаться от успешный организовывать фирму набираться опыта


3. Answer the following questions.

1. In what way is tourism similar to most other service industries?

2. Do all the jobs in tourism require skills?

3. What are some of the businesses that work together to make up the entire tourist industry?

4. What is one common denominator of majority of the jobs in tourism?

5. What are some of the jobs in which language skill is desirable or necessary?

6. What degree of language skill do all these jobs require?

7. What kind of positions do women frequently hold in the tourist industry?

8. What is the purpose of tourism industry?

4. Say it in English.

1. Общая цель предприятий индустрии туризма – предоставление услуг для путешественников.

2. Общей чертой всех туристических профессий является общение с людьми.

3. Для работы в туризме необходимо быть терпимым и общительным.

4. Хорошая языковая подготовка необходима или приветствуется.

5. Тур агенты и гиды должны бегло говорить на иностранных языках.

6. Многие женщины организовали туристические фирмы, получив опыт в какой-нибудь из деловых сфер.

5. Speak on the following:

a) how tourism started in your region

b) the names of the main tourism companies

c) what tours and services they provide

d) what jobs(skilled, unskilled) tourism offers

e) key developments in tourism of your region

f) positive and negative influence of tourism in your area

6. Work in groups. Each group must nominate one person who will present the ideas of his group.

7. Complete this word puzzle using the clues below. All the words are related to travel and tourism.

  1D     T                
      2B R              
  3C   A              
4F         V                
  5C       E      
  6S   L                  

1. When you get to your _____________ you,ll be met by our representative.

2. If you want to choose a holiday the best way to start is to read a __________.

3. Hiring transport (for example, a plane) for a special purpose.

4. Every year the villagers celebrate their _______________ with fireworks, a procession, and a huge meal.

5. You,ll need to change your money into local _______________________.

6. If you don,t want to eat the hotel food you could always go _____________ and prepare your own meals.

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Читайте в этой же книге: HOW NOT TO DIE AT YOUR JOB INTERVIEW | Unit 3. Tourist destination. | Unit 4. Tour operator. | Unit 5. Travel agent. | Unit 6. Guiding. | Royal Cliff Beach Resort | Unit 8. Food and beverage services. | Unit 9. Complaints. | We hope that you will enjoy your stay here, and we would like to suggest some simple precautions you should take to make sure that your stay is safe and pleasant. |
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Тема 8. История религии и церкви. Европейская Реформация и ее последствия.| Unit 2. Applying for a job in tourism.

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